Saturday, September 29, 2018

The falsehood of Brazilian Spiritism's charity


The image above is considered by most of people so beautiful and heart-melting.

Poor people forming rows to salute and kiss the hand of the alleged medium Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, in an evident act of religious idolatry.

But we can see this picture, originally from the 1970s, with careful attemption and we conclude that this photo is not so lovely as so much people insist to think and believe.

This picture above is not a philanthropy act, but the famous and wretched cult of personality.

It's not Chico Xavier helping the poor and giving love consolation to their misery.

That's Chico Xavier getting his hideous pride from the poor submitted to his religious domain.

The Brazilian Spiritism's charity is a great and unfortunate falsehood.

So much people glorify this kind of charity, but we know that this philanthropy is very weak, making so less results at the proportion that it reinforces the alleged mediums' cult of personality.

The brazilian alleged mediums rather to be next to the conception of "media", as "mainstream media" means, than the original definition of an intermediary messenger between the dead and the living people.

Alleged mediums like Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco are only religious popstars, but they bring several and serious doubts about the alleged charity associated to them.

The doubts are so evident, so Brazil didn't get any real progress by their contribution.

If the "mediums' philanthropy" really works, Brazil was achieved high level of life's quality, compared to Scandinavia's countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

But it doesn't. And it's not for lack of loving or listening the alleged mediums' advices.

For the contrary, Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco, João Teixeira de Faria (aka John of God) and similar were and still are so loved at the extreme levels, going to the point of fanatism.

Chico Xavier is treated like a demigod, officially considered "spirit of light" and sometimes most popular than Jesus Christ (Chico even plagiarized John Lennon?).

There's a real and worriful problem about the alleged mediums' charity.

This charity brings weak results, and, inspired to the Christopher Hitchens' report from Mother Teresa of Calcutta, "to comfortable the afflict without afflict the comfortable".

It means: the extremely adored "charity" of Chico Xavier and similars only helped the poor in a mediocre and superficial way, avoiding any threat to the rich people's abusive privileges.

And there's a shocking detail behind this alleged charity: ALLEGED MEDIUMS NEVER PRACTICED CHARITY.

The real charity, if this exists, is worked by common people. No Brazilian Spiritist leader or star worked or works the charity with their own resources.

They only asks people to give old belongings or buy non-perishable products.

The only thing that Brazilian Spiritism institutions make is to reserve a room or a closet to storage the donations from the attenders.

So much people thinks it's also wonderful and confuse it to the collective efforts from communities.

No, it doesn't. Because the leader doesn't work, he just command the charity from others.

It's so serious and annoying, because the leader, a speaker or alleged medium from the Brazilian Spiritist institution, is the one to get the laurels from the other people's efforts.

There's a very old story about the grasshopper and the ant.

The ants work, the grasshopper was occupied by her spetacle, but getting the glory from the ant's work.

We can change the metaphore example: the working overbird and the ostensive peacock.

Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco were religious peacocks, and their followers and supporters were the overbirds. They never were the "activists only dedicated to the poor" as most people usually think.

Some people work but their leaders or idols brought the glory from the others' work.

That's the falsehood of Brazilian Spiritism's charity. It must not to be the reason to proud and cheer, but the reason of shame and sadness.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The doctrinal erosion of Brazilian Spiritism

The Brazilian Spiritism is moved by the doctrinal erosion.

The brazilian religion can't improve all of the Allan Kardec's legacy, as much as the conveniences make some trick.

However, every trick has a limit, and there's no way to keep the apparatus of doctrinal fidelity when betrayals were constantly made.

Brazilian Spiritism becames a generic type of Catholicism, approaching to the medieval essence of jesuitic Catholicism which dominated the Brazil's colony period.

The original basis from Brazilian Spiritism was not Kardec's books like The Spirits' Book, but the catholic-made Jean-Baptiste Roustaing and his book The Four Gospels.

Roustang was enthusiasticly supported by Brazilian Spiritism in the first decades of its timeline.

But in so far the problems appeared by Roustaing's work, the brazilian spiritist movement had forced to abandon him apparently, bringing a solution through Francisco Candido Xavier.

The alleged brazilian medium wrote books, supposedly brought from dead people's ghosts, that included the same essence of the Roustaing's ideas.

Roustaing can survive under Chico Xavier's work and Brazilian Spiritism didn't need to use the name of The Four Gospels publisher.

Roustaing is currently an unknown personality by the most of Brazilian Spiritism followers and supporters.

