Saturday, March 23, 2019

Chico Xavier's nephew should be killed by poison

Digital version of brazilian Manchete magazine brought us a great opportunity to know about a dark side about the life of Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier).

It's related to the misterious death of his nephew, Amauri Xavier Pena, ocurred in june 1961.

He was an alcohol addicted, but he was lucid when he dediced to denunciate his uncle about the frauds from mediunity.

Amauri was announced as Chico Xavier's successor, and the young man affirmed that he was forced to pretend the paranormality, making people believe that he also received messages from great late writers from the spiritual life.

Amauri was troubled about that and he decided to denunciate Chico Xavier and other involved into the brazilian spiritist movement.

The curious thing we see in this case is that the Brazilian Spiritism, officially refused to make hate and offending practices, actually made it against Amauri Xavier.

So much lies were announced against Amauri Xavier, allegedly described by an agressive police officer, captain Agostinho Couto (with the behaviour which seems so similar than the current Jair Bolsonaro's supporters), as a "house robber" and "false money manufacturer".

An agressive defamation campaign against Amauri was made by spiritists that usually claim unable to hate or offend anyone, even a murderer.

People alleged to be "unable to fight an only insect" made a "reputation kill" to Amauri Xavier.

Morally devastated, Amauri was sent to a spiritist sanatory in Sabara, a city at Belo Horizonte's county, and he spent some time there. It's suspected that he suffered agressions there, deserving investigations about it.

Amauri died after released from sanatory, officially by hepatitis, maybe toxic hepatitis.

He died too much young than a simple alcohol addicted should usually die. This addicted usually dies being, at least, 35 years-old, and Amauri died when he was 27.

The Manchete report revealed that Amauri received death threats inside the Brazilian Spiritist Movement.

In Belo Horizonte, Sabará and Pedro Leopoldo (Chico Xavier's birth town), it was said that Amauri was threatened to die by poison, by the spiritist staff, and that he decided "unmask his uncle for resentment", said the text, signed by brazilian journalist Jayme Negreiros.

Officially, Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) mourned Amauri's death and said that he just died by hepatitis.

But the case is a dark side inside the Brazilian Spiritism Movement.

It has relations to Chico Xavier's idolatry, that makes fanaticism to his followers and supporters.

This fanaticism goes to hate reactions, when something goes wrong against Chico Xavier.

That's the pure myth of "high level energies" doesn't work in reality.

When counteracted, Chico Xavier's followers and supporters can hate, offend and, in extreme cases, kill someone.

That's the bitter lesson of the Amauri Xavier's tragedy.

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