Saturday, February 23, 2019

Why it's hard to accept that Brazilian Spiritism is very conservative?

People in Brazil refuse and resist to the truth about Brazilian Spiritism is a very conservative religion.

They become so scared just for thinking that Brazilian Spiritism is so medieval.

But it's a painful truth, and it has no difficulty to explain.

Brazilian Spiritism has a progressist package that seems to be a left-wing religion or humanist movement.

The package shows abstract words like "fraternity", "peace", "charity", "dedication to the poor", those that illude people by its apparently progressist appeals.

But those words are loose ideas drop to the wind and has no precise sense.

The content is astonishingly conservative, and it's not hard to know about it.

Reading Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, in his books and testimony, we can recognize and must to accept that he always was a very conservative man.

And his conservative ideas has in levels compared to american movements like Tea Party, for example.

It's not comfortable nor nice to anybody and this confirmation makes so much people cry.

But that's true. Let's show some ideas from Chico Xavier:

1) He asks suffering people to accept misfortunes in silence, without complain and only fighting them by hardest ways;

2) According to him, humble people must to accept the abusive privileges to fortunate people, and wait God do resolve social distortions result by it;

3) Chico Xavier never liked the complaints about exaustive work. He always said "Why you complain about extensive hours of working, while others have no chance to work?".

Workers syndicates usually moves to fight extensive hours to work. In Brazil, workers syndicates defend the replace of 8-hour time to work to 6-hour time.

In Pinga Fogo show aired on TV Tupi network, in 1971, Chico Xavier reproved the workers, peasants and homeless political pledges.

His conception signals to defend that working people must to accept imposed rules to them and work in any condition that they were, in thesis, able to do it.

Less wage? Chico Xavier adviced the workers to learn to shell out their small rents.

Working dawn to dawn? To Chico Xavier, workers must thank God for this challenging opportunity, and work the way is so determined, waiting God to help them in a far moment.

There's so much other conservative values, inside the Chico Xavier books.

Even the pretense communism supporting in an Emmanuel text (to be read in portuguese) is, in fact, a communism rejection.

There's so much reasons to confirm that the text is not a defense of communism, and rather to be a conservative sight of "what should to be the correct communism".

The Emmanuel's text is a skillful fallacy that considers that communism only have a sense when submitted to the Middle-Age's Catholicism preceptions.

Right-wing people preaches the same thing of Emmanuel / Chico Xavier.

According to them, communism "can exist" without the workers activism, and accepting the conditions determined by employers.

"Minimal State", "12-hour work", "average wage", "negociations allegedly equal between employers and employees" are causes defended by Emmanuel, Chico Xavier and right-wing people about the "communism" they would like to be.

There's so much reasons to explain that Chico Xavier was always conservative.

First, he had familiar roots that ensured it. Pedro Leopoldo was a poor and medieval district of Santa Luzia town, and currently a city, placed at Belo Horizonte's county.

His family was so traditional, their catholicism is very orthodox and their social values remains to be the same of colonial times values in Brazil.

Chico Xavier was severely conservative and he was 61 years-old when he assumed his right-wing values in Pinga Fogo show.

There's no chance that Chico Xavier would became a left-wing guy. As a traditional man, he cannot change this convictions in a later age, when he thought that his ideas has very consolidated.

If Chico Xavier was conservative in his youth and his beginning of old age, to the point to support the Brazil's dictatorship, he cannot change his sights later, because it's not his personal nature.

Chico Xavier supported, in 1989, Fernando Collor de Mello at the second-term presidential turn.

The alleged medium from Pedro Leopoldo and then living in Uberaba never liked Lula and everything the Workers Party (PT) represent.

Ingenous left-wing people can think that Chico Xavier would support Fernando Haddad when the alleged medium would be living in 2018.

There's an illusion without any kind of explanation. Although Haddad is a teacher and his rival Jair Bolsonaro a violence supporter, Chico Xavier preferred the right-wing candidate because Boldonaro has more ideas that are matched to the alleged medium's thoughts.

It's so painful, but, please be patient, life is not a fairy tale and religious people usually are very conservative.

Faith allows anyone to dream, but never allows that the wishful thinking can be placed above the reality.

Confused and abstract ideas make an alleged left-wing's Chico Xavier that not have sense in reality.

Otherwise, Chico Xavier's right-wing profile can be confirmed by his own words. People can confirm it seeing the Pinga Fogo show, disposable by any kind of sources.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Chico Xavier's followers are afraid of denunciations against him

In Brazil, texts about denunciations against Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) are the less read about him.

People are very afraid, they run away from those texts.

Seeing the title, they avoid it, stuck on their idolatry of an alleged medium, officially associated to the human virtue collections.

