Saturday, November 10, 2018

Erasto, messenger improved by Allan Kardec, would reject Chico Xavier

Brazilian Spiritism deviated so much from the original Spiritism preceptions.

The brazilian religion became a recycled verson of the old Catholicism from Middle Age which dominated Brazil's colonial era until the 18th century.

Studies about spiritual life and the contact between living and dead people were so damaged.

Brazilian Spiritism reduced to be a religion of adoration, focused to the alleged mediums, promoted as its priests.

The alleged contact between alives and deads is made with strange facility, and restricted to be a religious mershandising, when alleged spirits of the dead always end their messages with statements like "Let's live in peace with Jesus Christ".

It's really so strange. It brings a false impression that the spiritual world is a very big church.

Famous dead people are usually involved at the alleged messages.

From Getulio Vargas, former Brazil's president, to recently late actor Domingos Montagner, there's always a "dead of the moment" in brazilian messages brought by alleged mediums.

Strange scraps are published unpunishedly, with ideas that the dead personalities could never defend if alive.

One example: Raul Seixas, credited as the supposedly codename of Zilio, said the strange idea about "the enemy of yourself", very inappropriate to a rebel rocker he was.

The idea of "the enemy of yourself" is originally from the Theology of Sufferance, derived current from medieval Catholicism.

The Theology of Sufferance consider pleasure and individuality as human addictions, and preaches that suffers must to accept their misfortunes to receive, some time later, the blessing of God.

As Zilio, worked by alleged spiritist medium and radio speaker Nelson Moraes, showed a strangely silly Raul Seixas spirit, seeming most a parody than the spiritual purification after the depuration during early post-death life.

The pretense Raul Seixas strangely kept the religious mysticism he left behind in his last years of life.

You can compare, for example, to the Marcelo Nova's partnership, when Raul returned his his corrosive and ironic critical sense.

Why could Raul Seixas recover the religious mysticism that's not appropriate to his personal nature as a rocker?

It's an example between a lot of ones, and Allan Kardec should condemn this practice.

Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, begun a bad school of alleged mediunity.

He was the pioneer of fake literature, confirmation that saddens so much people but it's real and true.

The "Humberto de Campos" alleged spirit is so fake. The original Humberto de Campos is one person, one style, and the alleged spirit is so very different.

One ridiculous example: João Dornas Filho, a forgotten brazilian writer, said about the alleged psychography credited to poet Olavo Bilac brought by Chico Xavier:

"Olavo Bilac, a man that in his unperfect stage never created an unperfect verse, but after death dictated to Chico Xavier whole sonets below the mediocre".

Kardec condemned most of Chico Xavier's activities, and a extensive book is necessary to mention all of those mistakes.

Kardec's messenger, the spirit of disciple of St. Paul, Erastus of Paneas, one of the Seventh Disciples, according to Bible's registry, adverted to the "internal enemies" from the Spiritism.

We resume the Erastus serious advices about the Spiritism deviation by pretense followers like Chico Xavier:

- Prolixe and blistering texts to forge pretense erudition;

- Use of famous names to make impression to the readers for further domination;

- Diffusion of beautiful words to make emotional involvement to the readers;

- Bring fanciful ideas, like "spiritual colonies", to justify the social injustices and inequalities and to comfort the suffers when they're invited to accept their misfortunes.

- The charity or philanthropy as skilled tricks to avoid the severe criticism against the alleged mediums.

There's some and main of the negative aspects associated to deviated Brazilian Spiritism and especially Chico Xavier's legacy.

It's so painful to people used to adore him and credit him as a "best symbol of Love, Goodness and dedication to the poor".

But those qualities are so doubful, and builded in a narrative that seems a soap opera's plot, which makes a alleged medium as a "fairy godmother" from the real world.

That's fake an idea that Erastus can approve the Chico Xavier's legacy, the untruth constantly diffused by the Brazilian Spiritism's members.

Erastus, surely, have do reject and reprove, with much rigour, Chico Xavier and everything he did and still represent, although posthumously.

One phrase by Erastus can confirm his bruising but realistic rejection to Chico Xavier:

"It rather to reject ten truths to admit a single lie, just one false theory".

However, the Brazil considered as the third ignorant country of the world - it will be the first one, because of Jair Bolsonaro's victory from presidential run - , people prefers a comfortable lie as Chico Xavier's legacy, independent of accepting or rejecting some truths. It's so bad.

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