Saturday, July 28, 2018

Charity as a spetacle: how to forge a philanthropist and make him to be so adored


Charity can be a spetacle? Yes, it can surely be. But people in Brazil doesn't recognize the difference between the spetacle and the reality.

Brazil is a fertile place to reality shows. People is overmediatic, TV is their playground and social media is the "real" spot of their social lives.

While people avoid to find their own friends, running away when they see then or restricting to give some little salute words, social media "life" is full of "likes" and "unlikes" reactions, selfie images and impulsive writing comments.

It influences the religious perceive and when some brazilians became spiritist, the alleged mediums like Francisco Candido Xavier, Divaldo Franco and João de Deus (John of God) are adored like they're being the adult-life fairy-godmothers.

And why theste alleged spiritist mediums are so adored?

Because they represent a symbology of several conservative values of religiousness and family, but also represent banal paradygms about humility, humanity, love, peace and charity.

And it's a realistic vision? No, it doesn't.

There's a vision that became well-constructed by the mainstream media. There's a powerful marketing about pretense philanthropists, made by ingenous rhetoric from religious institutions, with the decisive help of mainstream media.


The classic example involved Malcolm Muggeridge, catholic journalist and conservative activist who was so famous for his help to make the "saint myth" to Mother Theresa of Calcuta.

The Muggeridge's BBC documentary, titled Something Beautiful for God and released in 1969, shows Mother Theresa as a "brave philanthropist" who "dedicated all her life to the poor and the sick".

It was an attractive myth, but 25 years later, other british journalist, Christopher Hitchens, made other documentary, Hell's Angel, and the book The Missionary Position: Mother Theresa in Theory and Practice, that shockingly unmasked the "lived saint woman" she was by her myth.

Under the sweetened image of "mother of the poor and the sick", there was a wicked woman who left the poor and sick in subhuman conditions.

It brought some controverse, but college researches confirmed that Mother Theresa kept, in her Home of the Dying in Kolkatta, India, poor and sick people lied in uncomfortable beds, non-higienic conditions and medicated only by aspirine or paracetamol.

One of the most cruel aspects is that the syringes used for injections were reused and washed only with tap water, which is usually dirty.

The Home of the Dying rooms were so dark and gloomy, but Muggeridge's staff - which didn't really share his points of view about Mother Theresa - provided the trick making great spotlights.

According to the film's camera operatior, Ken McMillan, the dark rooms became so bright because the then-newest Kodak camera from the documentary staff was used there.

In simple words, it means that the bright light from Home of the Dying was not a "divine light" mentioned by Muggeridge, but the "miracle of technology" made by a modern filming camera.

Some voluntaries worked to Mother Theresa denounced the ill-treatment and degrading conditions that Mother Teresa left to the poor and the sick.

But, despite the painful truth of this reality, Mother Theresa became officially a saint, associated to the two ridiculous and never-well-explained miracles.

One alleged miracle, in India, was a cure to cancer of an adult woman and housekeeper, in 2002. But she was cured because she had a regular medical threatment and chemotherapy as usually works in Medicine.

Nevertheless, the cure is officially attributed to prayers made with Mother Theresa's medal which the woman's family got in that moment.

Other alleged miracle, in 2008, describes a supposed terminal cancer suffered by an engineer from Santos, Brazil, after a honeymoon travel to Porto Alegre.

He alleged to suffer a terrible headache after meal, which forced him and his newlywed wife to return to Santos and send him to intern in a catholic hospital, São Lucas.

The hospital alleged he was so few days to live for the supposed brain cancer in terminal stage. His wife went to a next church and got the Mother Theresa medal.

In a day after, a man allegedly near to death and seriously sick woke up himself and walked without difficult to make his breakfast, as if he always was so healthy and strong.

The suspect that the cancer never existed and it was a story invented by the hospital members. The real sickness is that the engineer, probably, got only a food intoxication and had a speed recover after this.

The story, however, was made a pretense true and Mother Theresa got a "second miracle" to make her a saint. And amazingly happened in Brazil, where there's enough fools to adore pretense saints.

In brazilian Spiritism, it's usual to not believe necessarily in miracles, although they're respected by its members and Mother Theresa was adopted by this doutrine as a charity symbol.

Anyway, the Muggeridge's documentary inspired brazilian Spiritism to work the same campaign to reinforce the myth of Chico Xavier, an idol provided by the association of Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) and Assis Chateaubriand's Diarios Associados.

Diarios Associados worked Chico Xavier myth as a religious philanthropist, but the emphasis about him consisted to show his alleged mediunity, giving an impression that he was the most important brazilian paranormal.

The problem with the myth - seemed with mistrust by O Cruzeiro magazine's journalists, which tried to report frauds of Chico Xavier's mediunity, including his support to the Otilia Diogo's materialization farse, in the 1960s - is that it stimulates so much sensationalism.

Other plan was made, coincidently after TV Tupi's bankruptcy in 1980, five years after airing the Ivani Ribeiro's soap opera A Viagem (The Journey), freely adapted from Chico Xavier's book Nosso Lar (Our Home).


