Monday, December 24, 2018

Jesus not only condemned temple vendors, but also the scribes and false wises

Jesus Christ, who is registred by History as a humanist leader, is notable for reproving the temple vendors, with a controversial act.

The medieval interpretation of Bible's translations remained to nowadays says that Jesus beaten the merchants with a whip.

It's very wrong. Jesus took a whip he found somewhere and beaten it to the wall, and then Jesus pushed some products in a table to make a loud and call the attention of the present people.

He explained, afterwards, that the Temple is a place of praying and not a place for commerce.

Public oppinion in Brazil overestimated the comparison about temple vendors and neo-pentecostal evangelicals as the only severe criticize made by Jesus to the pretense religious preachers.

Neo-pentecostal Evangelicals, including Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus and Assembleia de Deus (Assembly of God) are really harmful, as modern temple vendors.

But brazilians underestimated that the Brazilian Spiritism represent the modern form of scribes and false wises.

Brazilian alleged mediums are very strange as their supposed function can apparently suggest.

They're not intermediate between the living and the dead, but a center of attention, being like clergymen of the pretending-to-be spiritualist religion.

Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier), Divaldo Franco and, recently, the criminal-denunciated Joao Teixeira de Faria (aka Joao de Deus or John of God) are the main examples of brazilian alleged mediums.

They developed a pretense reputation involved to charity, humility and wisdom.

It's really false, but most of brazilians insist to believe in these alleged mediums, as pretense philosophers and philanthropists.

But their charity is very fake and their pretense philosophy is a lot of retrograde moral values based on Middle Age's Catholicism.

Chico Xavier is a main example of the false wise rejected by Jesus Christ.

The thoughts of Chico Xavier are very opposite to the original lessons of original Spiritism.

Chico's books always are a bait of old-fashioned Catholicism principles and beliefs, but these ideas are very contrary to the postulates originally brought by Allan Kardec in his works.

Everybody is accustomed to the association to Chico Xavier as a "brazilian modern Jesus Christ".

But the right but painful reality is that Jesus will reprove the alleged brazilian mediums and his similars.

Xavier had a religious mantle, but he always worked with intelectual dishonesty and a stardom ambition that are very contrary to the Jesus legacy.

Chico Xavier can be compared to a pretense Jesus profile created by Middle Age's Catholicism.

This narrative brought Jesus as a pretense magician and lord of the armys, defending non-progressive values and being a simbol of old-fashioned moralism.

The medieval Jesus, for his adoration along the times, is more next to Golden Fleece than the Jesus Christ himself.

Medieval Jesus brought the conditions and aspects to the brazilian adoration to Chico Xavier.

And Chico Xavier represents so much the profile of the scribe and false wise condemned by primitive christian legacy.

While bishop Edir Macedo is a modern form of a temple vendor for collecting money from his faithful people ("dizimo"), Chico Xavier is a modern form of scribe and false wise, for his books and preachers through his testimonies.

The curious aspect is that Jesus always complained against scribes, with more frequence thant the temple vendors.

It means that we must to be cautious to the temple vendors traps, but we also must to keep rigorous vigilance to the scibes and false wises.

Scribes and false wises can be talk and write about "love", "fraternity", "peace" and "charity". They will professedly defend the mercy and compassion, aiming to seduce the people.

But scribes and false wises are too and more dangerous than the temple vendors. That's because the temple vendors just steal the poor's money. The scribes and false wises make worst: they mask the lie and illude people, oppening the path to other robbers and misleaders.

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