Saturday, June 22, 2019

The strong divergence between Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier


Officially, Brazilian Spiritism is an innocent adaptation to original Spiritism, just adding the elements from traditional religiousness from the brazilian people.

But it's too much simple to be true. The Brazilian Spiritism is catholicized. And it's not necessary, because there's Catholicism itself, so why we will need another Catholicism if we have one?

But this "spiritism catholicization" is not accidental or innocent, it's not a question about the original enthusiasm from the alleged mediums' catholic roots.

It's so more wicked and harmful than we think. The "catholicization" was made by purpose.

And it brings so much differences about the Brazilian Spiritism and the original Spiritism from France.

The French Spiritism goes forward, inspirated by Illuminism thoughts.

The Brazilian Spiritism goes back, inspirated by jesuitical Catholicism which dominated the Brazil's colonial era, and had medieval roots.

It influences the strong and irreconciliable divergences between the two religions that use the same name of Spiritism.

One divergence is about the relation between the morality and human incarnation.

The French Spiritism says that reincarnation is a process to learn and improve the spirit in his current material life.

The Brazilian Spiritism consider that reincarnation is a process of acquittance and it is compared to the criminal conviction.

The brazilian view about reincarnation, strongly supported by Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier), is a heritage from the influence of Jean-Baptiste Roustaing to brazilian spiritists.

But the worst divergence between french and brazilian spiritists is related to the question of Faith about the Reason.

Allan Kardec always said that everything has to be examined by the sieve of the Reason.

According to him, if something doesn't agree to the Logic is not valid.

The opposite sight had Chico Xavier.

The alleged brazilian medium always defended that it must to have limits to the Reason.

According to Xavier, the Reason cannot do everything, and if the Reason penetrates in the Faith ground, it means that the Reason was perverted by the earthly human passions.

The rigor of Reason doesn't have in Chico Xavier's books, although it's largely supported by Kardec.

There's the hidden conflict.

The original Spiritism defends the unlimited liberty of the Reason, only recommending the use of the logical reasoning in agreement to the ethics and moral principles.

The Brazilian Spiritism doesn't. This religion defends the contrary. The use of Reason is strongly restrict and it can touch the Faith dogmas, under the risk of being considered accursed.

Of course, Brazilian Spiritism preachers, including Chico Xavier himself, always had to make discursive juggles.

They try to deny that they follow medieval teachings, that nobody was born to suffer misfortunes and that Reason has limits to be worked.

But we must to suspect about those brazilian spiritists' declarations, that sounds so dissembler.

There's an unhappy habit from smart brazilians to never assume their real opinions and choices.

They usually make a discourse to deny their real intentions. If they commit a crime, they insist to say that didn't do it.

The ideas are so clear: Brazilian Spiritism preaches the restriction to Reason and Logic and defends the "empire" of the Faith.

The brazilian religion constantly says that "there's something will must to remain in mistery, because it got rid (sic) of the human comprehensions".

It means: "we don't want to see some Faith dogmas, followed by our Spiritism, examinated and questionated under the principle of Reason and Logic. Let remain it without any kind of examination".

It has a strong influence from Middle Age's Catholicism, famously known for its obscurantism and refuse to Reason and Logic examinations.

And if everyone thinks that the Brazilian Spiritism is more modern than the French one, he was severely wrong.

Kardec's ideas are so modern and contemporary, because, despite any consideration for the value about emotion feelings, fantasies and beliefs, nothing can be valid outside the Logic and the Reason.

Please, be patient. Human being is a rational animal species, the primordial task to the humans is to use the reasoning.

Very outdated are Chico Xavier's ideas, because he always put under the rug the mistery of Faith and afterwards he essentially said: "Let's keep it under the Faith's principles, the Reason intervention must to be considered as a cruel job from the human passions".

The ideas from Chico Xavier was very close to the Middle Age's obscurantism and it was proved by comparisons.

But there's a horrible habit in Brazil: new concepts only serve to be a superficial frontage to old-fashioned concepts remained under them.

And Brazilian Spiritism proves that it's only a repaginated form of Middle Age's Catholicism, on behalf of its severe punitive moralism about the incarnation and the limits to the Reason's proceeding.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Blessed by Brazilian Spiritists, Prosecutors from Operation Car Wash are involved in big scandal

The very huge scandal is happening in Brazil.

Since last sunday night, when The Intercept's main correspondent in Brazil, the best-reputed journalist Glenn Greenwald, published the secret conversation between the former judge Sergio Moro and the attorney Deltan Dallagnol, everything became inside out in Brazil.

The secret conversation is just 1% of the very massive material received by Greenwald, send by anonymous informant.

Greenwald is publishing the news very slowly, little by little, because he must to check the informations and verify the content of audios, chats and other documents.

But the published part is very bombastic.

Moro and Dallagnol negociated the ways to avoid the win of Workers Party (PT) in a second-term from the presidential run in 2018.

Both are known as the pretense heroes from Brazil, adored by conservative parts of the Brazilian society.

