Saturday, September 22, 2018

The doctrinal erosion of Brazilian Spiritism

The Brazilian Spiritism is moved by the doctrinal erosion.

The brazilian religion can't improve all of the Allan Kardec's legacy, as much as the conveniences make some trick.

However, every trick has a limit, and there's no way to keep the apparatus of doctrinal fidelity when betrayals were constantly made.

Brazilian Spiritism becames a generic type of Catholicism, approaching to the medieval essence of jesuitic Catholicism which dominated the Brazil's colony period.

The original basis from Brazilian Spiritism was not Kardec's books like The Spirits' Book, but the catholic-made Jean-Baptiste Roustaing and his book The Four Gospels.

Roustang was enthusiasticly supported by Brazilian Spiritism in the first decades of its timeline.

But in so far the problems appeared by Roustaing's work, the brazilian spiritist movement had forced to abandon him apparently, bringing a solution through Francisco Candido Xavier.

The alleged brazilian medium wrote books, supposedly brought from dead people's ghosts, that included the same essence of the Roustaing's ideas.

Roustaing can survive under Chico Xavier's work and Brazilian Spiritism didn't need to use the name of The Four Gospels publisher.

Roustaing is currently an unknown personality by the most of Brazilian Spiritism followers and supporters.

Nobody knows that Brazilian Spiritism is a deviation from the original Spiritism made by Kardec.

Brazilian distorted translations of Allan Kardec's books, wrote by catholicized spiritists like Guillón Ribeiro, from Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), and, laterly, Salvador Gentile, makes a false impression that the brazilian doctrine respects absolutely the french original Spiritism.

No, it doesn't respect. The deviation is very evident.

Chico Xavier thought the "spiritual cities", based on british protestant's George Vale Owen's fantasies.

Owen's The Life Beyond the Veil inspired Chico Xavier's Nosso Lar (Our Home), added by suggestions from the then-pupil Waldo Vieira, an enthusiast of science-fiction comics.

Four decades after Nosso Lar's publishing, there were made pretense maps from the several spiritual cities and colonies allegedly existing over Brazil's territory. Nosso Lar is allegedly placed over the Rio de Janeiro's city.

Despite all, Allan Kardec affirmed that there's no plausive conception about what's really a spiritual world, and after his death no research gave any notion about this.

Everything that we know is the spiritual world probably exists, but it's never possible to describe what it really is and how is the spiritual life.

There's a lot of failures in the Brazilian Spiritism ideas, including old-fashioned moralism, fanciful conceptions about they know as "future life" and alleged mediunity which looks so fake.

It makes severe criticism from the original spiritist followers, who accused the Brazilian Spiritism from being so catholicized.

The criticism immobilizes much of Brazilian Spiritism activities. Alleged mediunities became less constant, after so much controvertial repercussion.

Alleged messages attributed to personalities like racer Ayrton Senna and singers Raul Seixas and Cassia Eller had some of the very negative repercussion in those works.

Their messages seemed so silly and very church-made, as if they turned to be religious servants in the spiritual world.

Other criticisms banned most of the Brazilian Spiritism acts and positions, to the point of make this religion to reduct to be merely a moral consulting institution.

The doctrinal erosion reducted Brazilian Spiritism to be a institution involved on moral consulting and assistentialist works.

In its houses - known as "spiritist houses" ("centros espíritas", in portuguese) - , most of the themes worked by them is related to common subjects like "family", "moral evolution" and "difficulties in life".

It's not usual that the original themes of Kardec's books are worked primarly in those events.

In so much cases, the themes were very similar to catholic themes about "family", "happiness" and "difficulties in life", according to the catholic-way of working the Jesus Christ's legacy.

There's a great absurd. The Brazilian Spiritism can be a religion with nothing from the original essence brought by Allan Kardec's legacy.

The doctrinal erosion makes the real Brazilian Spiritism sense: that this religion has no sense, meaning nothing for the promised mission to inherit the french Spiritism precepts.

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