FEB improved the rising of Globo Organization in Brazil's dictatorship years, the mid-1970s, to make a new partnership to recycle the adoration to Chico Xavier, a best seller author of this federation.

Xavier feeded the sensationalist media working the pretense dead-relative letters to poor people, mixing alleged paranormality and religious devotion, making the alleged medium's fame for the pleasure of yellow press' journalists.

It's usual that the brazilian yellow press glamourizes the violence and death.

But this conservative media, targeted to the poor readers, also explores religious fanatism, and Chico Xavier's alleged paranormality is good to this low-level press to work reports with great impact and money-revenue.

But sensationalism is not enough to keep Chico Xavier's myth, although this skillful trick of mediumistic letters is officially considered "the greatest charity" of this alleged medium.

It's necessary to make a clean work that makes less sensationalism and get further to sanctify the alleged spiritist medium and his following similars.

Globo corporation, aka Organizações Globo, received the job to recycle Chico Xavier's myth in the same clearful way.

The job was not hard. Malcolm Muggeridge made the entire work, and the work should only be applied to Chico Xavier, just under different context from brazilian Spiritism.

The same script about alleged Mother Theresa's philanthropy was inserted to Chico Xavier and he became to be the actor of this same spetacle acting.

It was a myth of philanthropy which charity doesn't really make great social results, only bringing adoration and devotion to the occasion's benefactor.

We must to pay attention that Brazil had not any social progress from the apparent philanthropy by the alleged mediums, despite the fanatic, fascinated and intensive adoration to them.

The charity, thus, never really worked to the poor, reduced to be a mediocre group of house inmates or dependents of eventual donations, who are not brought by the alleged spiritist mediums, but by third parties, as the brazilian Spiritism followers.

This pretense philanthropy only works for the benefactors' adoration, although the low results usually got in its activities and campaigns.

It doesn't matter that the misery was disappeared and the food donations run out in a few of days. The pretense charity must to be celebrated and the benefactors have to be glorified for the almost-nothing they done.

It's a show and brazilian people have currently and opportunity to know the ficticious show of charity watching the Luciano Huck's Caldeirão do Huck (Huck's Cauldron), also aired by Globo Network.

The Globo Network makes the same charity campaigns - also known by events like its philanthropic event Criança Esperança (Hopeful Child), held every year - that made Chico Xavier a religious myth by current terms since 40 years ago, through journalistic shows like Globo Reporter and Fantastico.

Luciano Huck was the rich young people's TV columnist, originally presenting Circulando show, aired in Central Nacional de Televisão (CNT) network, during the late 1990s.

Afterwards, Huck, himself a rich family member from São Paulo, became so famous presenting, in TV Bandeirantes' network, the variety show just called H, a mixture of sensual women, game shows and mainstream young stars.

Since 2000, Huck is a Globo Network star, and he's married to a former childish star Angelica Ksyvickis and both have three children, two boys and a girl.

The charity myth worked to Luciano Huck - shortly after he became a successful and celebrated "funk carioca" representative and always supporter - is observed in Caldeirão do Huck's section, called "Lata Velha" (Old Can), a politically correct reply to MTV's Pimp My Ride.

In this show part, Huck explores poor people's cases and stories, and try to help them, reforming a car to bring them to use in specific finalities.

Rumors denounced that the poor sometimes had forced to give the reformed cars back to Huck's production staff, through small recompense.

Brazilian people generally have so much difficult to admit difference to a real charity that transform lives and the spectacular charity that only brings the adored reputation of the alleged benefactors.

There's so much shadowy secrets and misteries to be revealed. And when the charity puts the benefactor above the needy, it's recommended to distrust.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

'Post-Grave's Parnassus': the problem could be nipped by the bud


Unfortunately, a religious idol can be developed, over the decades, from suspect people who made disguises of charity and kindness, occulting the dark side of their lives. Several false people can be made like almost saints for an able work to make subtile rhetoric and comfortable myths about them.

Chico Xavier is officially one of the most loved personalities from Brazil. But this sweetened image, mixing forged myths of "humble person" and divinized messianic man, as an well-calculated lark developed with the help of mainstream media.

Going to most of eight decades ago, we can shockingly find in the young Francisco Candido Xavier, born in former district of Minas Gerais' Santa Luzia city, Pedro Leopoldo (currently a city) in April 2nd 1910 (a day after the famous Fool's Day, April 1st), not a sanctified humble man, but a smart catholic guy who had in hands a book alleged organized from a collect of several spirits poems and texts.

Chico Xavier tried to be a poet by his own name. He published some little verses in some magazines published in Brazil, in 1930. But the first book had the pretension, which is extremely suspicious, to show poems and proses made by famous dead authors in spiritual world.

Titled Parnaso de Além-Túmulo (Post-Grave's Parnassus), this book, published in 1932 by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) in its own publishing company, has so much problems about the veracity of alleged poems and proses in its pages.

