Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sufferance: the evil side of Brazilian Spiritism

Brazilian Spiritism has a wonderful package.

It's a religion associated to alleged ideas as "simplicity", "humility", "intelligence", "futurism" and "charity".

But the content has nothing about that, despite the appearances and disguises around.

Brazilian Spiritism is very far from Allan Kardec's original teachings and became a repaginated version of Middle Age's Catholicism.

This confirmation scares a lot of people, but it's true and very realistic.

One of the aspects of the dark side of Brazilian Spiritism is the very conservative profile of Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier.

Most of his followers and supporters refuse this conservative profile - in the level next to Tea Party, for example - , based by the fanciful-sweetened image of Chico Xavier, always linked to pleasant things.

But he was very, very reactionary, sharing the same ideas from the Brazil's current president, Jair Bolsonaro, with the only exception to a declared apology to violence, refused by Xavier.

But the essential ideas astonishingly connect both Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro.

The exhaustive work is one of them.

Chico Xavier always said: "Why you complain against exhaustive hours of work, when others have no second to have a job? When you're tired, keep working and go ahead".

The sufferance is the main principle that unites, reportedly, Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro.

Heavy restrictions to pleasure and to attend the essential needs, renounce to precious projects to life, annihilation of the most fundamental desires.

There's so much principles of the moralism in Chico Xavier's ideas, which see incarnated life under a punitive approach.

Surely, it's not a kardecian-inherited principle, but the major principle of Theology of Suffering and a heritage from Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's ideas.

Chico Xavier reportedly adapted the ideas of Roustaing, published in The Four Gospels, to brazilian context.

The roustaingian ideas see the incarnated life as a criminal sentence. We only live to pay our alleged faults from other incarnations.

And the criminal payments are the principles of Chico Xavier's ideas.

"Suffer in silence", "Never complain", "Don't questionate", "Keep working though tired", "Hold the misfortunes in silence", "In extreme agony, don't you keen, but thank God for it".

Sufferance, submission, servitude, the sight of human life, according to Chico Xavier, is only to endure heavy difficulties, as a human would be in a hard champeonship.

It's not progressist, is a very conservative principle.

Obsessive fascination made (and still makes) people think Chico Xavier is a very progressist preacher.

People who think in this way are very mistaken, because Chico Xavier is very conservative, and he was it in very extreme levels than anybody can think, if would be inclined for that.

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