Saturday, April 13, 2019

Brazilian Spiritism: the religion of Post-Truth?

There's some pretense axioms of Brazilian Spiritism, diffused as undoubted truth:

"Spirits loss their individuality and personal talent after death, and go to develop the 'universal love language'".

"Brazilian mediuns are philosophers, philanthropists and progressist thinkers from the modern age".

"People must to suffer at extreme levels to conquer the definitive happiness".

"Victims are the main guilties of the crime and tragedy that affected them".

"Individuality is a form of selfism. An individual must to do what he didn't want, to reach enough evolution to catch the Heaven".

There's false ideas, but so much people think they're true, by emotional and moralistic burden they're carrying on.

Brazil became a fertile place for the mystification.

In Brazil, doctrinal deviations from original Allan Kardec's lessons, for Jean Baptiste Roustaing's ideas, got to be, unfortunately, so successful.

Brazil is not a well-developed nation, and we not mention it just for economical reasons.

A confused religiousness allowed the submissive acception to Roustaing's ideas adapted to brazilian reality by Francisco Candido Xavier.

Chico Xavier, as the alleged medium is popularly known, inserted the medieval-catholic concepts that Roustaing tried to develop in France.

Xavier was, throughtout his life, the enthusiast of Theology of Suffering, the most medieval chain from the Catholic Church.

And Theology of Suffering guides the Brazilian Spiritism content, most of Kardec's lessons.

For this reason, the original intelectual content was abandoned. Logic and common sense are replaced by blind faith - credited by Brazilian Spiritism as "reasoned faith" - and mystification.

Spiritual cities, since Nosso Lar (Our Home), were conceived without scientific basis.

Extreme sufferance, in a cruel conception, is considered an alleged trail to be near Heaven.

And everything preached by Brazilian Spiritism is considered "true and logical", despite being explicitally untrue and unfair.

No one have courage to questionate this conceptions, dominated by the "love bombing" appeals brought by Chico Xavier.

And it makes the Brazilian Spiritism a religion of Post-Truth.

Because its mystification is considered "logical and realistic", despite being so obscure and doubtful.

It's needy to break it, but everybody is afraid of getting rid of the "love bombing" appeals from Brazilian Spiritism.

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