Saturday, September 29, 2018

The falsehood of Brazilian Spiritism's charity


The image above is considered by most of people so beautiful and heart-melting.

Poor people forming rows to salute and kiss the hand of the alleged medium Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, in an evident act of religious idolatry.

But we can see this picture, originally from the 1970s, with careful attemption and we conclude that this photo is not so lovely as so much people insist to think and believe.

This picture above is not a philanthropy act, but the famous and wretched cult of personality.

It's not Chico Xavier helping the poor and giving love consolation to their misery.

That's Chico Xavier getting his hideous pride from the poor submitted to his religious domain.

The Brazilian Spiritism's charity is a great and unfortunate falsehood.

So much people glorify this kind of charity, but we know that this philanthropy is very weak, making so less results at the proportion that it reinforces the alleged mediums' cult of personality.

The brazilian alleged mediums rather to be next to the conception of "media", as "mainstream media" means, than the original definition of an intermediary messenger between the dead and the living people.

Alleged mediums like Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco are only religious popstars, but they bring several and serious doubts about the alleged charity associated to them.

The doubts are so evident, so Brazil didn't get any real progress by their contribution.

If the "mediums' philanthropy" really works, Brazil was achieved high level of life's quality, compared to Scandinavia's countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

But it doesn't. And it's not for lack of loving or listening the alleged mediums' advices.

For the contrary, Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco, João Teixeira de Faria (aka John of God) and similar were and still are so loved at the extreme levels, going to the point of fanatism.

Chico Xavier is treated like a demigod, officially considered "spirit of light" and sometimes most popular than Jesus Christ (Chico even plagiarized John Lennon?).

There's a real and worriful problem about the alleged mediums' charity.

This charity brings weak results, and, inspired to the Christopher Hitchens' report from Mother Teresa of Calcutta, "to comfortable the afflict without afflict the comfortable".

It means: the extremely adored "charity" of Chico Xavier and similars only helped the poor in a mediocre and superficial way, avoiding any threat to the rich people's abusive privileges.

And there's a shocking detail behind this alleged charity: ALLEGED MEDIUMS NEVER PRACTICED CHARITY.

The real charity, if this exists, is worked by common people. No Brazilian Spiritist leader or star worked or works the charity with their own resources.

They only asks people to give old belongings or buy non-perishable products.

The only thing that Brazilian Spiritism institutions make is to reserve a room or a closet to storage the donations from the attenders.

So much people thinks it's also wonderful and confuse it to the collective efforts from communities.

No, it doesn't. Because the leader doesn't work, he just command the charity from others.

It's so serious and annoying, because the leader, a speaker or alleged medium from the Brazilian Spiritist institution, is the one to get the laurels from the other people's efforts.

There's a very old story about the grasshopper and the ant.

The ants work, the grasshopper was occupied by her spetacle, but getting the glory from the ant's work.

We can change the metaphore example: the working overbird and the ostensive peacock.

Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco were religious peacocks, and their followers and supporters were the overbirds. They never were the "activists only dedicated to the poor" as most people usually think.

Some people work but their leaders or idols brought the glory from the others' work.

That's the falsehood of Brazilian Spiritism's charity. It must not to be the reason to proud and cheer, but the reason of shame and sadness.

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