Saturday, December 29, 2018

Joao de Deus affair will reach all the Brazilian Spiritism movement


The Joao de Deus affair makes Brazilian Spiritism to life under tense sensations.

It brings the possibility of emerging new scandals which are not necessarily sexual.

Joao de Deus is accused of other several crimes: charlatanism, illegal medicine exercise, illegal weapon possession and ilicit enrichment.

Everything else was possible because Brazilian Spiritism became a spree of permissiveness.

Since the early years, when Brazilian Spiritism preferred Jean-Baptiste Roustaing against Allan Kardec, this religion chosen the path of "they do what they want".

Fake literature was massively produced, taking a "dead of the moment" to attribute messages written by the alleged mediums themselves.

Allan Kardec was the first name used in fake messages, with a text produced by Grupo Espirita Fraternidade, in February 9th 1889, in Rio de Janeiro.

Strangely expressing as a priest and not an educationalist as Kardec was in his life, the fake message can be found here, in portuguese text.

The false Kardec was "awfully religious" than he really was and he asked the readers to know "the revelation of the revelation".

It was the subtitle of The Four Gospels, a book published by Roustaing, Kardec's disaffected.

It is so strange, because Allan Kardec, despite so gently, reproved the Roustaing's book, for going against the real essence of Spiritism's lessons.

Roustaing found in Brazil a good territory for the Spiritism's deviation.

Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) took Roustaing primarily.

However, when Roustaing turned to be a problem, a hillbilly guy was found to translate his ideas.

This young man, Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier, was an opportunist that disfigured the Spiritism in several aspects, but became the demigod associated to the apparent simbology of charity, love and peace.

Since Chico Xavier, the Spiritism in Brazil turned to be a chaotic and promiscuous religion.

Fake literature was freely produced. Spiritism became catholicized, running away from Kardec's lessons, and a lot of unholy fantasies and old-fashioned catholic values were adopted.

Spiritism, in Brazil, turned to be a terrible spree. The mediums, in addition to their fake activities, left behind the intermediary mission between the living and the dead and made themselves to be the center of the attention, being a mixture of clargymen and popstars.

Most of people think now that the Joao de Deus affair is isolated to the rest of Brazilian Spiritism.

But it's wrong. It's a part of a terrible and worrisome spectacle that alleged mediums do what they want because they think they can do mistakes and be later forgiven and go to Heaven after death.

Other alleged mediums make several errors and worrisome fails that cannot be underestimated.

Chico Xavier made fake literature, supported materialization frauds - the main case involved the tricky Otilia Diogo, in mid 1960s - and defends the darkened moralism based on Theology of Suffering, Middle Age's Catholic chain.

Divaldo Franco also made fake literature, but he probably used the charity money, with the add of sponsorful money from the riches, to travel around the world to diffuse the Spiritism deviation made in Brazil, trying to spread the lie in the developed world, even in Kardec's France.

Jose Medrado made fake paintings and fake literature attributed to dead authors, instaled the Cidade da Luz (City of Light) in a illegally taken ground and, in his speeches, he usually makes coarse jokes against the blonde women and fat people.

Other minor alleged mediums are associated to other fake works.

Nelson de Moraes transformed Raul Seixas to a ingenuous idiot spirit, throught the fake literature using the name Zilio, supposedly attributed to the brazilian rocker in spiritual life.

The Zilio's book, Um Roqueiro no Além (A Rocker After Death), shows a strange advice that is unappopriate to Raul Seixas's thoughts: the idea to "fight the enemy of yourself", that suggests the condemnation of individuality, the opposite of the ideas emphatically supported by the musician.

Wanda Canutti used the name of portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz in works that never remember the agile and bustling style that the famous author left in his life.

One of Wanda's book, Getulio Vargas em Dois Mundos (Getulio Vargas in Both Words), is a ridiculous combination of press-researched informations about the former Brazilian president's life and a tiresome narrative of the alleged spiritual world.

This pretense spiritual world is similar to Nosso Lar (Our Home) and the narrative became a dull pamphlet of moralism preaches that not remember anything about Eça's original style.

Famous people easily are used to alleged spiritual messages. There's always a dead of the moment associated to an alleged message produced usually half year after his respective death.

Late actor Domingos Montagner, from Velho Chico soap opera, was associated to a fake message attributed to his spirit and diffused even in a YouTube video file.

He died drowned in Sao Francisco's river (ironically, the "Velho Chico" itself) when he was 54 years-old, in 2016. The fake message was sent one year later, and it was only a religious mershandising.