First of all, it's not possible to reunite so much spirits from different times and places to make together a same artistic event. It has no sense of logic. Let's compare to our school mates and it can be easy to comprehend about the difficulty to reunite all the desired spirits of different dead people associated to a same artistic activity.

Let's suppose that, thirty years after, a former school class decided to reunite former school mates to celebrate that date. A school class had appoximately 40 students. Nobody can imagine than, rigorously, all of those students can be ready to reunite and meet themselves to the event.

Some of the students can live in far places. Someone got families and live with partners and children. A little bit of them may be dead. Probably, it will be expected that, at most, less than half of a class can be ready to meet in the celebration event. Normally, there's so much chances to have five, then of fifteen students ready to attend this meeting.

If those difficulties are unavoidable within three decades, we can not admit that it is easy to gather spirits from different places and who are deceased in different and remote times. It seems so wonderful to suppose that Luís de Camões, Castro Alves and Olavo Bilac and a lot of their respective contemporaries can find everybody in the same artistic event, specially after more than forty years of their most recent death.

In the case of Parnaso, the fact that the most of the alleged authors were living people in 19th century and dead over that time or at the first 20th century's years doesn't prove veracity of the pretense poetry reunion attributed to Chico Xavier's book.

Other problem rises and that one is related about the poetic style. Reading the poems, it seems easily so false, so parodic and with less quality than the original poems (and proses, in some cases) left by the alleged authors when they lived on Earth. Olavo Bilac, for example, "lose" his cautious work to make metric verses which almost sound so musical.

Other problems. An confused Antero de Quental, an author from Portugal, seeming like Augusto dos Anjos' style. Casimiro de Abreu allegedly happy to suffer. And Auta de Souza "losing" her female and almost childish style to write poems and "reappearing" with masculine Chico Xavier's own style.

There's other problems, which we will not mention because it will make our text so long and tiring. But we can describe one another problem, that unmasks the alleged spiritual superiority of the Chico Xavier's 1932 book.

Nobody in lucid consciousness can admit a perfect work from spiritual benefactors to a book which had undergone gross changes. Parnaso de Além-Túmulo had six editions: beyond the first one, from 1932, there was other editions: 1935, 1939, 1944, 1945 and the last and definitive, published in 1955.

Some poems and proses were added of excluded over the 23 years between the first and last edition. Strange reasons including changing verses and problematic authors deny the supposed reputation of the book as a finished message of higher spirituality.

The friendly fire inside de brazilian spiritist movement can be found in Suely Caldas Schubert's book, Testemunhos de Chico Xavier (Chico Xavier's Testimonies), published in 1981. Suely is an alleged medium and was a friend and supporter of Xavier, but accidentally published one letter wrote by him to FEB's president, Antonio Wantuil de Freitas, dated to May 03 1947. Chico wrote in his own words, about the works to the sixth edition, the most delayed of the changing editions:

"Grato pelos teus apontamentos alusivos ao “Parnaso” para a próxima edição. Faltam-me competência e possibilidade para cooperar numa revisão meticulosa, motivo pelo qual o teu propósito de fazer esse trabalho com a colaboração do nosso estimado Dr. Porto Carreiro é uma iniciativa feliz. Na ocasião em que o serviço estiver pronto, se puderes me proporcionar a 'vista ligeira' de um volume corrigido, ficarei muito contente, pois isso dará oportunidade de ouvir os Amigos Espirituais, em algum ponto de maior ou menor dúvida".

("Thanks for your allusive appointments to (Post-Grave) Parnassus to the next edition. Competence and possibility to contribute to careful revision are missed to me, having the reason to your intention to make this work with the collaboration of our loved Dr. Porto Carreiro and it's a happy initiative. For the moment to the ready job, if you can give me a chance to make a 'speed review' of a corrected volume, I can be so glad, because it can give an opportunity to listen the Spiritual Friends, in some point with more or less doubts").

"Revision"? The farce is unmasked. The quote from the term "Spiritual Friends" is rather bleak and vague. But Chico Xavier revealed that Parnaso de Além-Túmulo proved the accusations given by the famous writer and catholic activist, Alceu Amoroso Lima, also known as his pseudonym Tristão de Athayde.

Alceu accused Parnaso de Além-Túmulo and other books brought by Chico Xavier to be literary forgeries organized not only by the alleged medium, but also by Wantuil and the FEB's editor staff. Porto Carreiro, mentioned in that letter, was the writer and also alleged medium Luiz da Costa Porto Carreiro Neto, who was member of the FEB's editor staff.

An unnecessary controversy was made about Chico Xavier's alleged mediunity, using the hypothesis that he made his works always alone. Brazilian spiritist movement improved this controversy to make two cully choices:

1) If Chico Xavier's mediunity is false, how could he immitate so much different literary styles?

2) If Chico Xavier's mediunity is true, it can be so brilliant because the alleged humble and low-instructed guy had spiritual light enough to receive contacts from the best literary personalities from Brazil and Portugal.

