Saturday, April 6, 2019

Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier: Two antagonists

So much brazilians ingenuously believe that Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is an authentic disciple of Allan Kardec.

This is a big mistake.

They're opponents and there's a lot of confirmations about it.

Allan Kardec developed Spiritism based on his studies under the approach to Science and Philosophy principles.

Despite the persistent association to Kardec's legacy, Chico Xavier never shared the scientism instructions from the french teacher.

Observing with so much attemption the books of Chico Xavier, we can recognise ideas that not only go far from kardecian lessons, but are very opposite of them.

The brazilian alleged medium described the "spiritual city" of Nosso Lar (Our Home) without any kind of theoretical basis.

Kardec mentioned that human kind was unable to make a reasonable notion about the spiritual world, although the life after death is so probable.

Since Kardec's death, there's no research that got to recognise a possible notion what is really the spiritual world. And no work for some purpose was known currently.

Kardec's ideas was inspired in French's Age of Enlightenment. Chico Xavier, unlike, was always inspired to the Middle Age's Catholicism.

It's very sure and confirmed. Chico evocated the spirit of jesuit priest Manuel da Nobrega, a very known character of Brazil's colonial history.

The portuguese jesuit priest was immediately renamed Emmanuel, and became Chico's mentor.

But one aspect of Emmanuel was noted: he was very severely domineering.

Kardec consider the spirits of this conduct to lower levels of moral evolution.

So much things from all the legacy and testimony of Chico Xavier is reportedly opposite to the original Spiritism's ideas.

The one common aspect is the life after death's conception. But it's a package of different contents.

Kardecian books mentions life after death as a scientific and philosophic problem and invited the readers to study and discuss about it.

However, the books and testimonies of Xavier consider life after death as a finished idea, that should not need to be studied, but to be believed.

Unfortunately, read books is not a practice to be correctly and widely made by most of brazilians.

They usually read books hastily and choose works that are not very comitted to bring real knowledge and wisdom.

The most of brazilian readers prefer to read books that inspire an analgesic entertainment instead of instruction and knowledge.

If brazilian readers can read books seriously, will recognise the strong and irreconciliable differences between Allan Kardec's and Chico Xavier's books.

A huge abyss separates the respective works, one to other.

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