Nobody knows that Brazilian Spiritism is a deviation from the original Spiritism made by Kardec.

Brazilian distorted translations of Allan Kardec's books, wrote by catholicized spiritists like Guillón Ribeiro, from Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), and, laterly, Salvador Gentile, makes a false impression that the brazilian doctrine respects absolutely the french original Spiritism.

No, it doesn't respect. The deviation is very evident.

Chico Xavier thought the "spiritual cities", based on british protestant's George Vale Owen's fantasies.

Owen's The Life Beyond the Veil inspired Chico Xavier's Nosso Lar (Our Home), added by suggestions from the then-pupil Waldo Vieira, an enthusiast of science-fiction comics.

Four decades after Nosso Lar's publishing, there were made pretense maps from the several spiritual cities and colonies allegedly existing over Brazil's territory. Nosso Lar is allegedly placed over the Rio de Janeiro's city.

Despite all, Allan Kardec affirmed that there's no plausive conception about what's really a spiritual world, and after his death no research gave any notion about this.

Everything that we know is the spiritual world probably exists, but it's never possible to describe what it really is and how is the spiritual life.

There's a lot of failures in the Brazilian Spiritism ideas, including old-fashioned moralism, fanciful conceptions about they know as "future life" and alleged mediunity which looks so fake.

It makes severe criticism from the original spiritist followers, who accused the Brazilian Spiritism from being so catholicized.

The criticism immobilizes much of Brazilian Spiritism activities. Alleged mediunities became less constant, after so much controvertial repercussion.

Alleged messages attributed to personalities like racer Ayrton Senna and singers Raul Seixas and Cassia Eller had some of the very negative repercussion in those works.

Their messages seemed so silly and very church-made, as if they turned to be religious servants in the spiritual world.

Other criticisms banned most of the Brazilian Spiritism acts and positions, to the point of make this religion to reduct to be merely a moral consulting institution.

The doctrinal erosion reducted Brazilian Spiritism to be a institution involved on moral consulting and assistentialist works.

In its houses - known as "spiritist houses" ("centros espíritas", in portuguese) - , most of the themes worked by them is related to common subjects like "family", "moral evolution" and "difficulties in life".

It's not usual that the original themes of Kardec's books are worked primarly in those events.

In so much cases, the themes were very similar to catholic themes about "family", "happiness" and "difficulties in life", according to the catholic-way of working the Jesus Christ's legacy.

There's a great absurd. The Brazilian Spiritism can be a religion with nothing from the original essence brought by Allan Kardec's legacy.

The doctrinal erosion makes the real Brazilian Spiritism sense: that this religion has no sense, meaning nothing for the promised mission to inherit the french Spiritism precepts.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Chico Xavier, a conservative and right-wing religious idol


Everybody thinks that the alleged spiritist medium Francisco Candido Xavier was progressist, modern and futurist religious idol.

He's officially associated to the brazilian adaptation from original french Spiritism by Allan Kardec.

It's a big mistake. The Brazilian Spiritism just "catolicized" and deviated from the original lessons and became a religion so much different than the original.

Chico Xavier, however, never was the modern, futurist and progressist messiah that everybody knows by official narratives about him.

He always was a right-wing person, and there's so much logical reasons to confirm it.

He was born in poor sides from a former district of Santa Luzia, Pedro Leopoldo. Santa Luzia is a city from the Belo Horizonte's county, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. His year of birth was 1910.

We have to pay attention that Chico Xavier was born in a poor family, but the poverty ended when he became a religious idol by the opulent help by Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) and its then-president, Antonio Wantuil de Freitas.

Chico Xavier's family is very conservative. Living in hillbilly standards of life, they thought the world according from the points of view typically from the 19th Century patterns.

The family was old-fashioned catholic and Chico Xavier formed by ortodox catholic axioms.

Chico Xavier was not a guy influenced by Modernist and marxist movements, and there's no reason to suppose these interests, refused by him until the death.

Chico Xavier was not a spiritist enthusiast.

He turned to be a "spiritist" because his discoverer and preceptor, the over-mentioned Wantuil de Freitas, made him a religious idol, to increase the money-rent by selling books.

Chico Xavier was always a catholic enthusiast, but he was excommunicated by local Catholic Church in Pedro Leopoldo after some episodes.

