Saturday, November 3, 2018

Spiritism confirmed that runned away from Allan Kardec's teachings

The teacher Allan Kardec should be so shamed about Brazilian Spiritism.

The religion allegedly influenced by Kardec's legacy runner away from his teachings.

Brazilian Spiritism perverted itself from its religious addictions brought from Brazil's colony age.

Kardec's had influenced by the new knowledges brought by french Illuminism and he was the follower of Franz Anton Mesmer's discovers about Magnetism.

Brazilian Spiritism only improved two concepts from Kardec: the notion of life after death and the possibility of reincarnation.

Otherwise, Brazilian Spiritism restricted to be the combination of Middle Age's Catholicism and some practices about witchcrafts, homeopathy and esoterism.

The doctrinal erosion reduced the Spiritism made in Brazil as only a religion of adoration to the alleged mediums and a mediocre moral prescription.

The great most of the Brazilian Spiritism events is about banal topics about "families relationship", "faith during the agony", "individual reforming" and "how to be happy in life".

Those topics sound so beautiful and positive, but they're so shameful and undignfied.

The alleged mediums adoration, especially Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier), is a serious problem prevented previously by personalities associated to religious wisdom.

Moses, known as the writer of the Ten Commandments, condemned the Golden Fleece cult, the idolatry full of fanatism, fantasy and unrealistic idealization.

Jesus Christ condemned the false wises who love to sit in the front spots at the church and pray to God pretending to be humble, but disguising their frivolous pride.

Allan Kardec comdemned the "internal enemies" from Spiritism, people can bring the most beautiful appeals to seduce people to accept mistifying and conservative concepts.

It can be painful to much people, but Chico Xavier represents the three worst aspects mentioned above.

He is, although posthumously, adored with the same way of Golden Fleece's idolatry. There's blind adoration, full of fantasy, which makes Chico like a "fairy-godmother" of the Real World.

The reputation of pretense wise is another problem. Chico is recognized as a pretending philosopher, a false thinker of banal phrases and the backward conception to "endure the misfortunes in silence".

And how "internal enemy" of Spiritism Chico Xavier really was!

Their books had several concepts that directly opposite the original Spiritism preceptions.

The fanciful idea of "spiritual cities", conceived through materialistic daydreams, since the Nosso Lar (Our Home) 1943 book, is very reverse to the kardecian concepts about spiritual world.

In his books, Kardec adverted that we still don't have any notion about what really is the spiritual world. Spiritual life probably exists, but there's not any notion about how it really is.

The conservative ideas from Chico Xavier's books and testimonies are also opposite to Kardec's progressive ideas to the human life.

The idea about the "acception to disgrace", without complaining and contestations, is so medieval and inherited both from Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's legacy and from Teology of Sufferance, a Middle Age's chain from Catholic Church, restored in modern era by Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

There's so much differences about the kardecian idea of the human evolution and the xavierian idea about that.

The original kardecian idea is just about learning and knowing new ideas and practices, not necessarily painful and hard.

The xavierian idea is about to suffer and endure adverse situations until the extreme point.

Essentially, Chico Xavier's Spiritism is like a popular saying in Brazil: "The worst, the better".

It's very shocking to much people, because not so much people recognize Chico Xavier as a conservative and right-wing guy.

And he was so conservative at a level to the most conservative members of the United States' Republican Party.

Is hard to accept this, but Chico Xavier is extremely conservative to the point to defend convictedly the brazilian dictatorship, even in its cruelest times.

"Let's pray to the militaries, who are making Brazil to be the Kingdom of Love", said Chico, in his famous Pinga Fogo show interview, aired by TV Tupi Network in 1971.

This idea from Chico Xavier's reactionary side drive most of the followers to cry in sobs.

But it's true: Chico Xavier didn't support any progressive movement and didn't like the workers movements.

In 1989, Chico Xavier supported Fernando Collor to the presidential run, against the left-wing Lula, in its second round.

Near his death, Chico Xavier indicated to support the center-right PSDB candidates. Aécio Neves was the man wished by Chico to be the ideal leader to Brazil's Republic.

For his ideas, we can deduce that Chico Xavier could make the same tendence to the center-right followers, leaning to support the far right.

There's a very great resemblance between Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro's slogans.

Chico said "Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation". Jair says "Brazil above all, God above everybody".

Two phrases has so identical by meaning, and if can observe both Chico and Jair thoughts, we can surely conclude that they're conservative soulmates.

Really, Chico Xavier ruined the original Spiritism lessons wih his fake literature, conservative ideas and fanciful conceptions about spiritual life.

That's why the teacher Kardec should be so shamed about what have been done with Spiritism.

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