Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sufferance: the evil side of Brazilian Spiritism

Brazilian Spiritism has a wonderful package.

It's a religion associated to alleged ideas as "simplicity", "humility", "intelligence", "futurism" and "charity".

But the content has nothing about that, despite the appearances and disguises around.

Brazilian Spiritism is very far from Allan Kardec's original teachings and became a repaginated version of Middle Age's Catholicism.

This confirmation scares a lot of people, but it's true and very realistic.

One of the aspects of the dark side of Brazilian Spiritism is the very conservative profile of Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier.

Most of his followers and supporters refuse this conservative profile - in the level next to Tea Party, for example - , based by the fanciful-sweetened image of Chico Xavier, always linked to pleasant things.

But he was very, very reactionary, sharing the same ideas from the Brazil's current president, Jair Bolsonaro, with the only exception to a declared apology to violence, refused by Xavier.

But the essential ideas astonishingly connect both Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro.

The exhaustive work is one of them.

Chico Xavier always said: "Why you complain against exhaustive hours of work, when others have no second to have a job? When you're tired, keep working and go ahead".

The sufferance is the main principle that unites, reportedly, Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro.

Heavy restrictions to pleasure and to attend the essential needs, renounce to precious projects to life, annihilation of the most fundamental desires.

There's so much principles of the moralism in Chico Xavier's ideas, which see incarnated life under a punitive approach.

Surely, it's not a kardecian-inherited principle, but the major principle of Theology of Suffering and a heritage from Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's ideas.

Chico Xavier reportedly adapted the ideas of Roustaing, published in The Four Gospels, to brazilian context.

The roustaingian ideas see the incarnated life as a criminal sentence. We only live to pay our alleged faults from other incarnations.

And the criminal payments are the principles of Chico Xavier's ideas.

"Suffer in silence", "Never complain", "Don't questionate", "Keep working though tired", "Hold the misfortunes in silence", "In extreme agony, don't you keen, but thank God for it".

Sufferance, submission, servitude, the sight of human life, according to Chico Xavier, is only to endure heavy difficulties, as a human would be in a hard champeonship.

It's not progressist, is a very conservative principle.

Obsessive fascination made (and still makes) people think Chico Xavier is a very progressist preacher.

People who think in this way are very mistaken, because Chico Xavier is very conservative, and he was it in very extreme levels than anybody can think, if would be inclined for that.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Chico Xavier's nephew should be killed by poison

Digital version of brazilian Manchete magazine brought us a great opportunity to know about a dark side about the life of Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier).

It's related to the misterious death of his nephew, Amauri Xavier Pena, ocurred in june 1961.

He was an alcohol addicted, but he was lucid when he dediced to denunciate his uncle about the frauds from mediunity.

Amauri was announced as Chico Xavier's successor, and the young man affirmed that he was forced to pretend the paranormality, making people believe that he also received messages from great late writers from the spiritual life.

Amauri was troubled about that and he decided to denunciate Chico Xavier and other involved into the brazilian spiritist movement.

The curious thing we see in this case is that the Brazilian Spiritism, officially refused to make hate and offending practices, actually made it against Amauri Xavier.

So much lies were announced against Amauri Xavier, allegedly described by an agressive police officer, captain Agostinho Couto (with the behaviour which seems so similar than the current Jair Bolsonaro's supporters), as a "house robber" and "false money manufacturer".

An agressive defamation campaign against Amauri was made by spiritists that usually claim unable to hate or offend anyone, even a murderer.

People alleged to be "unable to fight an only insect" made a "reputation kill" to Amauri Xavier.

Morally devastated, Amauri was sent to a spiritist sanatory in Sabara, a city at Belo Horizonte's county, and he spent some time there. It's suspected that he suffered agressions there, deserving investigations about it.

Amauri died after released from sanatory, officially by hepatitis, maybe toxic hepatitis.

He died too much young than a simple alcohol addicted should usually die. This addicted usually dies being, at least, 35 years-old, and Amauri died when he was 27.

The Manchete report revealed that Amauri received death threats inside the Brazilian Spiritist Movement.

In Belo Horizonte, Sabará and Pedro Leopoldo (Chico Xavier's birth town), it was said that Amauri was threatened to die by poison, by the spiritist staff, and that he decided "unmask his uncle for resentment", said the text, signed by brazilian journalist Jayme Negreiros.

Officially, Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) mourned Amauri's death and said that he just died by hepatitis.

But the case is a dark side inside the Brazilian Spiritism Movement.

It has relations to Chico Xavier's idolatry, that makes fanaticism to his followers and supporters.

This fanaticism goes to hate reactions, when something goes wrong against Chico Xavier.

That's the pure myth of "high level energies" doesn't work in reality.

When counteracted, Chico Xavier's followers and supporters can hate, offend and, in extreme cases, kill someone.

That's the bitter lesson of the Amauri Xavier's tragedy.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Brazilian Spiritism's moralism and the question of "me"

The moralism of Brazilian Spiritism is very strange and so far to French Spiritism.

It consists to see the incarnation as a criminal condemnation and people only live to pay severe moral debts.