But those virtues associated to Chico Xavier didn't necessarily exist.

In life, Chico Xavier was grouch, reationary, angry and annoying.

The Pinga Fogo show from TV Tupi network, in 1971, showed Chico Xavier very angry against workers, peasants and homeless.

And just the homeless, of of the favourite targets to alleged charity attributed to Chico.

That's cruel to Brazilian Spiritism.

The brazilian spitirists prefer to keep the homeless people in the city sidewalks or interned in religious institutions than to give better things to them.

But brazilian spiritists don't like to see the homeless people creating a movement and call society to pay attention to their problem through the abandoned buildings invasion.

Chico Xavier made fake literature, supported materialization frauds, ruined French Spiritism with medieval-catholic behavior and was a very ultraconservative activists.

Chico Xavier was so very conservative that, so if he would be living in USA, he will make the Tea Party members to be very impressed to him.

Chico Xavier defended the much-time work, the gay cure - "respect the gay people, because they was born with mental confusion in new incarnation", said the alleged medium - and asked the suffers to accept quietly the misfortunes.

It's not a progressist flag. Wishful thinking was unable to make Chico Xavier's thoughts something near to be progressist.

Chico Xavier, a left-wing guy? No chance even in dreams!

The truth about Chico Xavier is very cruel. But adult people kept inside their souls the childish fear to break illusions.

If there's a text about negative aspects of Chico Xavier, they avoid to read, run to their bedrooms to cry and pray.

That's terrible and it shows how religious passions bungled the brazilians.

We will questionate so much things about Chico Xavier's idolatry, because it brought a lot of serious and dangerouns problems. The question is that to know how brazilian is willing to read those truths.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Spiritual city of Nosso Lar was conceived without scientific basis

So much brazilians dream about to go to Paradise, like any common person.

But the brazilians have sure that Paradise "really exists" and it is called Nosso Lar ("Our Home").

The fanciful city was officially conceived by Brazilian Spiritism since Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier)'s book, just called Nosso Lar (Our Home), published in 1943.

The book consists to an alleged spiritual biography of Andre Luiz, a supposed doctor that should be living between the end of 19th century and circa the early 1930s.

Andre Luiz, according to this narrative, died by heart attack, during a home meal.

He was sent to a dark zone, a mixture of wasteland and a prehistoric swamp, allegedly for suicide.

The narrative mentioned that Andre Luiz, when he was alive, was addicted to alcohol, sex and nicotine.

Andre Luiz was sent, afterwards, to Nosso Lar, a lavish city which main building is a prominent hospital with a church inside.

Andre was hospitalized there and helped by some occupants, including the doctor Henrique de Luna and Lisias, who became Andre Luiz's best friend.

The book ended with Andre Luiz, Lisias and others being spirits to fly over Europe for objective to help people dying by World War II attacks.

Aftermost revelations denunciated that Nosso Lar was a plagiary from The Life Beyond The Veil, written by british reverend George Vale Owen (1869-1931).

The Life Beyond The Veil was published between 1920 and 1923 and, some years later, was published in Brazil by Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB).

The british book series mentioned an alleged spiritual world described by alleged several spirits, including an alleged mentor called Ariel.

The alleged brazilian spirit of Andre Luiz had attributed to his last previous incarnation to, at least, three personalities, two of them still currently famous.

These two was the famous scientists Oswaldo Cruz (1872-1917) and Carlos Chagas (1879-1934), both bacteriologists.


But there's so much problems about the death date of Oswaldo and Carlos, who weren't passed away in the early 1930s.

The less-known Faustino Esporel, doctor and sports manager, being a former president of Clube de Regatas Flamengo, was alleged to be "the real Andre Luiz", according to former Brazilian spiritist's member Luciano dos Anjos.

Faustino lived between 1888 and 1931, apparently as requested by Andre Luiz narrative.

But the suppositions are always doubtful, and Andre Luiz, as not being enough to be plagiarized from a british narrative, had evidences to be a ficticious character.

First: Andre Luiz was the name of a late Chico Xavier's brother.

Second: Andre Luiz could be a character created by Chico Xavier and FEB's president that time, Antonio Wantuil de Freitas.

The science fiction's aspects from Nosso Lar should probably inspire to Waldo Vieira's suggestions.

In 1943, Waldo Vieira was a teenager disciple of Chico Xavier, and he later became his partner until the Otilia Diogo's scandal, in mid-1960s.

Otilia Diogo made materialization's fraud, an illusionist spectacle which had Chico Xavier as an evident partner, but he was smartly innocented by fraud, in 1970.

