Saturday, July 7, 2018

'The Book on Mediums' unmask the brazilian "mediums"

There's not for the lack of warning that Spiritism got rid of the logic way in Brazil.

The Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's example warned the humankind from the desfiguring of Allan Kardec's codified doutrine.

J. B. Roustaing's The Four Gospels almost ruined Kardec's effort to vinculate spiritists phenomena to logic concepts from Science.

Roustaing tried to deflect the Spiritism to the way of logic, inserting fanciful concepts taken from Middle Age's Catholicism.

Kardec prevented the world that the Spiritism's internal enemies.

According to his ideas, the worst enemies of the Spirit's Doutrine are not outside, but inside.

Several books and the The Spiritist Review (Revue Spirite) had warned about the several and skillful traps made by the internal enemies of the Spiritism.


In Brazil, there were two dangerous enemies of the original Spiritism, who reportedly made works that frontally antagonize the original lessons and knowledges brought by kardecian literature.

There were Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, and his disciple Divaldo Pereira Franco, or simply Divaldo Franco.

It's hard to consider them the internal enemies of the Spiritism, due to the sweetened image they enjoy to their followers and supporters, in the fairy godmothers way from the childish tales.

But reading with so much attemption and caution any book from Chico Xavier or Divaldo Franco, it confirms that they're internal enemies, really.

The mushy sugary messages from love, fraternity and peace, however, don't ensure that Logic and intellectual honesty were inserted in its pages.

It's quite inverse. There's so much intelectual dishonesty in Chico and Divaldo's books, and there's a serious problem which must not be subestimated, under the pretext to save "good men's reputation".

In some Chico Xavier's books, including Brasil Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho (or Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation), there's so much serious failures in historical approach.

Several mistakes from the historical approach about Roman Empire were noted in books like Há 2000 Anos (In 2000 Years Ago) and Paulo e Estevão (Paul and Stephen).

Retrograde moral values were also noted, remembering that Chico Xavier were a enthusiastic devote of Theology of Suffering, a ideological current of Midele Age's Catholicism.

Xavier always said to suffers: "You should have to suffer without complaining and showing the sufferance to anybody, and you should have to pray in silence and wait for God's grace".

Old-fashioned moralism and social prejudices were noted.

Racist points of view were noted in Brasil, Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho, when Chico Xavier and Antônio Wantuil de Freitas, the real writers (despite this book is officially attributed to Humberto de Campos' spirit), described indians and africans as primitive "wild people".

Machist points of view were noted in O Consolador (The Consoling), attributed to the jesuit priest Manuel da Nóbrega's (aka Emmanuel) spirit.

Emmanuel mocks the Feminism and say that the "real" feminism must be worked by women inside her submissive work at home or by praying at Church.

These moral and intellectual deviations were prevented by ideas which can easily find in kardecian books.

The Book on Mediums is a best example to know about the serious mistakes that made the "adorable mediums" Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco the dangerous internal enemies of the Spiritism.

This kardecian book mentions problems of blistering texts, truncated ideas, use of the illustrious names to deceive people and insert doubtful concepts and fanciful suggestions.

The alleged Humberto de Campos's spirit books (some of them credited as "Irmão X") shows blistering texts and truncated words that the alleged author wouldn't ever write in his entire life.

The use of illustratious names were noted, whem alleged mediums always used several famous dead people's names to send pretend spiritual messages, with the aim to impress the people.

Chico Xavier started this malignant joke, when he published Parnaso de Além-Túmulo (Post-Grave's Parnassus), pretending to receive several works of famous poets and writers' spirits.

Xavier begun the terrible practice of brazilian mediums who thinks to be the "owners of the dead". On his own, Chico Xavier had the claim to be "Humberto de Campos' owner".

It's a deplorable practice which never helps to the need of contact between dead and living people, but makes its contacts to ruin to a dangerous joke of the alleged mediums.

This alleged mediunity doesn't attract superior spirits but insidious and mocker spirits, who loves this religious trick-or-treating game made by alleged brazilian mediums.

Concepts which are so contrary to kardecian knowledge include fanciful paradises like "Spiritual Cities" or "Spiritual Colonies", bright from Nosso Lar (Our Home) book.

Kardec warned that there's no reasonable conception about what can be a spiritual world. Nosso Lar concepted the spiritual world due to the passionate fantasies from the materialist sights.

This kardecian idea had no overcomed during more of two centuries after his books publishing times.

Science had not discovered how really is the spiritual world and the brazilian mediums fantasies - with the arrogant wish to create maps of the alleged "spiritual cities" - and we may not try to suppose any plausible idea what really does to be the afterdeath life.

Kardec prevent to us to avoid dangerous traps like we see in Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco's careers.

But so much brazilians preferred to illude themselves and let them to be deceived by the pretending "love-peace-charity" reputation associated by fairy-tale image worked about these two alleged mediums and its successors or disciples.

And the worst thing it that the two mediums were serious traitors from kardecian lessons, but so much people wrongly consider them the "best Allan Kardec's disciples". How many people naively love to be deceived!...

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