Saturday, April 27, 2019

Alleged mediums lapse so much. But they're still deified

People currently are saying, with strange emphasis, that the "brazilian mediums" always "do mistakes".

"They're imperfect. They fail constantly. They're the ones that lapse too much", they say.

What interest they have to insist about this point of view?

Allan Kardec described, in The Book of Mediums, several risks that define the imperfect mediums, including mystification and spiritual obsession.

Several excerpts mention it, specially the 195 and 196 items from the 16th chapter, Special Mediums, from the Part II, From Spititists Manifestations.

It means that Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, the most known alleged brazilian medium, must to be defined as "frivilous medium". As Kardec written:

Frivolous mediums - The ones that don't get serious their faculty and serve them only to fun and insane finalities.

It's so painful to Chico Xavier's followers and supporters.

They deceptively believe that Chico Xavier had other definition about his work, as a "good medium": the "modest medium", mentioned by the 197 item from The Book of Mediums. As Kardec written:

Modest mediums - The ones that attribute them no merit from the received communications, however they were so better. The mediums consider those communications as being from others and they don't judge free from mystifications. Far from get ridding of the imparcial advices, they request them.

Unfortunately, Chico Xavier showed, in his all trajectory, strange aspects about this work.

Their alleged psychographies brought a lot of mistakes. It was not simple mistakes, that would deserve apologies and go ahead.

They're serious and worrisome mistakes that hurt the personal aspects from each alleged dead author let to us in life.

One example is the alleged psychography about the famous writer and founder member of Brazilian Academy of Letters, Olavo Bilac, as an ironic comment by literary specialist Joao Dornas Filho:

"Olavo Bilac, um homem que no estágio de imperfeição nunca assinou um verso imperfeito, depois de morto ditou a Chico Xavier sonetos inteirinhos abaixo dos medíocres".

"Olavo Bilac, a man that in his imperfection stage never written an imperfect verse, after death dictated to Chico Xavier entire sonnets less than mediocre".

Every opportunist guy can say that his work can be to "the bread of the poor".

And Chico Xavier's mistakes were very worrisome and serious enough to eliminate even the simplest admiration to him.

He didn't do charities. He always defended the "accept of sufferance in silence", asking the suffers to don't cry in their extreme pain. This is charity? No.

And the philanthropic Chico's projects were so mediocre like the brazilian presenters like Luciano Huck usually did and do.

Chico Xavier perverted the original Kardec's lesson inserting the medieval Catholicism's dogmas. Any confirmation? Read Chico Xavier's books and anyone will confirm it.

What's the point to admit that Chico Xavier and similares are "imperfect" and "frequently fail" if the followers and supporters continue to admire him as a demigod, although they say that admire him "only for his positive qualities"?

The human falsehood had so hidden tricks that made people, in some cases, deceive themselves.

Nobody wants to be recognized as bad and failed. And there's one more confusion about Chico Xavier.

This new confusion is that he is admitted as "faulty" but he's also treated like a demigod.

What's the point to removing and idol from his pedestal if there's always an altar reserved to him?

Saturday, April 20, 2019

"Imperfect mediums" don't help Brazilian Spiritism to adjust and heal


It turned to be a hit tendence to claim that the brazilian alleged mediums are "faulty" and "fail so much".

The Brazilian Spiritism and the non-vinculated supporters now claims against the previous deification of alleged mediums like Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) and Divaldo Franco.

"No, they aren't demigods! Mediums are only humble and good people with risk to fail!", say someone.

"They're not the saviours of the humankind. Neither stand up, nor mounted on a horseback", say other.

"They're not really perfect. They're good and kind, but they're imperfect and passable to fail", say another person.

And it goes ahead.

And why there's an apparent chorus to claim that "brazilian mediums can fail and are no perfect"?

The Joao de Deus affair helped so much to increase this clamor.

He was a pretense cure medium from Abadiania, Goias, born Joao Teixeira de Faria.

He's also an ambitious farmer and accused to harass and rape women and to have illegal weapon possession, beyond the other crimes.

Until the criminal case, the Brazilian Spiritism movement rarely talked about the alleged mediums imperfection.

The spiritist preachers and also the kardecian real followers as Jose Herculano Pires - nephew of the folklore brazilian storyteller Cornelio Pires and best Kardec's translator in Brazil - said that "mediums must to get off the pedestal".

But the followers, until Joao de Deus affair, believed that mediums only have their own decisions when they do something right, but if they do something wrong it was under the obsessor spirits influence.

After Joao de Deus affair, the position was changed.

Now they talk about the "brazilian mediums fail", but the idolatry keeps the same.

They just avoid to say that Chico Xavier, per example, is a "demigod" or "illuminated angel".

They just say "Chico is good, humble, far from Jesus Christ's perfection and he only lived to help the poor and sad people".

The Chico Xavier's charity myth, which is so doubtful in results, despite the generalized claim that he "practiced charity in his entire life", remains unchanged.

The question is how purpose will be taken by the idea about "imperfect medims"?

How contribution can we bring to this idea?

The answer is, simply, none.

The "mediums who fail" don't help the Spiritism will be better understood in Brazil.

It doesn't help to adjust the real sense of Allan Kardec's original lessons.

It doesn't help to develop serious studies and researches about the spiritual life and the contacts between living and dead people.

The "imperfect mediums" myth only can keep the Spiritism deviations in Brazil as they always happened.