Sergio Moro, currently the Justice minister from Jair Bolsonaro's government, was a judge from Curitiba.

Curiously, Moro resembles a hillbilly doppelganger of the fictitious character Clark Kent, the normal-life identity adopted by Superman.

It was remembered when, in may 26th, Bolsonaro's supporters marched in Brasilia and there was a puppet of the Superman with Sergio Moro's face.

Deltan Dallagnol, in his run, is the attorney from Federal Public Ministry in Curitiba.

Dallagnol was famous by his mediocre exposition of alleged crimes about the former president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, accused by corruption acts without any kind of evidences.

The exposition showed a grotesque scheme of explanations in a graphic related to the keyword Lula, produced by Dallagnol via Microsoft Power Point.

Moro and Dallagnol were mythically considered impartial magistrates, involved in the pretense "fight to the corruption".

They were divinized by this alleged job, despite their selective punishment pattern, dedicated to condemn only the PT politicians and the other parties politicians and some businessmen associated to the former Lula and Dilma Rousseff's governments.

It included politicians like Sergio Cabral Filho - son of a famous journalist, specialist from Rio de Janeiro culture - , former governor of Rio de Janeiro State, and other parliamentaries from parties like MDB (Democratic Movement Party, formerly PMDB) and PP (Progressist Party).

The condemned people also included the historical former student leader, Jose Dirceu (arrested in 1968 during a congress of the National Students Union, UNE) one of the main PT politicians and member of the Lula's first government's staff.

Laterly, the Operation Car Wash decided to also condemn the center-right politicians, like the former deputy Eduardo Cunha, committed to plan the coup that ended the second Dilma's government.

Left-wing media considered very partial and selective the Moro and Dallagnol's tasks.

There's a famous case that the center-right politician, Aecio Neves (Tancredo Neves' grandson), one of the "toucan" politicians (the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, PSDB, has a blue toucan as its symbol), was always avoid to be punished, despite the evidences.

In one of the corruption schemes from Aecio Neves, involving the state company Furnas Centrais Eletricas, one of the beneficiaries listed (the famous "Furnas' list") is the current Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro.

No strong investigation went ahead to comdemn the Furnas's list involved people.

And what's Brazilian Spiritism has to see about Sergio Moro and Deltan Dallagnol.

It's simple. The 2016 events were glorified by brazilian spiritists, considering it as the time of deep transformation head to they believe to be the Regeneration of the Humanity and the path to Gospel's Nation wished by Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier).

The Brazilian Spiritists considered the 2016's right-wing marchs as the start of the Regeneration. The marchs of "Fora Dilma" ("Get Out Dilma") were considered by Brazilian Spiritism as a people claim inspired by Good Spirits' advices.

Sergio Moro was considered by the celebrated alleged medium Divaldo Franco (famous by his speechs around the world) as a man intuited by the "Superior Divine Plan".

Divaldo Franco confessed, in a "spiritist congress" in Goiania, february of 2018, that wished to see Sergio Moro as the president of Brazil. In this event, Franco expressed his repudiation to marxism, Workers' Party legacy and the identitary activism as the LGBTT cause.

It remembered Chico Xavier, when, in the Pinga Fogo show, from Tupi Television (TV Tupi), 1971, he made severe comments against the workers, peasants and homeless movements. In that show, Chico also defended the Brazil's dictatorship.

In the same way to Regina Duarte (brazilian actress formerly known as "Brazil's cute girlfriend" and currently a extreme-wing activist), Chico Xavier had strong fear to see Lula being elected president of Brazil.

Despite this, some sectors of leftist activisms ingenuously glorified Chico Xavier, based by his alleged reputation about philanthropy and pacifism.

They have difficult to admit that Chico Xavier was always a right-wing activist, the fact explicitally proved by his ideas about human suffering and his social roots beliefs.

Probably, Chico Xavier would support Sergio Moro and consider him the "hero of the brazilians", a "simple man working against the long-time corruption and intuited by God's determinations".

Chico Xavier also would support Jair Bolsonaro, "a politician far to be the ideal, but necessary to endure some sacrifices in Brazil, the exact governor to the start the path to Gospel's Nation".

And Brazilian Spiritism cannot explain the ruin of all these events, and the members of this religion prefer to get rid of any responsibility about it.

Some brazilian spiritists get irritated when informated that Chico Xavier would support Jair Bolsonaro's presidential campaing.

They must to see Pinga Fogo show, avaliable in YouTube, and pay attention to Chico Xavier's ideas about human suffering, social hierarchy and religious faith, the ones that are extremely conservative.

There's not the grumpy wig and suit used by Chico Xavier in seventies that will make him a progressist symbol to the posterity.

If the strong Regina Duarte's brunette beauty and the young appeal of Sergio Moro and Deltan Dallagnol don't make them so progressive, what can we wait about the old-fashioned dude from Pedro Leopoldo city?

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Allan Kardec will refuse surely the "prophecy of the limit-date" by Chico Xavier

There's not necessary to think so much to consider that alleged prophecy of the "limit-date" is a bigger waste of time.

