Saturday, June 22, 2019

The strong divergence between Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier


Officially, Brazilian Spiritism is an innocent adaptation to original Spiritism, just adding the elements from traditional religiousness from the brazilian people.

But it's too much simple to be true. The Brazilian Spiritism is catholicized. And it's not necessary, because there's Catholicism itself, so why we will need another Catholicism if we have one?

But this "spiritism catholicization" is not accidental or innocent, it's not a question about the original enthusiasm from the alleged mediums' catholic roots.

It's so more wicked and harmful than we think. The "catholicization" was made by purpose.

And it brings so much differences about the Brazilian Spiritism and the original Spiritism from France.

The French Spiritism goes forward, inspirated by Illuminism thoughts.

The Brazilian Spiritism goes back, inspirated by jesuitical Catholicism which dominated the Brazil's colonial era, and had medieval roots.

It influences the strong and irreconciliable divergences between the two religions that use the same name of Spiritism.

One divergence is about the relation between the morality and human incarnation.

The French Spiritism says that reincarnation is a process to learn and improve the spirit in his current material life.

The Brazilian Spiritism consider that reincarnation is a process of acquittance and it is compared to the criminal conviction.

The brazilian view about reincarnation, strongly supported by Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier), is a heritage from the influence of Jean-Baptiste Roustaing to brazilian spiritists.

But the worst divergence between french and brazilian spiritists is related to the question of Faith about the Reason.

Allan Kardec always said that everything has to be examined by the sieve of the Reason.

According to him, if something doesn't agree to the Logic is not valid.

The opposite sight had Chico Xavier.

The alleged brazilian medium always defended that it must to have limits to the Reason.

According to Xavier, the Reason cannot do everything, and if the Reason penetrates in the Faith ground, it means that the Reason was perverted by the earthly human passions.

The rigor of Reason doesn't have in Chico Xavier's books, although it's largely supported by Kardec.

There's the hidden conflict.

The original Spiritism defends the unlimited liberty of the Reason, only recommending the use of the logical reasoning in agreement to the ethics and moral principles.

The Brazilian Spiritism doesn't. This religion defends the contrary. The use of Reason is strongly restrict and it can touch the Faith dogmas, under the risk of being considered accursed.

Of course, Brazilian Spiritism preachers, including Chico Xavier himself, always had to make discursive juggles.

They try to deny that they follow medieval teachings, that nobody was born to suffer misfortunes and that Reason has limits to be worked.

But we must to suspect about those brazilian spiritists' declarations, that sounds so dissembler.

There's an unhappy habit from smart brazilians to never assume their real opinions and choices.

They usually make a discourse to deny their real intentions. If they commit a crime, they insist to say that didn't do it.

The ideas are so clear: Brazilian Spiritism preaches the restriction to Reason and Logic and defends the "empire" of the Faith.

The brazilian religion constantly says that "there's something will must to remain in mistery, because it got rid (sic) of the human comprehensions".

It means: "we don't want to see some Faith dogmas, followed by our Spiritism, examinated and questionated under the principle of Reason and Logic. Let remain it without any kind of examination".

It has a strong influence from Middle Age's Catholicism, famously known for its obscurantism and refuse to Reason and Logic examinations.

And if everyone thinks that the Brazilian Spiritism is more modern than the French one, he was severely wrong.

Kardec's ideas are so modern and contemporary, because, despite any consideration for the value about emotion feelings, fantasies and beliefs, nothing can be valid outside the Logic and the Reason.

Please, be patient. Human being is a rational animal species, the primordial task to the humans is to use the reasoning.

Very outdated are Chico Xavier's ideas, because he always put under the rug the mistery of Faith and afterwards he essentially said: "Let's keep it under the Faith's principles, the Reason intervention must to be considered as a cruel job from the human passions".

The ideas from Chico Xavier was very close to the Middle Age's obscurantism and it was proved by comparisons.

But there's a horrible habit in Brazil: new concepts only serve to be a superficial frontage to old-fashioned concepts remained under them.

And Brazilian Spiritism proves that it's only a repaginated form of Middle Age's Catholicism, on behalf of its severe punitive moralism about the incarnation and the limits to the Reason's proceeding.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Blessed by Brazilian Spiritists, Prosecutors from Operation Car Wash are involved in big scandal

The very huge scandal is happening in Brazil.

Since last sunday night, when The Intercept's main correspondent in Brazil, the best-reputed journalist Glenn Greenwald, published the secret conversation between the former judge Sergio Moro and the attorney Deltan Dallagnol, everything became inside out in Brazil.

The secret conversation is just 1% of the very massive material received by Greenwald, send by anonymous informant.

Greenwald is publishing the news very slowly, little by little, because he must to check the informations and verify the content of audios, chats and other documents.

But the published part is very bombastic.

Moro and Dallagnol negociated the ways to avoid the win of Workers Party (PT) in a second-term from the presidential run in 2018.

Both are known as the pretense heroes from Brazil, adored by conservative parts of the Brazilian society.

Sergio Moro, currently the Justice minister from Jair Bolsonaro's government, was a judge from Curitiba.

Curiously, Moro resembles a hillbilly doppelganger of the fictitious character Clark Kent, the normal-life identity adopted by Superman.

It was remembered when, in may 26th, Bolsonaro's supporters marched in Brasilia and there was a puppet of the Superman with Sergio Moro's face.

Deltan Dallagnol, in his run, is the attorney from Federal Public Ministry in Curitiba.

Dallagnol was famous by his mediocre exposition of alleged crimes about the former president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, accused by corruption acts without any kind of evidences.

The exposition showed a grotesque scheme of explanations in a graphic related to the keyword Lula, produced by Dallagnol via Microsoft Power Point.

Moro and Dallagnol were mythically considered impartial magistrates, involved in the pretense "fight to the corruption".

They were divinized by this alleged job, despite their selective punishment pattern, dedicated to condemn only the PT politicians and the other parties politicians and some businessmen associated to the former Lula and Dilma Rousseff's governments.

It included politicians like Sergio Cabral Filho - son of a famous journalist, specialist from Rio de Janeiro culture - , former governor of Rio de Janeiro State, and other parliamentaries from parties like MDB (Democratic Movement Party, formerly PMDB) and PP (Progressist Party).

The condemned people also included the historical former student leader, Jose Dirceu (arrested in 1968 during a congress of the National Students Union, UNE) one of the main PT politicians and member of the Lula's first government's staff.

Laterly, the Operation Car Wash decided to also condemn the center-right politicians, like the former deputy Eduardo Cunha, committed to plan the coup that ended the second Dilma's government.

Left-wing media considered very partial and selective the Moro and Dallagnol's tasks.

There's a famous case that the center-right politician, Aecio Neves (Tancredo Neves' grandson), one of the "toucan" politicians (the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, PSDB, has a blue toucan as its symbol), was always avoid to be punished, despite the evidences.

In one of the corruption schemes from Aecio Neves, involving the state company Furnas Centrais Eletricas, one of the beneficiaries listed (the famous "Furnas' list") is the current Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro.

No strong investigation went ahead to comdemn the Furnas's list involved people.

And what's Brazilian Spiritism has to see about Sergio Moro and Deltan Dallagnol.

It's simple. The 2016 events were glorified by brazilian spiritists, considering it as the time of deep transformation head to they believe to be the Regeneration of the Humanity and the path to Gospel's Nation wished by Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier).

The Brazilian Spiritists considered the 2016's right-wing marchs as the start of the Regeneration. The marchs of "Fora Dilma" ("Get Out Dilma") were considered by Brazilian Spiritism as a people claim inspired by Good Spirits' advices.

Sergio Moro was considered by the celebrated alleged medium Divaldo Franco (famous by his speechs around the world) as a man intuited by the "Superior Divine Plan".

Divaldo Franco confessed, in a "spiritist congress" in Goiania, february of 2018, that wished to see Sergio Moro as the president of Brazil. In this event, Franco expressed his repudiation to marxism, Workers' Party legacy and the identitary activism as the LGBTT cause.

It remembered Chico Xavier, when, in the Pinga Fogo show, from Tupi Television (TV Tupi), 1971, he made severe comments against the workers, peasants and homeless movements. In that show, Chico also defended the Brazil's dictatorship.