The second choice is usually chosen, because of Chico Xavier's reputation found over the years. But it's so doubtful, because the alleged spiritual authors had style and quality of expressions' serious problems. Olavo Bilac, for example, was demoted to a mediocre religious pamphleteer who "forgot" his personal style to make verses.

Alceu Amoroso Lima got the answer. Chico Xavier really did literary pastiches and parodies, but he didn't it alone. He always had the help from his master Wantuil de Freitas, the FEB's editor staff and literary consultants served to this federation.

The credit given to Parnaso de Além-Túmulo could be avoid and the problem could be nipped by the bud, preventing to make the dangerous rise of a religious idol who, who, behind his sweet and deified image, committed grave betrayals to the original lessons of french Spiritism.

Chico Xavier destructed the original Spiritist instructions and demoted Spiritism, in brazilian form, as a crazy mockery of Catholicism, inserting over the kardecian legacy concepts and practices which are so appropriate to Middle Age's Catholicism. Chico Xavier does not deserve the holiness that many people attribute to him.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Obsessive Fascination and Subjugation: the dangerous feelings that glorify the alleged mediums


Reading the essential book for Kardec's literature, The Mediums' Book, there's a great opportunity to undo illusions about the worship to brazilian alleged mediums.

It's notorious and known by everybody the passionated reverence to Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco, or everyone else so similar, by their followers and supporters.

But it's a dangerous feeling, although it's sustained by alleged paradigms about charity, love, peace and dedication to the poor and suffers.

The extreme adoration to alleged mediums happens due to two obsessive processes mentioned by Allan Kardec's book.

The Mediums' Book, in Chapter 23, From The Obsession, mentions some main types of obsession but we will draft two of them, and the most dangerous of them.

The two of some obsessions are "obsessive fascination" (or simply "fascination") and "subjugation".

Kardec describes this problem using as a example a relation between a medium and a ghost, but it can be used to think about the relations about the humankind at all and the alleged spiritist mediums, specially in Brazil.

In the item 239, the first paragraph is very clear about the "fascination":

"The fascination has too much serious consequences. It's an illusion directly created by the Spirit in the medium's thoughts and which paralyses somehow the medium's capacity to judge the communications. The fascinated medium does not consider deceived. The Spirit got to inspire him the blind confiance, preventing to recognize the mistifying and to understand the writing absurd words, even if this absurd is very clear to anybody. The illusion can reach the point to make the medium to consider as sublime the most ridiculous message. The people who think that this illusion can reach only the simple, ignorant and senseless persons are very wrong. Even the sagacious men (and women), very instructed and intelligent in other sense, are not free from that illusion, what proves it's an aberrance worked for a strange cause, which influence subjugates them".

Kardec wrote about the medium and Spirit contacts.

But it's exactly what we see about the humankind and the alleged mediums Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco, two of the most well-celebrated religious idols from Brazil.

Kardec also wrote that the spirits who inspire obsessive fascination can be so clever and deeply false.

Another paragraph in the item 239 explains that:

"Great words as charity, humility and Love to God works as a trust attest. But throught all of these words the clever spirit makes pass his inferiority signs, which only the fascinated person doesn't perceive; for this reason, he fears, above anything, the people who see things with clarity. His strategy is always to inspire to his representative the distance to everyone who can open the medium's eyes. Avoiding, by that way, any contradiction, the clever spirit can be sure to being quite so right".

Chico Xavier is usually nicknamed as "A Man Called Love", taking to extreme consequences the obsessive fascination which makes his followers and supporters slaves to his religious myth.

Divaldo Franco, in his own way, is usually recognized as a pretending pacifist, as a mockery of social activist and humanist, allegedly compared to real activists like Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi.

The two alleged brazilian mediums seduce people through the well-made images of would-be philanthropists, making a skillful eloquence about messages as "let's be so fraternal", "let's bring the peace to the world" and "let's help the poor and forgive the evil".

Chico and Divaldo made an extensive crowd to support and glorify them, and the two alleged mediums are wrongly seem as great symbols of Wisdom, Knowledge, Consolation and Hope.

The subjugation is more dangerous than the obsessive fascination.

It's almost the same feeling, but the fascination keeps people which relative awareness of their acts and opinions, and the subjugation doesn't.

In the subjugation, the victim can't have his own will, being strongly dominated by clever spirits influence.

Kardec mentioned, in the item 240, warning us to the difference of the moral subjugation (almost like the fascination) and the bodily subjugation, even more dangerous:

"The bodily subjugation goes sometimes so far, being able to push a victim to make the most ridiculous acts. We know a men who, being not a handsome or a young man, was dominated by an obsession of its nature, and he was constrained by and irresistible power to fall on his own knees in front of a young woman who never inspired his interests and ask her to marry him. In other times, he felt in his backside and his legs curves a strong pressure that forced him, despite his resistance, to kneel and kiss the public places grounds, in front of the multitude. To his near people, this man seemed as a crazy guy, but we're convinced that he absolutedly were not, but he had full conscience about how the ridiculous acts he made against his will and how he suffered terribly with it".

