Saturday, August 25, 2018

Love Bombing, an unknown danger in Brazil

There's a terrible danger that most of brazilians refuse to know. It's Love Bombing, a treacherous trap armed to catch anyone, even people with some clarified mind. Almost nobody can consider Love Bombing as a trap, preferring to see it as a wonderful feeling with peaceful intentions.

"If love is a bomb, it can be a good stuff! How cruelity can we see about Love Bombing? If it's Love, it can be a good stuff anyway", can say an unadvised guy informed about this significance. He believes that Love Bombing is the opposite of War Bomb and thinks that the "bomb of love" can build a society moved by peace and fraternity, just because the "love" word.

But the reality is so different. Love Bombing is a dangerous process of seduction of innocent minds. Love Bombing is a process to dominate anyone with demonstrations of apparently deep love, intimate brotherhood and familiar treatments.

In Brazil, the most typical example involves the alleged mediums from Brazilian Spiritism. Moved by extreme and blind idolatry, the alleged mediums, as Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco and, recently, Adadiania's Joao de Deus (John of God), used or still uses the Love Bombing to improve or reinforce their popularity, making easy commotion to the fragily emotional crowds.

The great danger is that Love Bombing transforms into unanimity alleged mediums with the intuition to disarm critical voices and discourage investigations into charges of charlatanism and ideological falsehood, which have strong evidence from the mediums.

The extreme adoration to those religious idols makes not only common people to see the alleged mediums as "living angels on Earth", or, in the case of the late Chico Xavier, as a "greatest angel on Heaven". It makes Justice, College Academy and Science to refuse to investigate them, avoiding the risk of hurting their reputation supposedly associated with goodness, love to other ones, and humility.

What consists the Love Bombing? There's several appeals, which can mark the main ones:

1) Images of alleged mediums inserted, by digital edition, in floral landscapes or blue skies' images, sometimes with the bright sun;

2) Religious rituals which make the alleged mediums associated to the idea of "best representation of Love";

3) Pretense philantropy which makes the alleged mediums associated to the idea of "helping poor and sick people" converted to supposed symbols of "charity and love to other ones"

4) Effect phrases with supposed lessons of wisdom, with appeals to patience, humility and faith of God, which make the alleged mediums the supposed thinkers of "getting-better life".

5) Apparent love demonstrations, including paternal or fraternal treatment, depending on the context, and sentimental emphasis, through a seemingly sympathetic, loving and understanding conduct.

Brazil is a very young country and refused to recognize Love Bombing as a trap. Innocent people, including some apparently clarified and instructed individuals, see Love Bombing as a wonderful sensation and a prove of "good crowd's" existance. We know that good people exist, but not through that dangerous trick.

We have to be warned and ready to mistrust the Love Bombing, avoiding the risk of being the religious idols' slaves, subordinating our souls to their retrograde and restrictive dogmas. Love Bombing is a weapon that protects Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco, John of God and similars, involved with serious and several irregularities. The adoration made by Love Bombing is a veil that masks their dark and treacherous personalities.

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