In the same way to Regina Duarte (brazilian actress formerly known as "Brazil's cute girlfriend" and currently a extreme-wing activist), Chico Xavier had strong fear to see Lula being elected president of Brazil.

Despite this, some sectors of leftist activisms ingenuously glorified Chico Xavier, based by his alleged reputation about philanthropy and pacifism.

They have difficult to admit that Chico Xavier was always a right-wing activist, the fact explicitally proved by his ideas about human suffering and his social roots beliefs.

Probably, Chico Xavier would support Sergio Moro and consider him the "hero of the brazilians", a "simple man working against the long-time corruption and intuited by God's determinations".

Chico Xavier also would support Jair Bolsonaro, "a politician far to be the ideal, but necessary to endure some sacrifices in Brazil, the exact governor to the start the path to Gospel's Nation".

And Brazilian Spiritism cannot explain the ruin of all these events, and the members of this religion prefer to get rid of any responsibility about it.

Some brazilian spiritists get irritated when informated that Chico Xavier would support Jair Bolsonaro's presidential campaing.

They must to see Pinga Fogo show, avaliable in YouTube, and pay attention to Chico Xavier's ideas about human suffering, social hierarchy and religious faith, the ones that are extremely conservative.

There's not the grumpy wig and suit used by Chico Xavier in seventies that will make him a progressist symbol to the posterity.

If the strong Regina Duarte's brunette beauty and the young appeal of Sergio Moro and Deltan Dallagnol don't make them so progressive, what can we wait about the old-fashioned dude from Pedro Leopoldo city?

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Allan Kardec will refuse surely the "prophecy of the limit-date" by Chico Xavier

There's not necessary to think so much to consider that alleged prophecy of the "limit-date" is a bigger waste of time.

The pretense prediction, send by Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is a lot of mystification masked by less-convincing pseudoscientific rhetoric.

According to the alleged prophecy, the Old World (Europe and USA) had a deadline to develop christian principles to the humankind, or tragedies will happen by Nature or human terrorism.

The alleged prophecy was dreamt by Chico Xavier in 1969, but he told the young Geraldo Lemos Neto about it in 1986.

Chico Xavier thought that aliens would replace the collective deaths of valuable people by several catastrophes and terror attacks.

That's a real absurd that loses so much time with unnecessary discussions and worthless videos published in YouTube and other social media servers.

The detail that so few people can know about is that this "prophecy" will be severely refused by nobody than Allan Kardec himself.

In various excerpts of his books and Revue Spirite's articles, Kardec condemned the attribution to predict defined dates to future happenings.

One example can be recognized in The Book of Mediums, Chapter 24, "The Identity of the Spirits", when a message from the spirit of St. Louis, corroborated by Kardec, says so explicitally in the item 266 and subitem 8th:

"8º) The frivolous Spirits are so recognized by their facility for how they predict the future and refer it with very precision to material facts we cannot know. The good Spirits wan make us to presage the future things, when this knowledge goes useful, but they never determinate the exact dates. Every announcement about the certain time is the evidence of mystification".

In few words, Kardec pushed down any chance to consider Chico Xavier's "limit-date" as an authentic prediction. The mystification is very clear on it.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The wrong idea about the "internal enemies" to the Spiritism

CHICO XAVIER AND DIVALDO FRANCO - So much people consider so "painful" to consider then "internal enemies" to the Spiritism, but their ideas confirm it.

How can be a "internal enemy"?

In Brazil, "internal enemy" has a wrong point of view and a stereotype that seems so gander.

Most of people think that the enemy is a silent creepy guy, who sits backside of some room and he never goes to the front of some reunion.

To them, the "internal enemy" almost never smiles and has always a dark look, like a horror movie vilain.

The "internal enemy" stereotype is never associated to cheerful guys being so kind and friendly.

We have to make a difference between true and false friends.

They have the same behavior, but the true friends didn't have tricks hidden against their victims and the false friend have it, however.

There's subtle differences. The true friend is discreet and sincere, the false friend shows fussy affection.

Brazilian people reffuse to recognize "internal enemies" as malicious people who smiles and laughs and goes to the front of the reunions.

It brought a lot of problems and made the bullying in the schools and colleges being so succesful.

The scholar bullies are socially accepted as "funny guys" and nobody saw any tragedy nor any serious drama from their strong humiliations against the weak youngsters.

In Brazil, "internal enemy" is a great novelty that so few people can understand so mindfully.

And it's hard to mention the question about the Spiritism's "internal enemies" from Allan Kardec's books.

Kardec mentioned that "the worst enemy of the Spitirist Doctrine is not the one outside, but inside the movement".

"He will send some appeals about Charity, Love, God and Fraternity to illude and dominate them", said the Kardec's teachings in the resume.

The first "internal enemy" was Jean-Baptiste Roustaing, a lawyer from Bordeaux, France, who published an alleged psychographic book, The Four Gospels, attributed to the Four Godspellers Mark, Matthew, Lucas and John.

The "internal enemy" to Spiritism is defined to the one using the Spiritist Doctrine to insert fanciful and catholicized axioms, perverting the original Kardec's discoveries.

When the Spiritism is deviated from the path to Logic and Good Sense, there's an "internal enemy" working for it.

In Brazil, the "internal enemies" to Spiritism are, surely, the alleged mediums Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) and Divaldo Franco.

They seemed so kind, so generous, so positive and so friendly. But they always were false to be attributed to best symbols of humanity and humility.

They leaded the reunions, they published best-selled books, they went to the front of the spetacle.

They're so celebrated religious idols in Brazil, but their work to Spiritism were so insidious.

Their books and testimonies are several ruptures to the original spiritist lessons.

But the brazilians usually say that the definition to Chico and Divaldo as "internal enemies" of the Spiritism is "so cruel" and "so painful".

They think they're associated to very comfortable appeals about "love", "charity" and "fraternity". They're considered, although ingenuously, the "messengers of the Peace".

But they're not the lovely things they think they're associated to.

Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco led to the ultimate consequences the "catholicization of Spiritism" started by Roustaing.

They made a bad job, but they were so skillful to use the mask of "humanism" to armour them.

People in Brazil have difficult to see hideous tricks behind the sweet and nice messages allegedly so christian.

But the worst traps are that show the most attractive appeals, including the religious beautiful appeals.

Brazilians must to be so careful about the pretentious religious idols, which have honey in their mouths.

They should be so dangerous, using the lovely words to make cruel mystification.

The kardecian books prevented that, but brazilian people were so deaf.

Obsessive fascination, unfortunately, found in Brazil the fertile ground to dominate people. How people would be so ingenuous to the religion passions...

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Why Brittany Murphy's alleged spiritual messages are reportedly fake?


So much people was noticed about the alleged messages attributed to the spirit of the late actress Brittany Murphy.

She died at December 20 2009, sunday morning, being only 32 years-old.

Brittany was known by movies like Clueless, Just Married, Uptown Girls, Drop Dead Gorgeous and Sin City, and she was also a singer and voice actress, famous by her acting voice to King of the Hill animated series.

Apparently, her early death is a unsolved mistery, but the clues (what the irony) sent by The Hollywood Reporter story bring keys about the falsehood of her alleged spiritual messages sent by supposed psychographies.

Why the psychographies are so false? Because they always were guided by the sensationalist sight about Brittany Murphy exhaustively explored by the yellow press.

The Hollywood Reporter story about Brittany's last days of life and the aftermath involving her husband, british screenwriter Simon Monjack, says so much about the falsehood.

First, the story indicates that Brittany should have been poisoned. In 2013, her father Angelo Benedotti, aka A. J., said that should be killed by poisoning by a "third part".

We don't believe so much. There's other clue: Simon was a cocaine addicted (Brittany wasn't; he insisted to affirm, several times, that she wasn't a drug addicted) and he was indebted to drug dealers.

Simon also had two children, each one from his previous relationships with former girlfriends. He was using Brittany's money account to take money to sustain them.

Simon, desperately, wished to get Brittany Murphy's heritage and, in a night, he made sex and sleeped with his mother-in-law, Brittany's mother Sharon Murphy.

Simon harassed Sharon to convince her to include him in her daughter's alleged testament.

Evidences suggest that Simon killed Brittany. He died some months after, in May 23 2010, by the same way Brittany Murphy died, for rat poison dumped into a glass of water.