The preachers fall in contradiction, which is the Brazilian Spiritism's speciality.

They say, in one moment, that people must to accept the sufferance in silence and waiting for the God's help.

In other moment, they deny they said and appeal to a very known cliché: "Nobody was born to suffer, we was born to be happy".

Ok, ok, ok. But the contradictions are very strong.

The preachers usually say: "Treat the misfortune like a loved pal", "What are several decades of disasters before the infinitive time of blessings?".

Some of those preachers can talk about the "enemy of yourself".

There's a language problem. Some Brazilian Spiritism preacher would say something like this:

"It's necessary to abandon the 'me', to left behind the individual needs and to focus to subordinate to the God's purposes".

It's very easy to say it, whereas the "me" is not the preacher on his own.

It's very comfortable, because the "me" is always the other. The preacher dissimulates the personal convictions, he claims himself as a God's spokesperson.

But it's very cruel, because is very easy and convenient to a preacher to say to other people accept the extreme sufferance.

If the suffer can be an appropriate job, if the suffer can't find a girlfriend with compatible personality, if the suffer is humiliated and threatened at the social media, the Brazilian Spiritism's preacher doesn't care about it.

The preacher just smiles and say to the suffer: "You're going in the right way, stay calm and pray to God".

It seems so wonderful and fraternal, but it's cruel. Brazilian Spiritism doesn't feel the sufferance that its clients have to endure.

It's insensitive, cruel and puts the preachers in a condition compared to the corrupt police officers, who don't care about the stolen victim of a robbery.

This situation shuts down the myth of the Brazilian Spiritism as a religion that gives many help to anyone.

Inspired to Theory of Sufferance (medieval Catholic chain), Brazilian Spiritism never know about the sufferance of the unlucky.

But the preachers have good life, they make books or seminaries, have hugs to important people, and travel by great airlines companies and hosts in excelent hotels.

Brazilian Spiritism only emulates the humble tour of Jesus Christ to bring his sacred word to people, or the self-payed research travels of Allan Kardec.

But nothing of these are real and the alleged mediums have stewardships that Jesus and Kardec never interested to get.

That's bad. And that's why Brazilian Spiritism preachers must to ask the suffers to be patient at their unstoppable agony.

The Brazilian Spiritism preachers simply don't know what is really the sufferance.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Chico Xavier, fautly and master? So come on...

Brazil has so much ridiculous manias that make this country so crazy between the Community of Nations.

Brazilian people confuses stupidity with originality, and are very obstinate for their idiot convictions.

The entire world advised Brazil to avoid to elect Jair Bolsonaro as its president.

Jesus Christ was missing to make his advice, but he probably would say no to Bolsonaro.

But brazilians ignored everything and elected Bolsonaro with the pretext of "experience this candidate".

They thought they elected toe "government of the New" and got a old-fashioned political corruption, with the "laranjas" ("oranges") of this election money scheme.

The Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party), PSL, was involved at the scheme of use election money obtained by weak candidates to financiate the others with more chances to win the runs.

"Laranja" is a name that the brazilian political slang defines the corruption collaborator.

"Laranja" is called an individual that attends a corruption plan in the name of other, in his benefit.

The former policial and Jair Bolsonaro's friend, Fabricio Queiroz, moved "atypical bank deposits" to favour Jair's current wife, first-lady Michelle Bolsonaro, and her stepson and Jair's other marriage's son Flávio Bolsonaro, now a senator from Rio de Janeiro.

The popular anedoctal made fun to those scandals. Bolsonaro's opposites and regretted supporters say that "our flag will never be orange anymore", in parody to the famous conservative slogan "our flag will never be red anymore".

Ingenous left-wing people, when Brazil immerse in scandals and conflicts, appeal to "funk carioca" or Chico Xavier believing that they will save the brazilians.

It's very, very wrong.

But why the lefters appeal to "funk" and Chico Xavier? Because they have the poor-life appearance, the pretense humble aura, that makes the ingenous progressist staffs to think they will bring the peace and popular prosperity in Brazil.

No, no, no. "Funk" and Chico Xavier are very conservative phenomena, despite the apparent vinculation to poverty and popular assistance.

"Funk", brazilian rhythm inspired by Miami Bass sound, evocates low values like machism (even masked by apparent feminist appeals) and glamourizes the poverty.

"Funk" is originated at the same stronghold of the first Bolsonaro's supporting movements. There's no reason to consider "funk" as a left-wing movement, even because Miami Bass is launched by anti-castrists popular people living in Florida, USA.

And Chico Xavier? He was a radical reationary, but his poor-dude appearance and his alleged charity - nothing more than a spectacular charity acts from popular TV shows - illude the lefters which would follow the sickening and obsessed adoration to this brazilian alleged medium.

And the adoration is very obsessive. And so obsessive that divides in two ways to deify him.

The first one is very known. Chico Xavier treated as a demigod with sensational and extraordinary virtues, being a powerful intelectual and a right prophet to the future times.

This praised idolatry is very doubtful to the virtues alleged to him, that makes other Chico Xavier's followers and supporters appeal to a "simple" idolatry.