Waldo Vieira split the partnership dissapointed to Chico Xavier's enthusiastic attendance in that event when Otilia pretended to be some materialized spirits, including the late Irmã Josefa.

In 1979, the Otilia Diogo's event's photographer, Nedyr Mendes da Rocha, accidentally proved that Chico Xavier was not deceived by Otilia and was not innocent, being so extroverted and excited like a person who was really inside the fraud backstage.

Back to Nosso Lar: what about the "spiritual city"?

The spiritual city was conceived by materialist beliefs, without scientific basis.

Allan Kardec always warned that the spiritual life exists, but the humankind on Earth still doesn't have any condition to suppose how the spiritual world really is.

Although it was written in the middle of 19th century, the Kardec's advice still makes sense in current days.

There's no any new about a scientific discover that should describe a possible spiritual world.

In Brazil, studies about spiritual life were damaged by the fanciful practices from alleged mediums, since Chico Xavier, which conceive the "spiritual life" by the fantasy perspective.

Nosso Lar gained a pretense map by alleged medium Heigorina Cunha, in a book alleged to be written by the spirit Lucius, possibly the same alleged mentor of famous Zibia Gasparetto.

The book, titled Cidade do Alem (The City After Death) and published in 1983, describes Nosso Lar as a "spiritual city" over the Rio de Janeiro's city.

But it's a fictional conception, not being valid scientifically.

The alleged spiritual world can be, possibly, the description of a dimension of material world, but it depends to rigorous researches that should confirm or refuse this theory.

The conclusion is that Nosso Lar is only a ficticious world, like any world in the fantasy or science fiction books. It's not real and there's no scientific basis that can support this conception, made by fanciful beliefs.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Wishful thinking defines the official Chico Xavier's profile

The strange aspect about Francisco Candido Xavier's life is that fantasy insists to overlap the reality.

Chico Xavier is seen like a real-life fairy godmother, and fantasy determines the way to see his person.

His biography must only have pleasant aspects, even so dreamful.

The facts don't matter. Fantasy is "the reality". Chico Xavier should have only to be known like the wishful thinking wanted to be known.

Chico Xavier is associated to the virtues that he not necessarily had.

Charity? He didn't give any drop of his sweat to help the poor. He asked others to do that and got personal promotion with the work of other people.

Peace? He was very worried to appeal to the suffers to shut up and never complain, defending the idea that the late musician Marcelo Yuka, former O Rappa band member, defined as "voiceless peace" ("The voiceless peace / Is not peace, it's fear" - "A Minha Alma (A Paz Que Eu Não Quero)".

"Don't demonstrate your suffering to anyone", said Chico Xavier once at time, as he was appealing to the suffers to give a false impression that everything is fine.

Chico Xavier was a sickening reationary, being a enthusiastic follower of Theology of Suffering, a chain from the Middle Age's Catholicism.

But left-wing Brazilian spiritists insists to make a pretense "left-reputation" to Chico Xavier, working desperately with the wishful thinking.

This trick consists to unite the abstract ideas like "peace", "fraternity", "charity" and "love and dedication to the poor".

Then, it also consists to join these ideas with emotional concepts about left-wing thoughts.

The result is so comfortable, so pleasant and so happy. But it's unreal and has no logical sense.

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter. Chico Xavier is the only person that the biography must to be worked with fantasy.

His followers and supporters always be irritated and revolted about any hard revelation to show the dark side of Chico Xavier.

In some moment, an old woman exploded in revolt when she was warned that Chico Xavier supported the Brazil's dictatorship.

She was very irritated, but the revelation is real. Chico Xavier made violent comments against workers, peasants and homelesses.

Chico Xavier also asked to brazilians pray for the militarys, because the Brazil's dictatorship is working a "reign of love" to the future.

Wishful thinkings try to refuse the Chico Xavier's conservative status. "There's a fault from the obsessor spirits", they say, trying to confuse and convince anyone with these involving but dangerous words.

There's more logic to Chico Xavier have being a conservative man that the opposite theory.

The "progressist image" about Chico Xavier is a fragile conception of vague words and emotional allegations about left-wing causes.

The reationary image about Chico Xavier is so much realistic, because the conservative ideas have proves even in his own words.

There's a real problem about Chico Xavier being seen under the sight of wishful thinking.

It makes so much fantasies, trying to keep Chico Xavier associated to the best human virtues.

But he wasn't the sweetened man so much people think he was.

He was grouch, reationary, had medieval ideas and worked fake literature.

These was the qualities that aren't so good and pleasant.

Reality hurts everybody, but people insists to keep Chico Xavier in the reign of fantasy.

There's nothing so much anti-logic than making Chico Xavier as a fairy-godmother to adults and olders. Fantasy is not only a childish thing.