There's reports about Brittany's half-brothers declaring to be so furious to Simon, and the english screenwriter had his personal computer arrested to police experts to be examined.

One of Brittany's siblings (she had a sister and two half-brothers), her brother, has said that he didn't seem her personally since 2001 and he claimed he was revolted for her death.

So scared, Simon Monjack should be killed himself, being only 40 years-old in his death day.

Brittany's alleged spiritual messages don't match the reality.

In the spiritual messages, we see a "Brittany Murphy" prisioned to her own tragedy, as she was being the hostage of her own death.

Brittany Murphy, probably, got rid of the United States, scared and troubled about her life's ending.

She should be the first person who was tired to listen "RIP Brittany" every single moment.

The "RIP Brittany" is a very-exhaustively diffused expression that there's a gag that suggests to Brittany's changing name to Rippany Murphy.

When Brittany died, she probably was immediately split from Simon Monjack. Evidences indicates that Brittany and Simon had strong feud in her final couple of weeks.

Simon had serious problems. In the couple's last travel, going to Puerto Rico because Brittany had to meet The Caller's movie producers to negotiate her hole in this suspense movie, Simon was seen very drunk and with scandalous behaviour.

In the travel back to USA, Simon almost died by a heart attack, but he should be cured of that.

That's the secret reason about the reffuse to Brittany get a main role in The Caller, given to Rachelle Levefre: the scandal made by Simon when he was drunk in Puerto Rico.

Officially, Brittany was reffused to play the movie for "artistic differences" between her and The Caller's producers.

Simon's bad fame - in England, he was arrested by financial default - influenced to Brittany get losing some roles in Thinkerbell 2008 movie and Happy Feet 2

The two annimated flicks, which would have Brittany as a voice actress playing the role of Thinkerbell and reprising her Gloria role in Happy Feet 2006 movie, wouldn't accept a problematic actress to be voicing in films dedicated to the child audience.

The Simon Monjack's personal curriculum would made Brittany to be a bad example to the worldwide children, according to the two movies producers.

Spiritual messages attributed to Brittany Murphy, besides not bringing those informations, was sent against the Allan Kardec's teachings.

The Universal Control of Spirits Teachings recommend to check a spiritual message asking to different mediums, living so far between themselves and got no relationship about them, to call the spirit manifestation.

At least one text is released by these three sources. But we have to check, afterwards, if the message has not strong divergences one to others.

Kardec says it's very hard to recognize some authenticity about an alleged spiritual message.

He adviced that we can check if the message is very close to the spirit have being in life.

It's a very hard job, but ingenuous people accept any message attributed to the dead, especially in Brazil, when the "dead person's message" is not vinculated to the real personal aspects, but to the nice content it can bring to the living public.

Brazil was capable to accept, even officially, the Humberto de Campos' fake messages as "authentic", because they brought "christian messages".

The USA is not too ingenuous as Brazil, but cases like Brittany Murphy was so usual.

There's yellow press and gossip industry to feed sensationalism under the pretended "dead person's messages" produced.

And the american alleged mediums has no the great and unbreakable reputation the brazilian alleged mediums like Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) still have.

However, the case involving Brittany is very serious and worrisome, although involving paranormalists with so much less reputation if compared to the celebrated brazilian alleged mediums.

That's because, depending or not to the reputation, is a frivolous appropriation from a dead individual, with the intention to produce sensationalism, to make people impressed and make fame, money or power to the alleged paranormalists that make this sad job.

And it happens without any possibility to make a serious research about the spirits manifestation.

If it's a strong problem in America, it is very worst in Brazil.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Brazilian Spiritism and the "mediums owners of the dead"

In the USA, alleged messages attributed to the late actress Brittany Murphy - one of the Clueless movie stars - were published.

They're reportedly false, because the content was submitted to the sensationalist sight about her tragedy and made her a prisioner and hostage of her own death, ocurred in 20th december 2009.

The content mention an alleged Brittany Murphy that should be only a "girl who just died" and attached to her routine with her husband, british screenwriter and producer Simon Monjack, dead some months after her.

Alleged psychographies are made everywhere, being fake spiritual messages produced to cause sensationalism and call attention by the people.

But in Brazil it has a surrealistic component.

The alleged brazilian mediums works as they're wishing to be the "owners of the dead".

There's an specific "medium" to a dead personality.

The brazilian rocker Raul Seixas, for example, is "owned" by alleged medium and radio speaker Nelson Moraes, who put the "Zilio" codename to avoid law problems.

Zilio is a character that supposedly send two books: Um Roqueiro no Além (A Rocker After Death) and Há Dez Mil Anos (In Ten Thousand Years Ago).

Zilio doesn't remind the original Raul Seixas' personality, specially in his late years.

Raul Seixas left behind his mysticism, and became to be a ceptic man about the course was taken to Brazil in the end of 1980s.

It's not hard to understand.

Let's listen "Rock'n'Roll" song, co-written and performed with Marcelo Nova, singer and musician famous to be the Camisa de Venus frontman.

Raul was very ironic in that song, showing his corrosive humor against Bossa Nova, hippies and punks and comparing brazilian forro singer Genival Lacerda to Jerry Lee Lewis.

The "spirit" is very different, under the Zilio's codename.

Zilio is a silly regretful rocker that's excessive moralist and brings strange advices like "fight the enemy inside yourself", that Raul Seixas would never say or write.

There's other examples, and Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) was a pioneer.

Chico Xavier was the pretense "owner" of Humberto de Campos legacy, although the alleged medium should have to adopt the codename "Irmao X" (Brother X) to avoid law complications.

Chico "owned" other authors like the originally non-famous Irma de Castro Rocha - a prematurely dead woman known by her codename "Meimei" - and Jair Present (an also early died engineer and college student), and also the ficticional Andre Luiz.

After Chico Xavier, Zibia Gasparetto "owned" the famous dramaturgist and TV presenter Silveira Sampaio, a popular star from the early-1960's brazilian television.

Divaldo Franco "owned" Joana Angelica, using the codename "Joanna de Angelis". Evidences prove that Joana Angelica's spirit had not worked to Divaldo, and "Joanna" would be the spirit of his obsessor, known just for the name "Mascara de Ferro" (Iron Mask).

A lot of examples used the common names from "non-famous spirits", to avoid law complications for the reason that the alleged mediums had not too popular as Chico Xavier.

The "owner of the dead" tendence goes against the teachings brought by Allan Kardec's legacy.

In The Gospel According to Spiritism, Kardec published, in its first pages, the Universal Control of the Teachings of the Spirits.

The UCTS recommend to check every message allegedly brought by post-grave spirits.

First, the messages must to be given by different mediums, without any relation between themselves and living so far one to others.

The following step is to check that the different messages have the content that would never show a simple contradiction.

The similarity from the messages is not enough, having a small difference that ruined any evidence of probable authenticity.

The extreme mysticism of Zilio is a strong contradiction about the alleged psychography attributed to Raul Seixas.

And the similarity is very grotesque: it reminds to an old mysticism Raul had in the 1970s and make him famous for the songs about it, like "Gita", "Tente Outra Vez", "Há Dez Mil Anos Atrás", "Sociedade Alternativa" and "Prelúdio".

In all the 1980s, Raul Seixas left behind his mysticism, and tried to retake his rock'n'roll roots.

To recognize spiritual messages is very complicated and hard, but in Brazil it became the spree of living people pretending to write messages from the dead.

People accepted comfortably and without questionate every message alleged to a spirit of the dead.

If it brought christian messages - like "Let's pray and unite to the peace with Jesus" - , everybody accepts submissively and without a little bit of mistrust.

It's horrible. People ignored that the original spirits cannot communicate to us, and living people is that really are playing of the dead.

Chico Xavier started the spree, with his self-minded "psychographies".

And that's sad and worrisome that everybody thinks that Spiritism is correctly followed in Brazil. The mistakes are too serious and clear, but nobody is afraid to denunciate it.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Brazilian movie shows a wrong view of Spiritism and Allan Kardec

We must to be careful about Kardec - The Movie (Kardec - O Filme).

This production, directed by Wagner de Assis, is driven by the habitual misrepresentation the Spiritism has in Brazil.