The Brazilian Spiritism is so prudish that their members think they have the right to betray Allan Kardec and pretend themselves the absolute fidelity to the legendary educationalist.

The cinicism of some Kardec's traitors is so bigger and serious that they have the courage do ask the others to "not only learn about Kardec", but "live Kardec every single day".

There's so much hypocrisy in Brazilian Spiritism that the episode involving Joao de Deus is just a little part of the next scandals to rise and the old scandals, including Chico Xavier's ones, to be withdrawn to oblivion.

There's so much fear inside the Brazilian Spiritsm backstage. The Abadiania's "tsunami" will reach Uberaba and other places when Kardec's treasons are freely worked.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Jesus not only condemned temple vendors, but also the scribes and false wises

Jesus Christ, who is registred by History as a humanist leader, is notable for reproving the temple vendors, with a controversial act.

The medieval interpretation of Bible's translations remained to nowadays says that Jesus beaten the merchants with a whip.

It's very wrong. Jesus took a whip he found somewhere and beaten it to the wall, and then Jesus pushed some products in a table to make a loud and call the attention of the present people.

He explained, afterwards, that the Temple is a place of praying and not a place for commerce.

Public oppinion in Brazil overestimated the comparison about temple vendors and neo-pentecostal evangelicals as the only severe criticize made by Jesus to the pretense religious preachers.

Neo-pentecostal Evangelicals, including Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus and Assembleia de Deus (Assembly of God) are really harmful, as modern temple vendors.

But brazilians underestimated that the Brazilian Spiritism represent the modern form of scribes and false wises.

Brazilian alleged mediums are very strange as their supposed function can apparently suggest.

They're not intermediate between the living and the dead, but a center of attention, being like clergymen of the pretending-to-be spiritualist religion.

Francisco Candido Xavier (aka Chico Xavier), Divaldo Franco and, recently, the criminal-denunciated Joao Teixeira de Faria (aka Joao de Deus or John of God) are the main examples of brazilian alleged mediums.

They developed a pretense reputation involved to charity, humility and wisdom.

It's really false, but most of brazilians insist to believe in these alleged mediums, as pretense philosophers and philanthropists.

But their charity is very fake and their pretense philosophy is a lot of retrograde moral values based on Middle Age's Catholicism.

Chico Xavier is a main example of the false wise rejected by Jesus Christ.

The thoughts of Chico Xavier are very opposite to the original lessons of original Spiritism.

Chico's books always are a bait of old-fashioned Catholicism principles and beliefs, but these ideas are very contrary to the postulates originally brought by Allan Kardec in his works.

Everybody is accustomed to the association to Chico Xavier as a "brazilian modern Jesus Christ".

But the right but painful reality is that Jesus will reprove the alleged brazilian mediums and his similars.

Xavier had a religious mantle, but he always worked with intelectual dishonesty and a stardom ambition that are very contrary to the Jesus legacy.

Chico Xavier can be compared to a pretense Jesus profile created by Middle Age's Catholicism.

This narrative brought Jesus as a pretense magician and lord of the armys, defending non-progressive values and being a simbol of old-fashioned moralism.

The medieval Jesus, for his adoration along the times, is more next to Golden Fleece than the Jesus Christ himself.

Medieval Jesus brought the conditions and aspects to the brazilian adoration to Chico Xavier.

And Chico Xavier represents so much the profile of the scribe and false wise condemned by primitive christian legacy.

While bishop Edir Macedo is a modern form of a temple vendor for collecting money from his faithful people ("dizimo"), Chico Xavier is a modern form of scribe and false wise, for his books and preachers through his testimonies.

The curious aspect is that Jesus always complained against scribes, with more frequence thant the temple vendors.

It means that we must to be cautious to the temple vendors traps, but we also must to keep rigorous vigilance to the scibes and false wises.

Scribes and false wises can be talk and write about "love", "fraternity", "peace" and "charity". They will professedly defend the mercy and compassion, aiming to seduce the people.

But scribes and false wises are too and more dangerous than the temple vendors. That's because the temple vendors just steal the poor's money. The scribes and false wises make worst: they mask the lie and illude people, oppening the path to other robbers and misleaders.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Joao de Deus, aka John of God, is involved in a serious scandal at the backstage of Brazilian Spiritism

The biggest and serious scandal from the backstage of Brazilian Spiritism was known some days ago.

The alleged medium and farmer, Joao Teixeira de Faria, known as Joao de Deus (and John of God to the foreign people), is accused of making several sex harassment to women attended by him.

He works on a religious house in Abadiania, Goias, Brazil, called Casa Dom Inacio de Loyola.

