Saturday, June 30, 2018

The religion that betrayed its own pioneer


There's something going wrong in Brazil, and there's something seriously wrong.

The brazilian religion, known as Brazilian Spiritism, has revealed one of the worst betrayals made by an institution or movement in relation to its pioneer.

Betraying the lessons from original Spiritism, systematized by french educator Leon Hippolyte Denizard Rivail, aka Allan Kardec, the Brazilian Spiritism became a collection of frauds and backward values.

Brazilian Spiritism was raised from 19th century, when Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB, as portuguese abreviation) was founded in Rio de Janeiro, in 1884.

Brazil was a Second Empire and the brazilian spiritists consisted to admit mystical influences, taken from the jesuitic Catholicism which was predominant in colonial period.

It was reinforced from the first Spiritism defacement made in France, through the book published by french lawyer Jean-Baptiste Roustaing, titled The Four Gospels.

Contradicting lessons from Allan Kardec's books, specially The Spirits' Book, The Gospel's According to Spiritism and The Book of Mediums, The Four Gospels recover old conceptions from the Middle Age's Catholicism.

The Four Gospels mention, above others, the Mary's virginity and the Docetism conception about Fluidic Jesus, the very fought problem from Roustaing's book, allegedly written by the four evangelists (John, Luke, Matthew and Mark) through mrs. Emilie Collignon's psychography.

The Fluidic Jesus consists to affirm that Jesus Christ never existed as a living man, but lived between us as a fluidic ghost, who felt no pain during his martyrdom of the cross.

Other problem is brought from the hypothesis about cryptogamos, defined as a next incarnation of failed humans in form of insects, worms or vegetables.

In Brazil, Roustaing was well received, being so much successful than Kardec.

The controvertial problems, however, were left slowly, because FEB got a clever solution.

A young hillbilly from Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais, called Francisco Candido Xavier - who exactly passed away 16 years ago - , aka Chico Xavier, were the person chosen by FEB's president, Antonio Wantuil de Freitas, to this smart job.

Chico Xavier, who made scandals at the literary community from the book fakely attributed to several poets (Parnaso de Além-Túmulo, or Post-Grave Parnassus), released in 1932, became a religious idol translating Roustaing into Brazilian context.

Using several names, alleged from several spirits called Humberto de Campos, Emmanuel, Meimei, Andre Luiz and others, Xavier made a manual of old-fashioned moralism, based on medieval Catholicism's Theology of Suffering.

Running away from original kardecian lessons, Xavier diffused conservative ideas appealing for the accept of the worst sufferance, in the very cruel way.

Chico Xavier defended, in his thoughts: "You must to accept the worst sufferance, facing the worst disgraces without complaining and praying in silence".

Using his fanciful desires and shockingly contradicting kardecian lessons, Xavier invencted, with partners like Wantuil and the then-prodigy Waldo Vieira, a fantastic "Spiritual City" or "Spiritual Colony", through the book called Our Home (Nosso Lar), published in 1943.

Kardec said that there's no idea in Earth about how spiritual world could be. He affirmed that the spiritual world is not like we're familiarized to live in this planet, but there's no pausible idea defining how is really the after-death life.

Xavier ignored it and designed the spiritual world based on materialist prejudgements, imagining a large condominium which central building is a bigger house which works like a mix of the hospital, hotel and boarding school.

This is extremely serious and bother, and shows how level is the threason from original spiritist lessons.

The world knows about the serious problems about Cientology and, recently, the NXIVM/DOS religious sect, but hardly can know about the falsehood of Brazilian Spiritism.

Masked by alleged principles from Charity, Love, Peace and Dedication to the Others, the Brazilian Spiritism works unpunished threason from Allan Kardec's legacy.

It's necessary to report the Brazilian Spiritism falsehood, a shameful movement that enjoys unpunished reputation, iluding and deceiving lots of people with the appearance of Kindness and Beauty.

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