Brazilian Spiritism is a joint of the wheat and the chaff, a mixture of Roustaing's inherited dogmas by Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) and some Kardec's original lessons.

It's a religious lure, that pretend to be rational but is very emotionally dogmatist.

It's not necessary to point a lot of mistakes about the movie, which has the talented actor Leonardo Medeiros in the role of Lyon's pedagogue Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail, aka Allan Kardec.

The director designed to this task, Wagner de Assis, directed Our Home (Nosso Lar), based in a non admitted fictional city from the alleged spiritual world.

It says so much about the impossibility to Kardec - The Movie bring a real approach about the life of Allan Kardec.

This movie also brings a narrative from Rede Globo's soap operas and it harms any chance to realism.

The manichaeism about Catholicism versus Spiritism doesn't help it but complicates the movie very much.

The Brazilian Spiritism is hidden by this approach about Kardec's life, based on brazilian writer Marcel Souto Maior's book, Kardec.

Souto Maior also written a biography of Chico Xavier, that inspired another movie with the late Nelson Xavier playing the title role.

It means that Brazilian Spiritism is very catholicized to get serious the manichaeism about catholics and spiritists.

The Brazilian Spiritism content is very catholic and it makes us to think if "spiritists" want to be "more catholic" than the catholic themselves.

The biographic movie about Allan Kardec can be a collection of half-truths, a very constant habit made by brazilian spiritists.

They say they support the Knowledge principles, but since Chico Xavier the Knowledge is condemned when the critical sense is very deep and strong.

Chico Xavier always preferred the Faith over the Reason, and called "toxic of intellectualism" the practice to develop the Reason that threatens the Faith's axioms.

It's very contrary to Kardec's recommendations, because de french pedagogue always stimulated the critical sense, always inside the principles of Logic and Good Sense.

The real spiritists, that are so far to be influenced by Chico Xavier's catholic beliefs into Brazilian Spiritism, don't need to see Kardec - The Movie.

Don't spend the money to get a ticket to see it or buy a DVD version of it.

Kardec - The Movie must to be forgotten by most of Kardec's followers and the ones to see the movie must to watch it with very critical sense.

We must to be conscient that Kardec - The Movie will show a wrong view of Spiritism and, especially, its Codificator. It's a work by catholicized Brazilian Spiritism.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

'Nosso Lar' was a very fictional city and never existed

The known book of Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, called Nosso Lar (Our Home), describes an alleged spiritual city placed over Rio de Janeiro.

The character Andre Luiz - alleged to have being one of several doctors attributed to be his last incarnation, including Oswaldo Cruz and Carlos Chagas - narrated his drama in this book published in 1943.

The spiritual city of Nosso Lar seems as a fantastic world that would define the book as a mix between the science fiction and fantasy drama.

But the book is considered by brazilian spiritists as a "realistic description of a spiritual world".

However, it's a very worrisome mistake.

There's no research that mentioned how can be a spiritual world and how can be a spiritual life.

After Allan Kardec passed away, in 1869, there's no evidence about the idea that the spiritual world can be similar to the Earth life.

Brazilian spiritists make allegations and pretend to make their own scientific studies about that.

Andre Luiz is an alleged spirit created by Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) to pretend to be a scientist related to Chico Xavier.

It means that some pseudo-scientific books were produced under Andre Luiz's name, to make good sales and create impression to its uncleared readers.

One book tried to make a "scientific study" about Nosso Lar.

The book is called Cidade do Além (Post-Grave City), published in 1983 by Chico Xavier and Heigorina Cunha.

The book is credited to alleged spirits Andre Luiz, by Chico's part, and Lucius, by Heigorina's part.

Lucius can be, probably, the same spirit credited to be Zibia Gasparetto's mentor, although this alleged medium have made an independent work out from brazilian spiritism movement.

Cidade do Além had an alleged map from Nosso Lar and mentions about the supposed spiritual cities existing in Brazil's sky.

The reasonable question about spiritual cities and colonies is that they should be an other material dimension that is not perceived by our terrestrial conditions.

But even this question has no research to bring a hypothesis minimally plausible.

The "scientific studies" inside the brazilian spiritism movement has no value outside.

The real Science has no research that indicates some probability about that.

There's only an especulation and it has done do give scientific appearance to religious beliefs and reveries.

And Nosso Lar, strongly inspired by english book The Life Beyond the Vail, written by british reverend George Vale Owen - published in Brazil by FEB under the title A Vida Além do Véu - , is only made to make the brazilians faith so pretentiously wise.

But it's just fantasy, not reality. It's good to be true that Nosso Lar would be a realistic world. It was made to reinforce childish fantasies hidden inside the adult and older people.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Alleged mediums lapse so much. But they're still deified

People currently are saying, with strange emphasis, that the "brazilian mediums" always "do mistakes".

"They're imperfect. They fail constantly. They're the ones that lapse too much", they say.

What interest they have to insist about this point of view?

Allan Kardec described, in The Book of Mediums, several risks that define the imperfect mediums, including mystification and spiritual obsession.

Several excerpts mention it, specially the 195 and 196 items from the 16th chapter, Special Mediums, from the Part II, From Spititists Manifestations.

It means that Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, the most known alleged brazilian medium, must to be defined as "frivilous medium". As Kardec written:

Frivolous mediums - The ones that don't get serious their faculty and serve them only to fun and insane finalities.

It's so painful to Chico Xavier's followers and supporters.

They deceptively believe that Chico Xavier had other definition about his work, as a "good medium": the "modest medium", mentioned by the 197 item from The Book of Mediums. As Kardec written:

Modest mediums - The ones that attribute them no merit from the received communications, however they were so better. The mediums consider those communications as being from others and they don't judge free from mystifications. Far from get ridding of the imparcial advices, they request them.

Unfortunately, Chico Xavier showed, in his all trajectory, strange aspects about this work.

Their alleged psychographies brought a lot of mistakes. It was not simple mistakes, that would deserve apologies and go ahead.

They're serious and worrisome mistakes that hurt the personal aspects from each alleged dead author let to us in life.

One example is the alleged psychography about the famous writer and founder member of Brazilian Academy of Letters, Olavo Bilac, as an ironic comment by literary specialist Joao Dornas Filho:

"Olavo Bilac, um homem que no estágio de imperfeição nunca assinou um verso imperfeito, depois de morto ditou a Chico Xavier sonetos inteirinhos abaixo dos medíocres".

"Olavo Bilac, a man that in his imperfection stage never written an imperfect verse, after death dictated to Chico Xavier entire sonnets less than mediocre".

Every opportunist guy can say that his work can be to "the bread of the poor".

And Chico Xavier's mistakes were very worrisome and serious enough to eliminate even the simplest admiration to him.

He didn't do charities. He always defended the "accept of sufferance in silence", asking the suffers to don't cry in their extreme pain. This is charity? No.

And the philanthropic Chico's projects were so mediocre like the brazilian presenters like Luciano Huck usually did and do.

Chico Xavier perverted the original Kardec's lesson inserting the medieval Catholicism's dogmas. Any confirmation? Read Chico Xavier's books and anyone will confirm it.

What's the point to admit that Chico Xavier and similares are "imperfect" and "frequently fail" if the followers and supporters continue to admire him as a demigod, although they say that admire him "only for his positive qualities"?

The human falsehood had so hidden tricks that made people, in some cases, deceive themselves.

Nobody wants to be recognized as bad and failed. And there's one more confusion about Chico Xavier.

This new confusion is that he is admitted as "faulty" but he's also treated like a demigod.

What's the point to removing and idol from his pedestal if there's always an altar reserved to him?

Saturday, April 20, 2019

"Imperfect mediums" don't help Brazilian Spiritism to adjust and heal


It turned to be a hit tendence to claim that the brazilian alleged mediums are "faulty" and "fail so much".

The Brazilian Spiritism and the non-vinculated supporters now claims against the previous deification of alleged mediums like Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) and Divaldo Franco.

"No, they aren't demigods! Mediums are only humble and good people with risk to fail!", say someone.

"They're not the saviours of the humankind. Neither stand up, nor mounted on a horseback", say other.

"They're not really perfect. They're good and kind, but they're imperfect and passable to fail", say another person.

And it goes ahead.