In this case, the second way is to appeal to a "inverse worship", making Chico Xavier as a "non-perfect person" and a "humble and good guy suscetible to errors".

There's a lot problems in both ways of worship.

Chico Xavier can't be an intelectual with fake literature and he can't be a progressist ideologist because his values, inspired by Theology of Suffering, are conservative to the medieval level.

And his predictions about the future in Earth were very stupid. American people migrating to Rain Forest after an alleged destruction of the USA? Wait a minute!

Aliens replacing the intelectuals dead by natural catastrophes and terrorist attacks? Please be patient!

But when Chico Xavier is "only recognized" as a "humble and erring guy", the ridiculous aspects continue to exist.

So Chico Xavier, being so faulty, can be a master? No, there's no chance of it.

Doing a lot of shameful mistakes, including fake literature, fake spiritual letters (created with the "cold read" trick) and reationary comments, Chico Xavier was unable to be a master.

The solution is to forget Chico Xavier and ban him to the real Spiritism cast. It seems to horrible to much people, but this unpleasant decision will really bring so much advantages too soon.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Chico Xavier's idolatry reminds a comedy from Monty Python

Brazil has a ridiculous vocation to surrealism.

Recently, people elected a mediocre military during the presidential run.

Brazilians love arrivists? Maybe yes.

Another arrivist became a demigod and so few people can recognise it.

Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is officially known as the "major symbol of peace, love, charity and dedication to the poor", like Mother Teresa of Calcutta outside Brazil.

But Chico Xavier had an obscure life trajectory that included creepy details.

He made fake literature that included ambitious books like Parnaso de Alem-Tumulo (Post-Grave's Parnassus) and Brasil, Coração do Mundo, Patria do Evangelho (Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation), from the pretense "Humberto de Campos / Irmao X" series.

He subscribed attests from the pretext to "authenticate" false materialization's shows.

Those farces were made by models covered by white clothings with paper pictures from dead persons pasted on their heads.

There was also pretense mediums posed with open mouths when medical tapes and cotton and gaze lints were set to their tongues.

Chico Xavier knows about the farces but wrote little attests to say those were "materializations experiences".

Great illusion, big cheat, sad show to deceive any emotionally fragile human soul.

And who really was Chico Xavier?

He was a very conservative dude from a small then district from Santa Luzia's town, from Belo Horizonte's county. This district, Pedro Leopoldo, is now a city with almost-rural structure.

He never was the illuminated demigod or a "loveable humble man" who much people think he was.

He was only a catholic and conservative dude, a minor service provider, a religious blessed who only wants to pray and give devotion to God, Jesus Christ and his devoted saint, Nossa Senhora de Abadia (Holy Lady of Abbey).

He was not really a deep and flexile paranormal, he only talks to the spirit of his mother, Maria João de Deus, who passed away when he was a little child.

The "paranormal mission" is an ambitious plan made by his discoverer and manager, Brazilian Spiritist Federation's president, Antonio Wantuil de Freitas.

With the intentions to sell millions of books, Wantuil made Chico Xavier as a myth of "brazilian medium", in the country that people were not able to know their own lives and, thus, were less able to know about the life after death.

Desinformation by desinformation, Chico Xavier made what he wanted to rise as a religious idol, and use the conveniences to push down obstacles to his ascension.

A nephew, Amauri Xavier Pena, almost denunciated the entire farce, but this boy died strangely so young, with suspects of being poisoned in 1961, after beaten by a three-year humiliation campaign.

Chico Xavier is currently divinized by two ways.

First, he is seem as a "glorified genius of great virtues" and an alleged master and prophet.

Second, he is seem as a "humble man that dedicated to the poor, the sad and the sick" and has "little imperfections" like any human person.

But the both conceptions are so wrong and has ridiculous aspects.

In the first conception, people believe, for example, that Chico Xavier predicted that the aliens will replace the intelectual staff which will die too soon on Earth.

In the second conception, people believe that the "humble and imperfect" Chico Xavier can be a master even making a shameful collection of mistakes.

Chico Xavier's biography reminds the Monty Python's Life of Brian's possible free brazilian adaptation.

In the famous british comedian group's 1979 movie, a humble jewish man from Judea, Brian Cohen, was confuded by Jesus Christ and became as an alleged messiah.

Brian was manipulated by the wishful thinking of his followers and decided to pretend to be a preacher to run away from the Roman Empire's guard.

There's so much differences in details and aspects, but let's stop to think: Chico Xavier really deserves the idolatry that he receives, even posthumously, in Brazil?

Putting the passions aside, Chico Xavier never deserved and never deserves his idolatry.

And he never deserved even under the simple condition of "humble man susceptible to errors".

Chico Xavier is a worthless man who became a brazilian demigod, an alleged saint canonized by the brazilian spititists wishful thinkings.

Chico Xavier only became a post-truth preacher, in brazilian contexts. And a very conservative ideologist and an old-fashioned religious activist.

He was never progressist, futurist, modern of any advanced quality attributed oficially to him.

And his biography was so ridiculous to make him a "spirit of light" that so much people insist to think.

Brazil imitated a comedy movie and never knew about it. Sadly.