Brazilian Justice always had a subjugation relationship to Chico Xavier's affairs, and the College researchers too.

Judges, lawyers, academics and intelectuals are affraid to confront the alleged medium's reputation and prefere to work mockups of investigation that always absolve him at the end.

The Humberto de Campos' affair is a typical example about the irregular brazilian Justice, which currently has doubtful judges and attorneys as Sergio Moro and Deltan Dallagnol, both from the famous Operation Car Wash.

In 1944, Chico Xavier was absolved, by draw, for the petition moved by Campos' heirs, and the alleged medium felt to be so free to use Humberto's name, although masked by Irmao X (Brother X) pseudonym.

Inside the brazilian spiritism houses, the Humberto de Campos' name is scot-free and abusively used as if Chico Xavier were the owner of the late writer and Brazilian Academy of Letters member.

The Justice absolved Xavier moved by the judges spiritual subjugation.

The alleged Humberto de Campos' spiritual books are reportedly fake, because the style of its texts are so different and very inferior than the original books Campos wrote in life.

But the brazilian Justice in 1944, despite the claims of the literacy comunity, ignored it.

And the surrealistic result is that the Humberto de Campos' name survives not by his original work, but with fake books brought by Chico Xavier.

Obsession is a serious thing, both fascination and subjugation.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Alleged brazilian mediums, the ones who think they can do what they want


How surrealistic country is Brazil.

Brazil is the only country who has a religion that betrays its pioneer (Allan Kardec) but swears do lend him absolute fidelity.

Brazilian Spiritism, which reminds a grown-up people's fairy tales, is a worrisome collection of mistakes which should not be subestimated, because the harmful consequences made to humankind.

The fake works made by alleged brazilian mediums, even celebrated religious idols as Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco, are worringly accepted and free-published, even in unpaid forms, and it's so cruel.

The cruelity consists to the unpunished use of the dead people's names to product messages with doubtful contents, mostly made for brazilian Spiritism's mershandising.

Messages like "let's reunite for the Jesus Christ's peace" or "let's be so fraternal in the name of God" are inserted even in alleged books or letters attributed to dead atheist personalities.

Those messages works the almost similar script.

The alleged spirit starts to say how he suffered after death. Then he describes he was taken to a big hospital in a spiritual colony, and there he learned the lessons of christian faith.

He ends a message telling his living family and friends to "reunite for the Jesus fraternity", which reminds a religious appeal.

Several spirits were used to these doubtful messages, which always has strange but sometimes subtle aspects if compared to personal details from each alleged spiritual author.

Chico Xavier used the names of Humberto de Campos, Irma de Castro Rocha (Meimei), ficticious Andre Luiz, Jair Presente and other alleged spirits to write his books.

Although Chico tried to diversify the content, with pretense reports (Humberto de Campos / Irmao X), childish books (Meimei), pretending science (Andre Luiz) and post-hippie narratives (Jair Presente), his literature is reportedly fake for a simple reason.

Chico Xavier's books shows serious problems from the style and personal aspects to alleged spiritual authors.

His first book, Parnaso de Além-Túmulo (Post-Grave's Parnassus), published in 1932 but having strangely altered editions later, were a collection of poems and some proses that looks so parodic.

Olavo Bilac, for example, "lost" his peculiar style to compose verses with a primorous care of the poetic prosody.

Another example, the prematurely dead female poet Auta de Souza, had her original delicated style disappeared on alleged psicography, reminding brutally the Chico Xavier's own writing style, including the defense of Theology of Suffering values.

Chico Xavier's alleged mediunity was a lot of fake and cruel works, which including evidences of cold reading.

To collect informations about the dead, Chico was helped to his followers and supporters, even from distant places, who brought him newspapers and personal informations and legacies from the late personalities, being them anonymous of famous.

The more informations were taken from the testimonies from familiars and friends of the dead people, given in Chico Xavier's associated spiritist houses.

Those testimonies could have been given in fraternal interviews or in informal chats after the "doutrinaries", spiritist equivalent from the Catholic masses.

Chico Xavier had his ability to make different writing works, because he always was a great book reader.

Divaldo Franco had not that ability to make different rhetoric.

Divaldo's was more able to Chico for making a pseuco-scientific discourse. Chico was unable to hide his catholic beatitude, his books had so strongly explicit catholic accent.

Divaldo is strongly catholic, but he always could forge a pretense scientific apparatus with professorial way to speech, write and testify.

But Divaldo is brutally similar, giving his testimonies as himself or using dead names like Joana de Angelis (allegedly Joana Angélica), Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes, Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, marshal Deodoro da Fonseca or even Divaldo's late cousin and Mansão do Caminho's co-founder, Nilson Pereira.

Divaldo's style of speech is literally and explicitly one, despite the several dead people's names.

But it doesn't make Chico more honest than Divaldo. Both are dishonest in different, but equally serious, ways.