The pretense prediction, send by Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, is a lot of mystification masked by less-convincing pseudoscientific rhetoric.

According to the alleged prophecy, the Old World (Europe and USA) had a deadline to develop christian principles to the humankind, or tragedies will happen by Nature or human terrorism.

The alleged prophecy was dreamt by Chico Xavier in 1969, but he told the young Geraldo Lemos Neto about it in 1986.

Chico Xavier thought that aliens would replace the collective deaths of valuable people by several catastrophes and terror attacks.

That's a real absurd that loses so much time with unnecessary discussions and worthless videos published in YouTube and other social media servers.

The detail that so few people can know about is that this "prophecy" will be severely refused by nobody than Allan Kardec himself.

In various excerpts of his books and Revue Spirite's articles, Kardec condemned the attribution to predict defined dates to future happenings.

One example can be recognized in The Book of Mediums, Chapter 24, "The Identity of the Spirits", when a message from the spirit of St. Louis, corroborated by Kardec, says so explicitally in the item 266 and subitem 8th:

"8º) The frivolous Spirits are so recognized by their facility for how they predict the future and refer it with very precision to material facts we cannot know. The good Spirits wan make us to presage the future things, when this knowledge goes useful, but they never determinate the exact dates. Every announcement about the certain time is the evidence of mystification".

In few words, Kardec pushed down any chance to consider Chico Xavier's "limit-date" as an authentic prediction. The mystification is very clear on it.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The wrong idea about the "internal enemies" to the Spiritism

CHICO XAVIER AND DIVALDO FRANCO - So much people consider so "painful" to consider then "internal enemies" to the Spiritism, but their ideas confirm it.

How can be a "internal enemy"?

In Brazil, "internal enemy" has a wrong point of view and a stereotype that seems so gander.

Most of people think that the enemy is a silent creepy guy, who sits backside of some room and he never goes to the front of some reunion.

To them, the "internal enemy" almost never smiles and has always a dark look, like a horror movie vilain.

The "internal enemy" stereotype is never associated to cheerful guys being so kind and friendly.

We have to make a difference between true and false friends.

They have the same behavior, but the true friends didn't have tricks hidden against their victims and the false friend have it, however.

There's subtle differences. The true friend is discreet and sincere, the false friend shows fussy affection.

Brazilian people reffuse to recognize "internal enemies" as malicious people who smiles and laughs and goes to the front of the reunions.

It brought a lot of problems and made the bullying in the schools and colleges being so succesful.

The scholar bullies are socially accepted as "funny guys" and nobody saw any tragedy nor any serious drama from their strong humiliations against the weak youngsters.

In Brazil, "internal enemy" is a great novelty that so few people can understand so mindfully.

And it's hard to mention the question about the Spiritism's "internal enemies" from Allan Kardec's books.

Kardec mentioned that "the worst enemy of the Spitirist Doctrine is not the one outside, but inside the movement".

"He will send some appeals about Charity, Love, God and Fraternity to illude and dominate them", said the Kardec's teachings in the resume.

The first "internal enemy" was Jean-Baptiste Roustaing, a lawyer from Bordeaux, France, who published an alleged psychographic book, The Four Gospels, attributed to the Four Godspellers Mark, Matthew, Lucas and John.

The "internal enemy" to Spiritism is defined to the one using the Spiritist Doctrine to insert fanciful and catholicized axioms, perverting the original Kardec's discoveries.

When the Spiritism is deviated from the path to Logic and Good Sense, there's an "internal enemy" working for it.

In Brazil, the "internal enemies" to Spiritism are, surely, the alleged mediums Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier) and Divaldo Franco.

They seemed so kind, so generous, so positive and so friendly. But they always were false to be attributed to best symbols of humanity and humility.

They leaded the reunions, they published best-selled books, they went to the front of the spetacle.

They're so celebrated religious idols in Brazil, but their work to Spiritism were so insidious.

Their books and testimonies are several ruptures to the original spiritist lessons.

But the brazilians usually say that the definition to Chico and Divaldo as "internal enemies" of the Spiritism is "so cruel" and "so painful".

They think they're associated to very comfortable appeals about "love", "charity" and "fraternity". They're considered, although ingenuously, the "messengers of the Peace".

But they're not the lovely things they think they're associated to.

Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco led to the ultimate consequences the "catholicization of Spiritism" started by Roustaing.

They made a bad job, but they were so skillful to use the mask of "humanism" to armour them.

People in Brazil have difficult to see hideous tricks behind the sweet and nice messages allegedly so christian.

But the worst traps are that show the most attractive appeals, including the religious beautiful appeals.

Brazilians must to be so careful about the pretentious religious idols, which have honey in their mouths.

They should be so dangerous, using the lovely words to make cruel mystification.

The kardecian books prevented that, but brazilian people were so deaf.

Obsessive fascination, unfortunately, found in Brazil the fertile ground to dominate people. How people would be so ingenuous to the religion passions...