Chico alleged to work mediunity, since spiritual contacts to his late mother, Maria João de Deus, died when her famous son was still a child, and to a jesuit priest, the historically famous Manuel da Nóbrega, who lived in the 16th Century and was renamed Emmanuel as a spirit.

The excommunication was officially decided when Chico Xavier's nephew, Amauri Xavier Pena, decided, in 1958, to denunciate his uncle and the Brazilian Spiritist Movement for probable frauds in psychographic works.

Amauri died misteriously by hepatite, being incomplete 28 years-old, in september 1961.

Amauri was alcoholic-addicted, but there's no reason to his death at this age. Normally, an alcoholic-addicted can die prematurely between 35 and 50 years-old.

There's a suspect that Amauri Xavier was poisoned. Before his death, he was the victim of calumnious campaign by spiritist movement and also his supporters outside, including a police chief.

Some blames invented to Amauri, including the strange accusation of manufacturing false money and invading homes to steal money and valuables.

The scandal made catholics from Pedro Leopoldo to excommunicate Chico Xavier, who forced to move to Uberaba in 1959, where he visited constantly to religious events and then turned to be his living town until his death in 2002.

But nothing prevented Chico Xavier to be a catholic ortodox and a conservative person.

The prove about that can be watched in Pinga Fogo show, aired by Tupi Television in the end of july f 1971, and the real Chico Xavier can be recognized then.

Chico Xavier was reportedly assumed as a right-wing person, and it was a detail that left-wing brazilians, who ingenously appreciate him, ever ignored.

They ignore that Chico brought an agressive comment against workers, peasants and homelesses, humble people as they suppose Chico Xavier always was.

Chico Xavier said, in his own words, in Pinga Fogo show:

"We have to consider (...) that the military, on March 31st 1964, made their coup to take the Federal Power because they attended to a longing and dramatic appeal from the catholic brazilian families, leaded by cardinals and bishops. And in true and rightly so, it means, (military made it) with a bigger portion of patriotism, because the President João Goulart's government, with so frankly left-wing tendence, let to install in Brazil a real chaos, not only in the hillbilly zones, where the peasant leagues (Ligas Camponesas, famously leaded by Francisco Julião - note by this blog), disrespecting the sacred right to Property, invaded and taken forcedly the interior regions farms. By the same way, the "homeless people" powered to themselves empty houses and buildings like, unfortunately, is still going nowadays, and then they stayed, for undetermined time. They did it directed and oriented by the comunists who, taking as examples the Soviet Union and the cuban government of Fidel Castro, wanted to create here in our country the Republic of the Proletariat, formed by the workers from rural and urban cities".

There's so strange that, so much years later, people who consider comunist followers can give a consideration to Chico Xavier, ignoring his strongly hard manifesto.

The wishful thinking would invent so much illogical reasons to make Chico Xavier as a left-wing guy that he never was and never wanted ou thougth to be.

The wishful thinkers alleged that Chico Xavier was manipulated, oriented by Diarios Associados (Tupi Television's owners), was inducted by an obsessor spirit, but those hypothesis had no sense.

Chico Xavier said it to a very large audience. He had exact conscience what he said and he knew that his comments will remain in posterity.

Is so much responsability to make comments about social movements like the workers, peasants and homeless people's organizations.

It confirms that Chico Xavier always was a right-wing man, as popular idols like comedian Bob Hope, who ended his life as George W. Bush's supporter, and actor Charlton Heston, and enthusiast of weponry and former president of National Rifle Association.

Weaponry is one of the causes defended by current presidential contestant in Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, and all of his supporters.

Brazilian Spiritist is apparently against hate and violence, but always signaled to the consent of oppression and the privilege from others.

This religion's main principle is to recommend to suffers to accept damages and misfortunes, preferencially loving their harm, with the pretext to find something better in the spiritual life or in the next incarnation.

It's also a conservative principle, and proves that Brazilian Spiritism made a reverse gear to the French Spiritism.

The Kardec's original Spiritism looked forward, inspired to the Iluminism ideas.

The Brazilian Spiritism, represented by Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco and similar, looked to the backside, inspired to the jesuit Catholicism from Brazil's colony years and originally raised in Portugal during the Middle Age.

Chico Xavier and his similars was or are reportedly conservative religious messengers. They're never progressist and modern, but medieval-made and old-fashioned preachers.

Their ideas say so much, and there's no wishful thinking to prove the contrary. Nobody have the abusive right to make the brazilian alleged mediums like personal illusions and wishes.