They brought a wrong and worrisome school of mediunity, allowing anyone else to use a dead person's name of his choose, to make any religious message.

Having the lack of honest and respectable studies about the dead-and-alive communications, the works are made by free-imagination of the alleged mediums. Even Chico and Divaldo were marked by their fertile imagination.

The cold reading and the bibliographic researches - including dead personalities personal legacy and press news about them - helps to fill the pretense spiritual messages with complex information which gives the false impression that those ones are authentic.

United States recently received a message from an alleged medium attributed to late Clueless' and Uptown Girls' actress Brittany Murphy.

The message grotesquely reminds a mispresented sight of the talented actress and entertainer worked by yellow press, which sees her wrongly as a psychotic junkie.

It's an example from the United States, but the fraud is so much constant in Brazil.

We seen examples like a late rebel rocker like Raul Seixas, worked in pretense psychography with the nickname Zílio, a pathetic spirit surrended by christian faith, telling about things that the brazilian musician never can tell, like the "enemy of yourself" from the Theology of Suffering theory.

The fake Raul Seixas were worked by radio-speaker and alleged spiritist medium from Sao Paulo, Nelson de Moraes, in two books: Um Roqueiro no Além (A Rocker After Death) and Há Dez Mil Anos (In Ten Thousand Years Ago).

The two books, although were sustained by obvious references about Raul's works - songs like "Sociedade Alternativa" (Alternative Society) and "Eu Nasci Há Dez Mil Anos Atrás" (I Was Born In Ten Thousand Years Ago), looks reportedly fake and so parodic.

The alleged mediums works as they're the ones who think they can do what they want.

They can betray Kardec's original lessons and pretende to be loyal to him.

They can use dead people's names in fake texts, paintings, speechs or books etcetera, and Justice arm never will reach and catch them.

Several dead personalities' names were unpunishedly used since the Humberto de Campos' affair was resulted to a free-way to Chico Xavier's rise.

From Getulio Vargas to the recently late actor Domingos Montagner, there was a extensive cast of dead personalities falsely used in supposed spiritual messages.

It's very terrible, because dying people can't control their own legacy and their memorabilia can be corrupted by the use of alleged mediums.

The alleged mediums hide under the apparatus of charity and religious reputation and they find the freeway to do what they want.

It's very curious that the main strongholds to the appreciation of alleged mediums' work - even Chico and Divaldo - are the same strongholds of fake news publishing and sharing.

It must to change, but the obsessive fascination and subjugation keeps the alleged mediums' reputation unfailed and unjured.

Allan Kardec warned us: "It's rather to make some men fall than the entire people". And his work had so much complains against pretending mediums which can be easily recognized to Chico and Divaldo's activities.

But the foolish feelings from so much brazilians make the reverse: "It's rather the entire Brazil may be destructed, than the alleged spiritist mediums fall in disgrace".

Really, Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco has the "beauty" of former Smallville star and NXIVM member Allison Mack.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Spiritist's myth, charity practice only got weak results


There's a way to legitimize the disfigured Spiritism in Brazil.

Dissimulating the treason from the original lessons brought by Allan Kardec, brazilian Spiritism uses the philantropy's apparatus to gain the popular support.

This apparatus consists to make the same trick that made Mother Theresa of Calcuta, accused to mistreatment in Missionaries of Charity's homes, a catholic saint.

The model of charity adopted by brazilian spiritists is based in Catholic Church's assistentialism.

It works about captivity method, under the pretext to assist fragile people as toddler orphans, poor people and diseased and miserable old-agers.

It seems so correct, apparently, but it is usually superestimated in Spiritist rhetoric, to the point to its followers and members define this religion as a "Religion of Charity" or "Religion of Fraternity".

This is a great exaggeration, because the results from this Charity, despite the works made to orphan, miserable or unhealthy people, is very weak and no expressive.

The late journalist and french-school Spiritism brazilian specialist, Jose Herculano Pires (nephew of the famous folk poet and storyteller Cornelio Pires), was warned about the risk of this charity which makes more adoration to the benefactors than the social progress to the needy people.

Mentioning Divaldo Franco's Mansão do Caminho (Pathway's Mansion), Pires disapproved this charity work, defined as "reprehensible conduct in the field of charity".

It means not to avoid to work the charity in these terms, but to don't make charity projects that brings so few results and, however, make it like a stepping stone to the alleged mediuns reputation and popularity.


There's so much serious problems about the brazilian Spiritism's charity.

Brazil never got any expressive social progress under the alleged spiritist mediums influence.

Alleged mediums like Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco had achieved enough reputation to suggest some greatness to influence definitively to make deep and bigger social changes.

But they didn't. And it's not for bad spirits guilty which supposedly made a fence to it.

Chico, Divaldo and similar didn't great results on charity because social progress really doesn't matter to them.

Charity is only a little detail, opposite to the process of their personal promotion by religious idolatry.

It's so sure that the alleged mediums' followers are more concerned about the alleged mediums' reputation than the real results of the apparent philantropy.