And why there's an apparent chorus to claim that "brazilian mediums can fail and are no perfect"?

The Joao de Deus affair helped so much to increase this clamor.

He was a pretense cure medium from Abadiania, Goias, born Joao Teixeira de Faria.

He's also an ambitious farmer and accused to harass and rape women and to have illegal weapon possession, beyond the other crimes.

Until the criminal case, the Brazilian Spiritism movement rarely talked about the alleged mediums imperfection.

The spiritist preachers and also the kardecian real followers as Jose Herculano Pires - nephew of the folklore brazilian storyteller Cornelio Pires and best Kardec's translator in Brazil - said that "mediums must to get off the pedestal".

But the followers, until Joao de Deus affair, believed that mediums only have their own decisions when they do something right, but if they do something wrong it was under the obsessor spirits influence.

After Joao de Deus affair, the position was changed.

Now they talk about the "brazilian mediums fail", but the idolatry keeps the same.

They just avoid to say that Chico Xavier, per example, is a "demigod" or "illuminated angel".

They just say "Chico is good, humble, far from Jesus Christ's perfection and he only lived to help the poor and sad people".

The Chico Xavier's charity myth, which is so doubtful in results, despite the generalized claim that he "practiced charity in his entire life", remains unchanged.

The question is how purpose will be taken by the idea about "imperfect medims"?

How contribution can we bring to this idea?

The answer is, simply, none.

The "mediums who fail" don't help the Spiritism will be better understood in Brazil.

It doesn't help to adjust the real sense of Allan Kardec's original lessons.

It doesn't help to develop serious studies and researches about the spiritual life and the contacts between living and dead people.

The "imperfect mediums" myth only can keep the Spiritism deviations in Brazil as they always happened.

It will keep, mainly, the Catholic-made conceptions adopted by Brazilian Spiritist movement.

And it will keep the alleged psychographies that use the "dead of the moment's" name credited in a fake message to bring the same known religious mershandising: "let's reunite to the peace of Christ".

To admit fails does not necessarily fight the errors.

It can be an excuse to avoid the punishments.

Alleged brazilian mediums are recognized as "faulties" because they don't want to see their reputation to fall.

Commercial interests are involved in it. Chico Xavier's books, Divaldo Franco's books and talk expositions.

Despite the official intention to "give the money to the charity", it is a powerful industry that enriched the Brazilian Spiritism staff, including the "humble mediums".

There's no real result in benefit to the poor and the sick, precariously helped by the alleged mediums.

Low results prove that the alleged mediums really fail, mainly at charity.

But if they're faulty, there's no reason to admire them and take their quotes do publish in foolish and mamby-pamby memes on the social media.

The alleged mediums from Brazilian Spiritism are, in true, the worst shame to Allan Kardec's legacy.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Brazilian Spiritism: the religion of Post-Truth?

There's some pretense axioms of Brazilian Spiritism, diffused as undoubted truth:

"Spirits loss their individuality and personal talent after death, and go to develop the 'universal love language'".

"Brazilian mediuns are philosophers, philanthropists and progressist thinkers from the modern age".

"People must to suffer at extreme levels to conquer the definitive happiness".

"Victims are the main guilties of the crime and tragedy that affected them".

"Individuality is a form of selfism. An individual must to do what he didn't want, to reach enough evolution to catch the Heaven".

There's false ideas, but so much people think they're true, by emotional and moralistic burden they're carrying on.

Brazil became a fertile place for the mystification.

In Brazil, doctrinal deviations from original Allan Kardec's lessons, for Jean Baptiste Roustaing's ideas, got to be, unfortunately, so successful.

Brazil is not a well-developed nation, and we not mention it just for economical reasons.

A confused religiousness allowed the submissive acception to Roustaing's ideas adapted to brazilian reality by Francisco Candido Xavier.

Chico Xavier, as the alleged medium is popularly known, inserted the medieval-catholic concepts that Roustaing tried to develop in France.

Xavier was, throughtout his life, the enthusiast of Theology of Suffering, the most medieval chain from the Catholic Church.

And Theology of Suffering guides the Brazilian Spiritism content, most of Kardec's lessons.

For this reason, the original intelectual content was abandoned. Logic and common sense are replaced by blind faith - credited by Brazilian Spiritism as "reasoned faith" - and mystification.

Spiritual cities, since Nosso Lar (Our Home), were conceived without scientific basis.

Extreme sufferance, in a cruel conception, is considered an alleged trail to be near Heaven.

And everything preached by Brazilian Spiritism is considered "true and logical", despite being explicitally untrue and unfair.

No one have courage to questionate this conceptions, dominated by the "love bombing" appeals brought by Chico Xavier.

And it makes the Brazilian Spiritism a religion of Post-Truth.

Because its mystification is considered "logical and realistic", despite being so obscure and doubtful.

It's needy to break it, but everybody is afraid of getting rid of the "love bombing" appeals from Brazilian Spiritism.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier: Two antagonists

So much brazilians ingenuously believe that Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is an authentic disciple of Allan Kardec.

This is a big mistake.

They're opponents and there's a lot of confirmations about it.

Allan Kardec developed Spiritism based on his studies under the approach to Science and Philosophy principles.

Despite the persistent association to Kardec's legacy, Chico Xavier never shared the scientism instructions from the french teacher.

Observing with so much attemption the books of Chico Xavier, we can recognise ideas that not only go far from kardecian lessons, but are very opposite of them.

The brazilian alleged medium described the "spiritual city" of Nosso Lar (Our Home) without any kind of theoretical basis.

Kardec mentioned that human kind was unable to make a reasonable notion about the spiritual world, although the life after death is so probable.

Since Kardec's death, there's no research that got to recognise a possible notion what is really the spiritual world. And no work for some purpose was known currently.

Kardec's ideas was inspired in French's Age of Enlightenment. Chico Xavier, unlike, was always inspired to the Middle Age's Catholicism.

It's very sure and confirmed. Chico evocated the spirit of jesuit priest Manuel da Nobrega, a very known character of Brazil's colonial history.

The portuguese jesuit priest was immediately renamed Emmanuel, and became Chico's mentor.

But one aspect of Emmanuel was noted: he was very severely domineering.

Kardec consider the spirits of this conduct to lower levels of moral evolution.

So much things from all the legacy and testimony of Chico Xavier is reportedly opposite to the original Spiritism's ideas.

The one common aspect is the life after death's conception. But it's a package of different contents.

Kardecian books mentions life after death as a scientific and philosophic problem and invited the readers to study and discuss about it.

However, the books and testimonies of Xavier consider life after death as a finished idea, that should not need to be studied, but to be believed.

Unfortunately, read books is not a practice to be correctly and widely made by most of brazilians.

They usually read books hastily and choose works that are not very comitted to bring real knowledge and wisdom.

The most of brazilian readers prefer to read books that inspire an analgesic entertainment instead of instruction and knowledge.

If brazilian readers can read books seriously, will recognise the strong and irreconciliable differences between Allan Kardec's and Chico Xavier's books.

A huge abyss separates the respective works, one to other.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sufferance: the evil side of Brazilian Spiritism

Brazilian Spiritism has a wonderful package.

It's a religion associated to alleged ideas as "simplicity", "humility", "intelligence", "futurism" and "charity".

But the content has nothing about that, despite the appearances and disguises around.

Brazilian Spiritism is very far from Allan Kardec's original teachings and became a repaginated version of Middle Age's Catholicism.

This confirmation scares a lot of people, but it's true and very realistic.

One of the aspects of the dark side of Brazilian Spiritism is the very conservative profile of Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier.

Most of his followers and supporters refuse this conservative profile - in the level next to Tea Party, for example - , based by the fanciful-sweetened image of Chico Xavier, always linked to pleasant things.

But he was very, very reactionary, sharing the same ideas from the Brazil's current president, Jair Bolsonaro, with the only exception to a declared apology to violence, refused by Xavier.

But the essential ideas astonishingly connect both Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro.

The exhaustive work is one of them.

Chico Xavier always said: "Why you complain against exhaustive hours of work, when others have no second to have a job? When you're tired, keep working and go ahead".

The sufferance is the main principle that unites, reportedly, Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro.

Heavy restrictions to pleasure and to attend the essential needs, renounce to precious projects to life, annihilation of the most fundamental desires.