If the alleged mediums are or were conservatives, we have to admit it. If the reality displeases, that's the reality anyway. And Chico Xavier was the most conservative brazilians from the History.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Chico Xavier, the father of the fakes


In the time the world discuss about fake news, there's a terrible problem in Brazil.

It's about the alleged psychographies, that became the dangerous party over the dead people's legacy.

In Brazil, where Spiritism developed without the needy caution of keeping fidelity from original Allan Kardec's instructions, psychography worked as a make-believe joke.

Alleged mediums had not enough mind concentration to make any contact to a dead person, and then decided to create a message for his own mind and use a dead name for his choice.

It can be a name of a famous dead personality or a simple person, generally attending to the family's search for messages from a dead loved one.

Brazil is a very problematic country which have no experience to identify some hideous traps.


The release of fake books evocating dead personalities was free and unpunishedly worked under the pretext to send apparent christian messages or supposed lessons to life.

Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, was the pioneer of the fake books, and there's no offensive to affirm that.

Using the logic analysis, books like Parnaso de Além-Túmulo (Post Grave's Parnassus), attributed to several writers' spiritis, and Brasil Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho (Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation), have no reason to became authentic and true.

If we consider those books and also others carrying names as Andre Luiz, Meimei, Jair Presente as authentic, we will find difficulties to explain so much problems about style and personal aspects about the alleged spiritual authors.

Several problems about signatures, styles and message contents were recognized on Chico Xavier's work, and he was respondent for Humberto de Campos' affair, and had a luck to be unpunished for it.

The context about the alleged psychography is very strange do consider it authentic, and evidences of fraud appear like epidemic viruses.


The obsessive fascination to the brazilian alleged mediums made everyone to encourage to investigate the several irregularities with firmness and perseverance.

Instead, it was very easy to accept fake books and letters as "authentic", using the sophism that "good messages", although made by fake process, cannot be offensive and injurious to the memory of some late personality attributed to that.

There's a fanciful idea: "If the message calls to peace fraternity, progress in life and moral evolution, it can't be false".

But there's an illusion. False texts can bring love messages, lessons to life and can be carried by a apparently strong christian appeal.

Alleged mediums were and still are armoured by those allegations. The usual pretexts to "feed the poor", "cure the sick" and "improve the peace" avoided Justice and Science to point any fraud in the fake texts, despite the several and strong evidences.

It was rather to believe in non-sustainable theories like "the spiritual author was moved by Love and forgot his personal talent" or "how wonderful a spirit can have a medium's style".

It's so sweet, but it has nonsense and unprovided to logic and coherence.

It's really serious and worrisome. Fake texts can be published under the dead personalities' names, and no one reacts against it. Quite the opposite, there's an open path to use any dead personality's name and publish freely an apocryphal text, as long as it comes with positive messages.

It seems so good, but it's dishonest. It's a fraud anyway, and some evidences can be recognized easily, mainly the difference of style.

It is the same problem to the fake news, although alleged psychographies seems so innocent in its work to send positive messages.

But words like "love", "peace", "christian fraternity" and "humility", and also pretexts like "feed the poor", "cure the sick" and "dry the crying tears" are not enough to make the fake texts really authentic.

There's so spurious interests behind the good messages working, and the alleged mediums stardom in Brazil is the prove of this dark side of the pretending psychography, usually associated to "surely good things".

When world is worrisome to the fake news rise and repercution, we can leave the religious passion behind and investigate the alleged psychographys, not pretending to make an investigation and consider the fake texts "true", but identify several problems with the simple logic feature.

Logic can make unpleasant conclusions. But reality is not always made by sweet sensations. Fake text can be fake, despite using positive and comfortable messages.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation, governed by... Jair Bolsonaro?

2019. The year dreamt by Francisco Candido Xavier as the "limit date" to fraternity development from the nations, is coming too soon.

In 1969, Chico Xavier, after noticed by the famous NASA journey to Moon, had a dream when he sleeped.

In that dream, Jesus Christ and alleged authorities from the Solar System planets reunited with Chico Xavier and Emmanuel. Chico was the only living man to attend to this reunion.

They were worried for the risk of Third War beginning, after the space journey, because it would bring a space race between the United States of America and the then Soviet Union.

This competition would make explosive attacks by bombs, chemical weapons and high-tech equipment which would destroy cities and kill multitudes of the human kind.

The reunion decided that there's a 50-year deadline, the "limit date" that the powerful countries from Earth have to promote peace and fraternity, or they will suffer the tragical consequences by Nature and human terrorism.