If the alleged mediums' charity really works, Brazil would have achieved high level of people's life quality.

However, we see the contrary, when Brazil not just lost the chance to get high standard life to the people, keeping poverty, misery and violence, but also sees the democracy being near to fall, for the lawfare coup of the 2016.

We conclude that the alleged spiritist mediums' charity is more a myth than a reality, and it always brought weak and mediocre results, because the most important on it is the idolatry of these religious stars, and poverty is only a small part of this spetacle.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

'The Book on Mediums' unmask the brazilian "mediums"

There's not for the lack of warning that Spiritism got rid of the logic way in Brazil.

The Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's example warned the humankind from the desfiguring of Allan Kardec's codified doutrine.

J. B. Roustaing's The Four Gospels almost ruined Kardec's effort to vinculate spiritists phenomena to logic concepts from Science.

Roustaing tried to deflect the Spiritism to the way of logic, inserting fanciful concepts taken from Middle Age's Catholicism.

Kardec prevented the world that the Spiritism's internal enemies.

According to his ideas, the worst enemies of the Spirit's Doutrine are not outside, but inside.

Several books and the The Spiritist Review (Revue Spirite) had warned about the several and skillful traps made by the internal enemies of the Spiritism.


In Brazil, there were two dangerous enemies of the original Spiritism, who reportedly made works that frontally antagonize the original lessons and knowledges brought by kardecian literature.

There were Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, and his disciple Divaldo Pereira Franco, or simply Divaldo Franco.

It's hard to consider them the internal enemies of the Spiritism, due to the sweetened image they enjoy to their followers and supporters, in the fairy godmothers way from the childish tales.

But reading with so much attemption and caution any book from Chico Xavier or Divaldo Franco, it confirms that they're internal enemies, really.

The mushy sugary messages from love, fraternity and peace, however, don't ensure that Logic and intellectual honesty were inserted in its pages.

It's quite inverse. There's so much intelectual dishonesty in Chico and Divaldo's books, and there's a serious problem which must not be subestimated, under the pretext to save "good men's reputation".

In some Chico Xavier's books, including Brasil Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho (or Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation), there's so much serious failures in historical approach.

Several mistakes from the historical approach about Roman Empire were noted in books like Há 2000 Anos (In 2000 Years Ago) and Paulo e Estevão (Paul and Stephen).

Retrograde moral values were also noted, remembering that Chico Xavier were a enthusiastic devote of Theology of Suffering, a ideological current of Midele Age's Catholicism.

Xavier always said to suffers: "You should have to suffer without complaining and showing the sufferance to anybody, and you should have to pray in silence and wait for God's grace".

Old-fashioned moralism and social prejudices were noted.

Racist points of view were noted in Brasil, Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho, when Chico Xavier and Antônio Wantuil de Freitas, the real writers (despite this book is officially attributed to Humberto de Campos' spirit), described indians and africans as primitive "wild people".

Machist points of view were noted in O Consolador (The Consoling), attributed to the jesuit priest Manuel da Nóbrega's (aka Emmanuel) spirit.

Emmanuel mocks the Feminism and say that the "real" feminism must be worked by women inside her submissive work at home or by praying at Church.

These moral and intellectual deviations were prevented by ideas which can easily find in kardecian books.

The Book on Mediums is a best example to know about the serious mistakes that made the "adorable mediums" Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco the dangerous internal enemies of the Spiritism.

This kardecian book mentions problems of blistering texts, truncated ideas, use of the illustrious names to deceive people and insert doubtful concepts and fanciful suggestions.

The alleged Humberto de Campos's spirit books (some of them credited as "Irmão X") shows blistering texts and truncated words that the alleged author wouldn't ever write in his entire life.

The use of illustratious names were noted, whem alleged mediums always used several famous dead people's names to send pretend spiritual messages, with the aim to impress the people.

Chico Xavier started this malignant joke, when he published Parnaso de Além-Túmulo (Post-Grave's Parnassus), pretending to receive several works of famous poets and writers' spirits.

Xavier begun the terrible practice of brazilian mediums who thinks to be the "owners of the dead". On his own, Chico Xavier had the claim to be "Humberto de Campos' owner".

It's a deplorable practice which never helps to the need of contact between dead and living people, but makes its contacts to ruin to a dangerous joke of the alleged mediums.

This alleged mediunity doesn't attract superior spirits but insidious and mocker spirits, who loves this religious trick-or-treating game made by alleged brazilian mediums.

Concepts which are so contrary to kardecian knowledge include fanciful paradises like "Spiritual Cities" or "Spiritual Colonies", bright from Nosso Lar (Our Home) book.

Kardec warned that there's no reasonable conception about what can be a spiritual world. Nosso Lar concepted the spiritual world due to the passionate fantasies from the materialist sights.

This kardecian idea had no overcomed during more of two centuries after his books publishing times.

Science had not discovered how really is the spiritual world and the brazilian mediums fantasies - with the arrogant wish to create maps of the alleged "spiritual cities" - and we may not try to suppose any plausible idea what really does to be the afterdeath life.