There's so much principles of the moralism in Chico Xavier's ideas, which see incarnated life under a punitive approach.

Surely, it's not a kardecian-inherited principle, but the major principle of Theology of Suffering and a heritage from Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's ideas.

Chico Xavier reportedly adapted the ideas of Roustaing, published in The Four Gospels, to brazilian context.

The roustaingian ideas see the incarnated life as a criminal sentence. We only live to pay our alleged faults from other incarnations.

And the criminal payments are the principles of Chico Xavier's ideas.

"Suffer in silence", "Never complain", "Don't questionate", "Keep working though tired", "Hold the misfortunes in silence", "In extreme agony, don't you keen, but thank God for it".

Sufferance, submission, servitude, the sight of human life, according to Chico Xavier, is only to endure heavy difficulties, as a human would be in a hard champeonship.

It's not progressist, is a very conservative principle.

Obsessive fascination made (and still makes) people think Chico Xavier is a very progressist preacher.

People who think in this way are very mistaken, because Chico Xavier is very conservative, and he was it in very extreme levels than anybody can think, if would be inclined for that.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Chico Xavier's nephew should be killed by poison

Digital version of brazilian Manchete magazine brought us a great opportunity to know about a dark side about the life of Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier).

It's related to the misterious death of his nephew, Amauri Xavier Pena, ocurred in june 1961.

He was an alcohol addicted, but he was lucid when he dediced to denunciate his uncle about the frauds from mediunity.

Amauri was announced as Chico Xavier's successor, and the young man affirmed that he was forced to pretend the paranormality, making people believe that he also received messages from great late writers from the spiritual life.

Amauri was troubled about that and he decided to denunciate Chico Xavier and other involved into the brazilian spiritist movement.

The curious thing we see in this case is that the Brazilian Spiritism, officially refused to make hate and offending practices, actually made it against Amauri Xavier.

So much lies were announced against Amauri Xavier, allegedly described by an agressive police officer, captain Agostinho Couto (with the behaviour which seems so similar than the current Jair Bolsonaro's supporters), as a "house robber" and "false money manufacturer".

An agressive defamation campaign against Amauri was made by spiritists that usually claim unable to hate or offend anyone, even a murderer.

People alleged to be "unable to fight an only insect" made a "reputation kill" to Amauri Xavier.

Morally devastated, Amauri was sent to a spiritist sanatory in Sabara, a city at Belo Horizonte's county, and he spent some time there. It's suspected that he suffered agressions there, deserving investigations about it.

Amauri died after released from sanatory, officially by hepatitis, maybe toxic hepatitis.

He died too much young than a simple alcohol addicted should usually die. This addicted usually dies being, at least, 35 years-old, and Amauri died when he was 27.

The Manchete report revealed that Amauri received death threats inside the Brazilian Spiritist Movement.

In Belo Horizonte, Sabará and Pedro Leopoldo (Chico Xavier's birth town), it was said that Amauri was threatened to die by poison, by the spiritist staff, and that he decided "unmask his uncle for resentment", said the text, signed by brazilian journalist Jayme Negreiros.

Officially, Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) mourned Amauri's death and said that he just died by hepatitis.

But the case is a dark side inside the Brazilian Spiritism Movement.

It has relations to Chico Xavier's idolatry, that makes fanaticism to his followers and supporters.

This fanaticism goes to hate reactions, when something goes wrong against Chico Xavier.

That's the pure myth of "high level energies" doesn't work in reality.

When counteracted, Chico Xavier's followers and supporters can hate, offend and, in extreme cases, kill someone.

That's the bitter lesson of the Amauri Xavier's tragedy.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Brazilian Spiritism's moralism and the question of "me"

The moralism of Brazilian Spiritism is very strange and so far to French Spiritism.

It consists to see the incarnation as a criminal condemnation and people only live to pay severe moral debts.

The preachers fall in contradiction, which is the Brazilian Spiritism's speciality.

They say, in one moment, that people must to accept the sufferance in silence and waiting for the God's help.

In other moment, they deny they said and appeal to a very known cliché: "Nobody was born to suffer, we was born to be happy".

Ok, ok, ok. But the contradictions are very strong.

The preachers usually say: "Treat the misfortune like a loved pal", "What are several decades of disasters before the infinitive time of blessings?".

Some of those preachers can talk about the "enemy of yourself".

There's a language problem. Some Brazilian Spiritism preacher would say something like this:

"It's necessary to abandon the 'me', to left behind the individual needs and to focus to subordinate to the God's purposes".

It's very easy to say it, whereas the "me" is not the preacher on his own.

It's very comfortable, because the "me" is always the other. The preacher dissimulates the personal convictions, he claims himself as a God's spokesperson.

But it's very cruel, because is very easy and convenient to a preacher to say to other people accept the extreme sufferance.

If the suffer can be an appropriate job, if the suffer can't find a girlfriend with compatible personality, if the suffer is humiliated and threatened at the social media, the Brazilian Spiritism's preacher doesn't care about it.

The preacher just smiles and say to the suffer: "You're going in the right way, stay calm and pray to God".

It seems so wonderful and fraternal, but it's cruel. Brazilian Spiritism doesn't feel the sufferance that its clients have to endure.

It's insensitive, cruel and puts the preachers in a condition compared to the corrupt police officers, who don't care about the stolen victim of a robbery.

This situation shuts down the myth of the Brazilian Spiritism as a religion that gives many help to anyone.

Inspired to Theory of Sufferance (medieval Catholic chain), Brazilian Spiritism never know about the sufferance of the unlucky.

But the preachers have good life, they make books or seminaries, have hugs to important people, and travel by great airlines companies and hosts in excelent hotels.

Brazilian Spiritism only emulates the humble tour of Jesus Christ to bring his sacred word to people, or the self-payed research travels of Allan Kardec.

But nothing of these are real and the alleged mediums have stewardships that Jesus and Kardec never interested to get.

That's bad. And that's why Brazilian Spiritism preachers must to ask the suffers to be patient at their unstoppable agony.

The Brazilian Spiritism preachers simply don't know what is really the sufferance.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Chico Xavier, fautly and master? So come on...

Brazil has so much ridiculous manias that make this country so crazy between the Community of Nations.

Brazilian people confuses stupidity with originality, and are very obstinate for their idiot convictions.

The entire world advised Brazil to avoid to elect Jair Bolsonaro as its president.

Jesus Christ was missing to make his advice, but he probably would say no to Bolsonaro.

But brazilians ignored everything and elected Bolsonaro with the pretext of "experience this candidate".

They thought they elected toe "government of the New" and got a old-fashioned political corruption, with the "laranjas" ("oranges") of this election money scheme.

The Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party), PSL, was involved at the scheme of use election money obtained by weak candidates to financiate the others with more chances to win the runs.

"Laranja" is a name that the brazilian political slang defines the corruption collaborator.

"Laranja" is called an individual that attends a corruption plan in the name of other, in his benefit.

The former policial and Jair Bolsonaro's friend, Fabricio Queiroz, moved "atypical bank deposits" to favour Jair's current wife, first-lady Michelle Bolsonaro, and her stepson and Jair's other marriage's son Flávio Bolsonaro, now a senator from Rio de Janeiro.

The popular anedoctal made fun to those scandals. Bolsonaro's opposites and regretted supporters say that "our flag will never be orange anymore", in parody to the famous conservative slogan "our flag will never be red anymore".

Ingenous left-wing people, when Brazil immerse in scandals and conflicts, appeal to "funk carioca" or Chico Xavier believing that they will save the brazilians.

It's very, very wrong.

But why the lefters appeal to "funk" and Chico Xavier? Because they have the poor-life appearance, the pretense humble aura, that makes the ingenous progressist staffs to think they will bring the peace and popular prosperity in Brazil.

No, no, no. "Funk" and Chico Xavier are very conservative phenomena, despite the apparent vinculation to poverty and popular assistance.

"Funk", brazilian rhythm inspired by Miami Bass sound, evocates low values like machism (even masked by apparent feminist appeals) and glamourizes the poverty.

"Funk" is originated at the same stronghold of the first Bolsonaro's supporting movements. There's no reason to consider "funk" as a left-wing movement, even because Miami Bass is launched by anti-castrists popular people living in Florida, USA.