Chico Xavier revealed that dream in 1986, to a young writer and speaker from Brazilian Spiritism, Geraldo Lemos Neto.

Geraldo and the late journalist, Marlene Nobre - who was the widow of the São Paulo politician Jose de Freitas Nobre - wrote a series of the reports from that alleged Chico Xavier's prophecy, the "Limit Date Prophecy".

The reports were later reunited in the book, titled Não Será em 2012 (It Won't Be In 2012), relationed to the year recently attributed to be the End of the World.

2019 was chosen to be the final year of the deadline, and we're in 2018, in the begin of the last four months before the next year coming.

Chico Xavier wished Brazil to be the Heart of the World and Nation of the Gospel.

The alleged brazilian medium was a catholic devout and, from his condition joined by his hillbilly origin from a poor suburb from Minas Gerais, the current city of Pedro Leopoldo, he wanted to see Brazil, his born country, leading the whole Earth.

Chico Xavier wrote the book Brasil Coração do Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho (Brazil, World's Heart, Gospel's Nation") with the president of Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), Antonio Wantuil de Freitas.

But, in a biased way, Chico and Wantuil attributed the book's authory to the spirit of the late writer and Brazilian Academy of Letters member, Humberto de Campos, fakely adopted by alleged brazilian medium.

The book, published in 1938, was a mediocre and ridiculous book from Brazilian History, at a level from the worst didatic works about.

The brazilian spiritists consider the "patriotic" book - forsooth, the brazilian equivalent to Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's The Four Gospels - a prophecy to a paradise made on Earth and in brazilian territory.

According to them, the "Gospel's Nation" will be a country of fraternal people, giving to the entire world lessons to peace, love and charity.

But there's a big problem, compared by current moments, when Brazil had, as a favourite to be the next Republic president, the fascist-inspired leader, former Army's capitan Jair Bolsonaro.

Recognized for his retrograde ideas and values, including machist, racist and authoritary positions, Bolsonaro is the extreme expression of the conservative brazilian society, which reconquered power in the 2016 political coup.

Compared to Donald Trump as an election phenomenon, Bolsonaro is near to be the tropical-zone fascist leader, like Adolf Hitler in Germany.

The scareful ascension of Bolsonaro - known by his followers as "mito" ("myth") - brings an apparent contradiction to the fraternal society dreamt through the "Gospel's Nation" project.

But the contradiction is apparent, because we have to remember: it's not good to a country to lead the rest of the world.

The combination of a political leading ("World's Heart") and a religious power ("Gospel's Nation") makes a dangerous memory from the sad moments of humanity.

"World's Heart" can be a reboot of the Roman Empire, at whose prime happened the condemnation of Jesus Christ.

"Gospel's Nation" can mean a restauration of the Middle Age's Catholicism, a long time by tragical memory to the human kind.

Allan Kardec refused to admit a salvation by a country leading the entire world.

Countries are material conceptions made by men, and they have no sense to heavenly mission from the spiritual world.

The "World's Heart" and "Gospel's Nation" that Chico Xavier wished to Brazil can be a fascist project.

The project includes the Brazilian Spiritist proselytism and tragical battles can be doing, as the bloody punishments, like happened on Middle's Age Catholicism.

Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro were two of the media-made idols improving the emotional people's weaknesses.

The "man called Love", attributed to Chico Xavier, and the "courageous guardian", attributed to Jair Bolsonaro, are simplistic forms to make idolatry so easily, exploring the less possible of the human rationality.

Both are the appeals to instincts and cheap thrills. And the rising of Bolsonaro can say so much about the Chico Xavier divinized reputation.

Thus, Chico Xavier became a private franchising of "human virtues". Everybody can be good, but they "must" to inspire to Chico Xavier's alleged examples, although they're so doubtful.

"Hate" is not a franchising and the human kind's wild instincts represented by Jair Bolsonaro and the hate-made popularity, could be a commonweal.

Chico Xavier and Jair Bolsonaro are both sides of the same coin, and they're associated by the same conservative values, including extreme moralism and human sacrifices, both reproving the run to quality of life.

Their moralism works to accept setbacks in life and to be resigned to the extreme dificulties and disasters in life. Chico and Jair claimed both the followers of God, appealing for the same moralism.

It better to Brazil don't try to be the World's Heart and Gospel's Nation. It's a religious fantasy which will leave brazilians to the future nightmares.