It will keep, mainly, the Catholic-made conceptions adopted by Brazilian Spiritist movement.

And it will keep the alleged psychographies that use the "dead of the moment's" name credited in a fake message to bring the same known religious mershandising: "let's reunite to the peace of Christ".

To admit fails does not necessarily fight the errors.

It can be an excuse to avoid the punishments.

Alleged brazilian mediums are recognized as "faulties" because they don't want to see their reputation to fall.

Commercial interests are involved in it. Chico Xavier's books, Divaldo Franco's books and talk expositions.

Despite the official intention to "give the money to the charity", it is a powerful industry that enriched the Brazilian Spiritism staff, including the "humble mediums".

There's no real result in benefit to the poor and the sick, precariously helped by the alleged mediums.

Low results prove that the alleged mediums really fail, mainly at charity.

But if they're faulty, there's no reason to admire them and take their quotes do publish in foolish and mamby-pamby memes on the social media.

The alleged mediums from Brazilian Spiritism are, in true, the worst shame to Allan Kardec's legacy.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Brazilian Spiritism: the religion of Post-Truth?

There's some pretense axioms of Brazilian Spiritism, diffused as undoubted truth:

"Spirits loss their individuality and personal talent after death, and go to develop the 'universal love language'".

"Brazilian mediuns are philosophers, philanthropists and progressist thinkers from the modern age".

"People must to suffer at extreme levels to conquer the definitive happiness".

"Victims are the main guilties of the crime and tragedy that affected them".

"Individuality is a form of selfism. An individual must to do what he didn't want, to reach enough evolution to catch the Heaven".

There's false ideas, but so much people think they're true, by emotional and moralistic burden they're carrying on.

Brazil became a fertile place for the mystification.

In Brazil, doctrinal deviations from original Allan Kardec's lessons, for Jean Baptiste Roustaing's ideas, got to be, unfortunately, so successful.

Brazil is not a well-developed nation, and we not mention it just for economical reasons.

A confused religiousness allowed the submissive acception to Roustaing's ideas adapted to brazilian reality by Francisco Candido Xavier.

Chico Xavier, as the alleged medium is popularly known, inserted the medieval-catholic concepts that Roustaing tried to develop in France.

Xavier was, throughtout his life, the enthusiast of Theology of Suffering, the most medieval chain from the Catholic Church.

And Theology of Suffering guides the Brazilian Spiritism content, most of Kardec's lessons.

For this reason, the original intelectual content was abandoned. Logic and common sense are replaced by blind faith - credited by Brazilian Spiritism as "reasoned faith" - and mystification.

Spiritual cities, since Nosso Lar (Our Home), were conceived without scientific basis.

Extreme sufferance, in a cruel conception, is considered an alleged trail to be near Heaven.

And everything preached by Brazilian Spiritism is considered "true and logical", despite being explicitally untrue and unfair.

No one have courage to questionate this conceptions, dominated by the "love bombing" appeals brought by Chico Xavier.

And it makes the Brazilian Spiritism a religion of Post-Truth.

Because its mystification is considered "logical and realistic", despite being so obscure and doubtful.

It's needy to break it, but everybody is afraid of getting rid of the "love bombing" appeals from Brazilian Spiritism.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier: Two antagonists

So much brazilians ingenuously believe that Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is an authentic disciple of Allan Kardec.

This is a big mistake.

They're opponents and there's a lot of confirmations about it.

Allan Kardec developed Spiritism based on his studies under the approach to Science and Philosophy principles.

Despite the persistent association to Kardec's legacy, Chico Xavier never shared the scientism instructions from the french teacher.

Observing with so much attemption the books of Chico Xavier, we can recognise ideas that not only go far from kardecian lessons, but are very opposite of them.

The brazilian alleged medium described the "spiritual city" of Nosso Lar (Our Home) without any kind of theoretical basis.

Kardec mentioned that human kind was unable to make a reasonable notion about the spiritual world, although the life after death is so probable.

Since Kardec's death, there's no research that got to recognise a possible notion what is really the spiritual world. And no work for some purpose was known currently.

Kardec's ideas was inspired in French's Age of Enlightenment. Chico Xavier, unlike, was always inspired to the Middle Age's Catholicism.

It's very sure and confirmed. Chico evocated the spirit of jesuit priest Manuel da Nobrega, a very known character of Brazil's colonial history.

The portuguese jesuit priest was immediately renamed Emmanuel, and became Chico's mentor.

But one aspect of Emmanuel was noted: he was very severely domineering.

Kardec consider the spirits of this conduct to lower levels of moral evolution.

So much things from all the legacy and testimony of Chico Xavier is reportedly opposite to the original Spiritism's ideas.

The one common aspect is the life after death's conception. But it's a package of different contents.

Kardecian books mentions life after death as a scientific and philosophic problem and invited the readers to study and discuss about it.

However, the books and testimonies of Xavier consider life after death as a finished idea, that should not need to be studied, but to be believed.

Unfortunately, read books is not a practice to be correctly and widely made by most of brazilians.

They usually read books hastily and choose works that are not very comitted to bring real knowledge and wisdom.

The most of brazilian readers prefer to read books that inspire an analgesic entertainment instead of instruction and knowledge.

If brazilian readers can read books seriously, will recognise the strong and irreconciliable differences between Allan Kardec's and Chico Xavier's books.

A huge abyss separates the respective works, one to other.