Saturday, March 9, 2019

Chico Xavier, fautly and master? So come on...

Brazil has so much ridiculous manias that make this country so crazy between the Community of Nations.

Brazilian people confuses stupidity with originality, and are very obstinate for their idiot convictions.

The entire world advised Brazil to avoid to elect Jair Bolsonaro as its president.

Jesus Christ was missing to make his advice, but he probably would say no to Bolsonaro.

But brazilians ignored everything and elected Bolsonaro with the pretext of "experience this candidate".

They thought they elected toe "government of the New" and got a old-fashioned political corruption, with the "laranjas" ("oranges") of this election money scheme.

The Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party), PSL, was involved at the scheme of use election money obtained by weak candidates to financiate the others with more chances to win the runs.

"Laranja" is a name that the brazilian political slang defines the corruption collaborator.

"Laranja" is called an individual that attends a corruption plan in the name of other, in his benefit.

The former policial and Jair Bolsonaro's friend, Fabricio Queiroz, moved "atypical bank deposits" to favour Jair's current wife, first-lady Michelle Bolsonaro, and her stepson and Jair's other marriage's son Flávio Bolsonaro, now a senator from Rio de Janeiro.

The popular anedoctal made fun to those scandals. Bolsonaro's opposites and regretted supporters say that "our flag will never be orange anymore", in parody to the famous conservative slogan "our flag will never be red anymore".

Ingenous left-wing people, when Brazil immerse in scandals and conflicts, appeal to "funk carioca" or Chico Xavier believing that they will save the brazilians.

It's very, very wrong.

But why the lefters appeal to "funk" and Chico Xavier? Because they have the poor-life appearance, the pretense humble aura, that makes the ingenous progressist staffs to think they will bring the peace and popular prosperity in Brazil.

No, no, no. "Funk" and Chico Xavier are very conservative phenomena, despite the apparent vinculation to poverty and popular assistance.

"Funk", brazilian rhythm inspired by Miami Bass sound, evocates low values like machism (even masked by apparent feminist appeals) and glamourizes the poverty.

"Funk" is originated at the same stronghold of the first Bolsonaro's supporting movements. There's no reason to consider "funk" as a left-wing movement, even because Miami Bass is launched by anti-castrists popular people living in Florida, USA.

And Chico Xavier? He was a radical reationary, but his poor-dude appearance and his alleged charity - nothing more than a spectacular charity acts from popular TV shows - illude the lefters which would follow the sickening and obsessed adoration to this brazilian alleged medium.

And the adoration is very obsessive. And so obsessive that divides in two ways to deify him.

The first one is very known. Chico Xavier treated as a demigod with sensational and extraordinary virtues, being a powerful intelectual and a right prophet to the future times.

This praised idolatry is very doubtful to the virtues alleged to him, that makes other Chico Xavier's followers and supporters appeal to a "simple" idolatry.

In this case, the second way is to appeal to a "inverse worship", making Chico Xavier as a "non-perfect person" and a "humble and good guy suscetible to errors".

There's a lot problems in both ways of worship.

Chico Xavier can't be an intelectual with fake literature and he can't be a progressist ideologist because his values, inspired by Theology of Suffering, are conservative to the medieval level.

And his predictions about the future in Earth were very stupid. American people migrating to Rain Forest after an alleged destruction of the USA? Wait a minute!

Aliens replacing the intelectuals dead by natural catastrophes and terrorist attacks? Please be patient!

But when Chico Xavier is "only recognized" as a "humble and erring guy", the ridiculous aspects continue to exist.

So Chico Xavier, being so faulty, can be a master? No, there's no chance of it.

Doing a lot of shameful mistakes, including fake literature, fake spiritual letters (created with the "cold read" trick) and reationary comments, Chico Xavier was unable to be a master.

The solution is to forget Chico Xavier and ban him to the real Spiritism cast. It seems to horrible to much people, but this unpleasant decision will really bring so much advantages too soon.

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