Kardec prevent to us to avoid dangerous traps like we see in Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco's careers.

But so much brazilians preferred to illude themselves and let them to be deceived by the pretending "love-peace-charity" reputation associated by fairy-tale image worked about these two alleged mediums and its successors or disciples.

And the worst thing it that the two mediums were serious traitors from kardecian lessons, but so much people wrongly consider them the "best Allan Kardec's disciples". How many people naively love to be deceived!...

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Alleged psychography from Humberto de Campos is reportedly fake

Everybody is discussing so much about the phenomenon of fake news.

In Brazil, fake news are made for intentions to depreciate left-wing politicians and personalities, and to glorify fascist politicians, like extremely right-wing congressman Jair Bolsonaro.

But nobody or, at best, too few people admit to question the fake books, paintings and other works which bring some dead person's name.

One of the serious examples of fake working include de well-acclaimed Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier.

The alleged medium was not only a traitor of the Spiritism original lessons - whose Chico, a allegedly former Catholic Church devotee (in fact Chico was always cacholic until his death)  - , but he also was a pioneer of a production of fake literature.

His first hoax was the book called Parnaso de Além-Túmulo (or "Post-Grave Parnassus"), published in 1932.

The Maranhao-born writer and member of Brazilian Academy of Letters, Humberto de Campos, wrote a two-part article about this book, in july of 1932, published in Rio de Janeiro's Diario Carioca's newspaper.

Humberto was known by books as Carvalhos e Roseiras, O Brasil Anedótico and by satyrical nicknames like Conselheiro XX. Considered a neo-parnasian writer, Humberto was almost modernist in his writing language.

In his article, Humberto pretended to recognize similarities from the poetry published in Parnaso to original works left by their alleged spirit authors when they lived in Earth.

But Humberto had been so ironic and recommended to Chico Xavier to not publish these books anymore, avoiding the risk of unfair competition between new works of dead autors brought from the spiritual world and the works made by living people.

Chico Xavier hadn't like this article and Humberto's advices.

In 1934 Humberto passed away after long disease, being only 48 years-old, and Xavier waited the time to make his smart plan.

In 1935 Chico sended a letter do Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) inventing a dream he had about Humberto.

In this alleged dream, Chico found a crowd walking in the street, and Humberto appeared suddenly to salute him.

"Are you a boy from Parnaso? Please to meet you, I'm Humberto de Campos", said the writer in this alleged dream.

A supposed partnership was started, and the first book, published in 1936 but written during the previous year, is called Cronicas de Além-Túmulo (Post-Grave Chronicles).

Several books were made by Chico Xavier and his stunt of manager, FEB's president Antonio Wantuil de Freitas, but credited, in its series, by Humberto de Campos' spirit.

It made too serious problems in literary circles, because so much writers and journalists were revolted for Chico Xavier's usurpation of Humberto de Campos legacy and reputation.

The question became too serious that Humberto's widow, Dona Catarina Vergolino de Campos, aka Dona Paquita, and her children, siblings Humberto de Campos Filho (laterly journalist and TV producer and director), Henrique and Maria de Lourdes, decided to suit Chico and the FEB.

They imposed two questions about the alleged psychography.

If the psychography is real, Humberto de Campos' heirs, widow and children, must have the right to receive their financial parts from the copyright.

If the psychography is fake, Chico and the FEB must to reimburse them for moral damages and inappropriate use of a name of a dead author.

The judgement happened in 1944 but the judges, apparently, didn't understand the petition and ended this affair with a juridic tie. Humberto's heirs were represented by lawyer Milton Barbosa.

However, if Chico and FEB, in one side, and Humberto's heirs, ended in a draw, it made so much advantage to the alleged medium, who saw the free way to use Humberto's name the way he want, with the condition to mask the author's name with a pseudonym Irmao X (Brother X).

The time is passed and we can read Humberto's original books and the alleged psychography to make a comparison.

The alleged psychography is reportedly fake, because the comparison shows that Humberto's original style is so different thant the supposed work of his spirit.

The Humberto's original style had fluent and correct writing, relaxed narrative and cult but accessible language. Several and laic themes were observed in his work.

The alleged Humberto's spirit style was other. Depressive narrative, heavy and tiring writing, were noted, as also the limited themes like Catholic facts or old-fashioned moralism lessons.

That's not so hard to know why Humberto's original books are not in the brazilian market, except in bookshelves or by downloads from specific pages from Internet.

It's made to avoid the comparison, which can easily invalidate the Chico Xavier books under "Humberto de Campos" and "Irmao X" names.

There's an absurd that remains in the strange country like Brazil.

A fake work being above the original work. A lie making power above the true. Chico Xavier's falsehood is worth more than any true effort do unmask him.

In the strange country like Brazil, religions were above the truth. Logic and reason must to be left behind, unfortunatedly.

Allan Kardec must to be rolling in his grave. Humberto de Campos, too.