And Chico Xavier? He was a radical reationary, but his poor-dude appearance and his alleged charity - nothing more than a spectacular charity acts from popular TV shows - illude the lefters which would follow the sickening and obsessed adoration to this brazilian alleged medium.

And the adoration is very obsessive. And so obsessive that divides in two ways to deify him.

The first one is very known. Chico Xavier treated as a demigod with sensational and extraordinary virtues, being a powerful intelectual and a right prophet to the future times.

This praised idolatry is very doubtful to the virtues alleged to him, that makes other Chico Xavier's followers and supporters appeal to a "simple" idolatry.

In this case, the second way is to appeal to a "inverse worship", making Chico Xavier as a "non-perfect person" and a "humble and good guy suscetible to errors".

There's a lot problems in both ways of worship.

Chico Xavier can't be an intelectual with fake literature and he can't be a progressist ideologist because his values, inspired by Theology of Suffering, are conservative to the medieval level.

And his predictions about the future in Earth were very stupid. American people migrating to Rain Forest after an alleged destruction of the USA? Wait a minute!

Aliens replacing the intelectuals dead by natural catastrophes and terrorist attacks? Please be patient!

But when Chico Xavier is "only recognized" as a "humble and erring guy", the ridiculous aspects continue to exist.

So Chico Xavier, being so faulty, can be a master? No, there's no chance of it.

Doing a lot of shameful mistakes, including fake literature, fake spiritual letters (created with the "cold read" trick) and reationary comments, Chico Xavier was unable to be a master.

The solution is to forget Chico Xavier and ban him to the real Spiritism cast. It seems to horrible to much people, but this unpleasant decision will really bring so much advantages too soon.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Chico Xavier's idolatry reminds a comedy from Monty Python

Brazil has a ridiculous vocation to surrealism.

Recently, people elected a mediocre military during the presidential run.

Brazilians love arrivists? Maybe yes.

Another arrivist became a demigod and so few people can recognise it.

Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is officially known as the "major symbol of peace, love, charity and dedication to the poor", like Mother Teresa of Calcutta outside Brazil.

But Chico Xavier had an obscure life trajectory that included creepy details.

He made fake literature that included ambitious books like Parnaso de Alem-Tumulo (Post-Grave's Parnassus) and Brasil, Coração do Mundo, Patria do Evangelho (Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation), from the pretense "Humberto de Campos / Irmao X" series.

He subscribed attests from the pretext to "authenticate" false materialization's shows.

Those farces were made by models covered by white clothings with paper pictures from dead persons pasted on their heads.

There was also pretense mediums posed with open mouths when medical tapes and cotton and gaze lints were set to their tongues.

Chico Xavier knows about the farces but wrote little attests to say those were "materializations experiences".

Great illusion, big cheat, sad show to deceive any emotionally fragile human soul.

And who really was Chico Xavier?

He was a very conservative dude from a small then district from Santa Luzia's town, from Belo Horizonte's county. This district, Pedro Leopoldo, is now a city with almost-rural structure.

He never was the illuminated demigod or a "loveable humble man" who much people think he was.

He was only a catholic and conservative dude, a minor service provider, a religious blessed who only wants to pray and give devotion to God, Jesus Christ and his devoted saint, Nossa Senhora de Abadia (Holy Lady of Abbey).

He was not really a deep and flexile paranormal, he only talks to the spirit of his mother, Maria João de Deus, who passed away when he was a little child.

The "paranormal mission" is an ambitious plan made by his discoverer and manager, Brazilian Spiritist Federation's president, Antonio Wantuil de Freitas.

With the intentions to sell millions of books, Wantuil made Chico Xavier as a myth of "brazilian medium", in the country that people were not able to know their own lives and, thus, were less able to know about the life after death.

Desinformation by desinformation, Chico Xavier made what he wanted to rise as a religious idol, and use the conveniences to push down obstacles to his ascension.

A nephew, Amauri Xavier Pena, almost denunciated the entire farce, but this boy died strangely so young, with suspects of being poisoned in 1961, after beaten by a three-year humiliation campaign.

Chico Xavier is currently divinized by two ways.

First, he is seem as a "glorified genius of great virtues" and an alleged master and prophet.

Second, he is seem as a "humble man that dedicated to the poor, the sad and the sick" and has "little imperfections" like any human person.

But the both conceptions are so wrong and has ridiculous aspects.

In the first conception, people believe, for example, that Chico Xavier predicted that the aliens will replace the intelectual staff which will die too soon on Earth.

In the second conception, people believe that the "humble and imperfect" Chico Xavier can be a master even making a shameful collection of mistakes.

Chico Xavier's biography reminds the Monty Python's Life of Brian's possible free brazilian adaptation.

In the famous british comedian group's 1979 movie, a humble jewish man from Judea, Brian Cohen, was confuded by Jesus Christ and became as an alleged messiah.

Brian was manipulated by the wishful thinking of his followers and decided to pretend to be a preacher to run away from the Roman Empire's guard.

There's so much differences in details and aspects, but let's stop to think: Chico Xavier really deserves the idolatry that he receives, even posthumously, in Brazil?

Putting the passions aside, Chico Xavier never deserved and never deserves his idolatry.

And he never deserved even under the simple condition of "humble man susceptible to errors".

Chico Xavier is a worthless man who became a brazilian demigod, an alleged saint canonized by the brazilian spititists wishful thinkings.

Chico Xavier only became a post-truth preacher, in brazilian contexts. And a very conservative ideologist and an old-fashioned religious activist.

He was never progressist, futurist, modern of any advanced quality attributed oficially to him.

And his biography was so ridiculous to make him a "spirit of light" that so much people insist to think.

Brazil imitated a comedy movie and never knew about it. Sadly.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Why it's hard to accept that Brazilian Spiritism is very conservative?

People in Brazil refuse and resist to the truth about Brazilian Spiritism is a very conservative religion.

They become so scared just for thinking that Brazilian Spiritism is so medieval.

But it's a painful truth, and it has no difficulty to explain.

Brazilian Spiritism has a progressist package that seems to be a left-wing religion or humanist movement.

The package shows abstract words like "fraternity", "peace", "charity", "dedication to the poor", those that illude people by its apparently progressist appeals.

But those words are loose ideas drop to the wind and has no precise sense.

The content is astonishingly conservative, and it's not hard to know about it.

Reading Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, in his books and testimony, we can recognize and must to accept that he always was a very conservative man.

And his conservative ideas has in levels compared to american movements like Tea Party, for example.

It's not comfortable nor nice to anybody and this confirmation makes so much people cry.

But that's true. Let's show some ideas from Chico Xavier:

1) He asks suffering people to accept misfortunes in silence, without complain and only fighting them by hardest ways;

2) According to him, humble people must to accept the abusive privileges to fortunate people, and wait God do resolve social distortions result by it;

3) Chico Xavier never liked the complaints about exaustive work. He always said "Why you complain about extensive hours of working, while others have no chance to work?".

Workers syndicates usually moves to fight extensive hours to work. In Brazil, workers syndicates defend the replace of 8-hour time to work to 6-hour time.

In Pinga Fogo show aired on TV Tupi network, in 1971, Chico Xavier reproved the workers, peasants and homeless political pledges.

His conception signals to defend that working people must to accept imposed rules to them and work in any condition that they were, in thesis, able to do it.

Less wage? Chico Xavier adviced the workers to learn to shell out their small rents.

Working dawn to dawn? To Chico Xavier, workers must thank God for this challenging opportunity, and work the way is so determined, waiting God to help them in a far moment.

There's so much other conservative values, inside the Chico Xavier books.

Even the pretense communism supporting in an Emmanuel text (to be read in portuguese) is, in fact, a communism rejection.

There's so much reasons to confirm that the text is not a defense of communism, and rather to be a conservative sight of "what should to be the correct communism".

The Emmanuel's text is a skillful fallacy that considers that communism only have a sense when submitted to the Middle-Age's Catholicism preceptions.

Right-wing people preaches the same thing of Emmanuel / Chico Xavier.

According to them, communism "can exist" without the workers activism, and accepting the conditions determined by employers.

"Minimal State", "12-hour work", "average wage", "negociations allegedly equal between employers and employees" are causes defended by Emmanuel, Chico Xavier and right-wing people about the "communism" they would like to be.

