Saturday, June 8, 2019

Allan Kardec will refuse surely the "prophecy of the limit-date" by Chico Xavier

There's not necessary to think so much to consider that alleged prophecy of the "limit-date" is a bigger waste of time.

The pretense prediction, send by Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is a lot of mystification masked by less-convincing pseudoscientific rhetoric.

According to the alleged prophecy, the Old World (Europe and USA) had a deadline to develop christian principles to the humankind, or tragedies will happen by Nature or human terrorism.

The alleged prophecy was dreamt by Chico Xavier in 1969, but he told the young Geraldo Lemos Neto about it in 1986.

Chico Xavier thought that aliens would replace the collective deaths of valuable people by several catastrophes and terror attacks.

That's a real absurd that loses so much time with unnecessary discussions and worthless videos published in YouTube and other social media servers.

The detail that so few people can know about is that this "prophecy" will be severely refused by nobody than Allan Kardec himself.

In various excerpts of his books and Revue Spirite's articles, Kardec condemned the attribution to predict defined dates to future happenings.

One example can be recognized in The Book of Mediums, Chapter 24, "The Identity of the Spirits", when a message from the spirit of St. Louis, corroborated by Kardec, says so explicitally in the item 266 and subitem 8th:

"8º) The frivolous Spirits are so recognized by their facility for how they predict the future and refer it with very precision to material facts we cannot know. The good Spirits wan make us to presage the future things, when this knowledge goes useful, but they never determinate the exact dates. Every announcement about the certain time is the evidence of mystification".

In few words, Kardec pushed down any chance to consider Chico Xavier's "limit-date" as an authentic prediction. The mystification is very clear on it.

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