There's so much reasons to explain that Chico Xavier was always conservative.

First, he had familiar roots that ensured it. Pedro Leopoldo was a poor and medieval district of Santa Luzia town, and currently a city, placed at Belo Horizonte's county.

His family was so traditional, their catholicism is very orthodox and their social values remains to be the same of colonial times values in Brazil.

Chico Xavier was severely conservative and he was 61 years-old when he assumed his right-wing values in Pinga Fogo show.

There's no chance that Chico Xavier would became a left-wing guy. As a traditional man, he cannot change this convictions in a later age, when he thought that his ideas has very consolidated.

If Chico Xavier was conservative in his youth and his beginning of old age, to the point to support the Brazil's dictatorship, he cannot change his sights later, because it's not his personal nature.

Chico Xavier supported, in 1989, Fernando Collor de Mello at the second-term presidential turn.

The alleged medium from Pedro Leopoldo and then living in Uberaba never liked Lula and everything the Workers Party (PT) represent.

Ingenous left-wing people can think that Chico Xavier would support Fernando Haddad when the alleged medium would be living in 2018.

There's an illusion without any kind of explanation. Although Haddad is a teacher and his rival Jair Bolsonaro a violence supporter, Chico Xavier preferred the right-wing candidate because Boldonaro has more ideas that are matched to the alleged medium's thoughts.

It's so painful, but, please be patient, life is not a fairy tale and religious people usually are very conservative.

Faith allows anyone to dream, but never allows that the wishful thinking can be placed above the reality.

Confused and abstract ideas make an alleged left-wing's Chico Xavier that not have sense in reality.

Otherwise, Chico Xavier's right-wing profile can be confirmed by his own words. People can confirm it seeing the Pinga Fogo show, disposable by any kind of sources.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Chico Xavier's followers are afraid of denunciations against him

In Brazil, texts about denunciations against Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) are the less read about him.

People are very afraid, they run away from those texts.

Seeing the title, they avoid it, stuck on their idolatry of an alleged medium, officially associated to the human virtue collections.

But those virtues associated to Chico Xavier didn't necessarily exist.

In life, Chico Xavier was grouch, reationary, angry and annoying.

The Pinga Fogo show from TV Tupi network, in 1971, showed Chico Xavier very angry against workers, peasants and homeless.

And just the homeless, of of the favourite targets to alleged charity attributed to Chico.

That's cruel to Brazilian Spiritism.

The brazilian spitirists prefer to keep the homeless people in the city sidewalks or interned in religious institutions than to give better things to them.

But brazilian spiritists don't like to see the homeless people creating a movement and call society to pay attention to their problem through the abandoned buildings invasion.

Chico Xavier made fake literature, supported materialization frauds, ruined French Spiritism with medieval-catholic behavior and was a very ultraconservative activists.

Chico Xavier was so very conservative that, so if he would be living in USA, he will make the Tea Party members to be very impressed to him.

Chico Xavier defended the much-time work, the gay cure - "respect the gay people, because they was born with mental confusion in new incarnation", said the alleged medium - and asked the suffers to accept quietly the misfortunes.

It's not a progressist flag. Wishful thinking was unable to make Chico Xavier's thoughts something near to be progressist.

Chico Xavier, a left-wing guy? No chance even in dreams!

The truth about Chico Xavier is very cruel. But adult people kept inside their souls the childish fear to break illusions.

If there's a text about negative aspects of Chico Xavier, they avoid to read, run to their bedrooms to cry and pray.

That's terrible and it shows how religious passions bungled the brazilians.

We will questionate so much things about Chico Xavier's idolatry, because it brought a lot of serious and dangerouns problems. The question is that to know how brazilian is willing to read those truths.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Spiritual city of Nosso Lar was conceived without scientific basis

So much brazilians dream about to go to Paradise, like any common person.

But the brazilians have sure that Paradise "really exists" and it is called Nosso Lar ("Our Home").

The fanciful city was officially conceived by Brazilian Spiritism since Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier)'s book, just called Nosso Lar (Our Home), published in 1943.

The book consists to an alleged spiritual biography of Andre Luiz, a supposed doctor that should be living between the end of 19th century and circa the early 1930s.

Andre Luiz, according to this narrative, died by heart attack, during a home meal.

He was sent to a dark zone, a mixture of wasteland and a prehistoric swamp, allegedly for suicide.

The narrative mentioned that Andre Luiz, when he was alive, was addicted to alcohol, sex and nicotine.

Andre Luiz was sent, afterwards, to Nosso Lar, a lavish city which main building is a prominent hospital with a church inside.

Andre was hospitalized there and helped by some occupants, including the doctor Henrique de Luna and Lisias, who became Andre Luiz's best friend.

The book ended with Andre Luiz, Lisias and others being spirits to fly over Europe for objective to help people dying by World War II attacks.

Aftermost revelations denunciated that Nosso Lar was a plagiary from The Life Beyond The Veil, written by british reverend George Vale Owen (1869-1931).

The Life Beyond The Veil was published between 1920 and 1923 and, some years later, was published in Brazil by Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB).

The british book series mentioned an alleged spiritual world described by alleged several spirits, including an alleged mentor called Ariel.

The alleged brazilian spirit of Andre Luiz had attributed to his last previous incarnation to, at least, three personalities, two of them still currently famous.

These two was the famous scientists Oswaldo Cruz (1872-1917) and Carlos Chagas (1879-1934), both bacteriologists.


But there's so much problems about the death date of Oswaldo and Carlos, who weren't passed away in the early 1930s.

The less-known Faustino Esporel, doctor and sports manager, being a former president of Clube de Regatas Flamengo, was alleged to be "the real Andre Luiz", according to former Brazilian spiritist's member Luciano dos Anjos.

Faustino lived between 1888 and 1931, apparently as requested by Andre Luiz narrative.

But the suppositions are always doubtful, and Andre Luiz, as not being enough to be plagiarized from a british narrative, had evidences to be a ficticious character.

First: Andre Luiz was the name of a late Chico Xavier's brother.

Second: Andre Luiz could be a character created by Chico Xavier and FEB's president that time, Antonio Wantuil de Freitas.

The science fiction's aspects from Nosso Lar should probably inspire to Waldo Vieira's suggestions.

In 1943, Waldo Vieira was a teenager disciple of Chico Xavier, and he later became his partner until the Otilia Diogo's scandal, in mid-1960s.

Otilia Diogo made materialization's fraud, an illusionist spectacle which had Chico Xavier as an evident partner, but he was smartly innocented by fraud, in 1970.

Waldo Vieira split the partnership dissapointed to Chico Xavier's enthusiastic attendance in that event when Otilia pretended to be some materialized spirits, including the late Irmã Josefa.

In 1979, the Otilia Diogo's event's photographer, Nedyr Mendes da Rocha, accidentally proved that Chico Xavier was not deceived by Otilia and was not innocent, being so extroverted and excited like a person who was really inside the fraud backstage.

Back to Nosso Lar: what about the "spiritual city"?

The spiritual city was conceived by materialist beliefs, without scientific basis.

Allan Kardec always warned that the spiritual life exists, but the humankind on Earth still doesn't have any condition to suppose how the spiritual world really is.

Although it was written in the middle of 19th century, the Kardec's advice still makes sense in current days.

There's no any new about a scientific discover that should describe a possible spiritual world.

In Brazil, studies about spiritual life were damaged by the fanciful practices from alleged mediums, since Chico Xavier, which conceive the "spiritual life" by the fantasy perspective.

Nosso Lar gained a pretense map by alleged medium Heigorina Cunha, in a book alleged to be written by the spirit Lucius, possibly the same alleged mentor of famous Zibia Gasparetto.

The book, titled Cidade do Alem (The City After Death) and published in 1983, describes Nosso Lar as a "spiritual city" over the Rio de Janeiro's city.

But it's a fictional conception, not being valid scientifically.

The alleged spiritual world can be, possibly, the description of a dimension of material world, but it depends to rigorous researches that should confirm or refuse this theory.

The conclusion is that Nosso Lar is only a ficticious world, like any world in the fantasy or science fiction books. It's not real and there's no scientific basis that can support this conception, made by fanciful beliefs.