He was known as an apparent spiritual healer, making paranormal surgeries by the same way the legendary Zé Arigo (1921-1971).

Sensationalist TV show O Povo da TV, formerly aired by SBT network (owned by its entertainer and businessman Senor Abravanel, aka Silvio Santos) had other alleged medium, Roberto Lemgruber.

Zé Arigo, who passed away by a car crash in january 1971, and Roberto Lemgruber, was laterly recognized as charlatans. Arigó received a spirit of a late german doctor who worked in World War I, called Adolf Fritz, or "doctor Fritz".

Joao de Deus is known as the "medium of the celebrities", who received stars like Shirley MacLaine, Naomi Campbell and Oprah Winfrey, who interviewed him in 2012, when she went to Abadiania.

After the scandal denunciation, Oprah removed this interview video from her social media channel.

Joao de Deus is also a charlatan, because he strangely avoided to operate himself to remove a cancer.

He preferred to appeal to Hospital Sirio-Libanes in Sao Paulo to make a normal surgery from the doctors at the material life.

"A barber would cut his own hair?", said, with a certain irony, Joao de Deus, when he was asked about to not doing his own surgery.

It's very worst. Story reports that the russian doctor and researcher, Leonid Rogozov, operated himself by appendicitis, in near-tragical conditions, when he was in Antartida basis, in 1961.

Leonid was only helped by two men: one held a mirror and other took the instruments requested by the pacient, who made himself a surgery, with successful results.

The harassment denunciations emerged accidentally.

The TV talk show Conversa com Bial, presented by journalist Pedro Bial and aired by TV Globo network (aka Rede Globo), planned a special edition with Joao de Deus.

It would be the same interview show that he could talk about mediunity, charity and religion.

The journalist Camila Appel, also Conversa com Bial's screenwriter and producer, traveled to Abadiania do find Joao de Deus and ask him to go to the show stage.

Suddenly, Camila met some women complaining about Joao de Deus' sex assaults.

The complaints are so serious. Something like Joao de Deus showing his penis to every woman attended by him.

One example, said by the one of Bial's interviewed women - four from a initial ten denouncers (currently it became most of 200 denunciations taken by Public Ministry of Goias) - , almost all hiden their faces and their identities:

"'Get up and I will clean your chacras', [Joao de Deus said). Then he stood up and I stayed in front of him, and he started a movement, touching his hand on my breast. Then he turned me and asked me to make a massage on his belly. I making a massage on him, and he asked me to make it so strong, asked me to keep my eyes open and I didn't because I was very troubled with it. So he stood back a little and put his penis out. I took my hand to touch his penis, take out my hand and he said: 'You are strong, you are brave. What you are doing has a bigger importance'. I didn't doing anithing else. I was there because I was being abused. I didn't do anything else".

The woman who said it suffered panic syndrome and depression and searched him to resolve it.

The only of four interviewed women who showed face and identity was the dutch coreographer Zahira Leeneke Maus, who said:

"I was afraid that then could send me bad spirits. I was very afraid. Now I feel so safe and think that the true is finally coming".

(...) "there's a system. The first thing is 'turn your back, I'll cure you'. There's a pattern (...) You are manipulated to believe to your cure".

Joao de Deus declared, through his lawyers and spokesman, that he is innocent. But this case is under investigation by Brazilian justice and it indicates that the sex assaults would be reported.

Rumours point that Joao de Deus made sex harassments to his female clients, during individual treatments, since, at least, 1983.

Although the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) refuses to vinculate Joao de Deus to the Brazilian Spiritism, and despite the alleged medium defines himself as a "devote catholic", he was blessed by the alleged medium Francisco Candido Xavier, aka Chico Xavier.

Before the sex scandal, Joao de Deus was sight to be a new Brazilian Spiritism star, a possible successor of alleged medium Divaldo Franco, who is 91 years old.

A positive-view documentary from Joao de Deus, called O Silencio é uma Prece (Silent is a Prayer), directed by Candé Salles, was released some months ago.

Another movie, this turn a dramaturgic biopic, is in a post-production and was temporarily suspended.

The technical staff, who requested the public coffers (based to Lei Rouanet's rules) an investment estimated about US$ 1 million, will review their screen, adding on it the sex assaults affairs.

The Public Ministry of Goias requested a preventive detention of Joao de Deus. The request was not worked, until the time this text was written.

The scandal is a great one associated to the spiritist brazilian movement.

But it was not the first. There's a lot of one.

Chico Xavier was targeted himself by a serious scandal associated to his fake mediunity, in 1944.

The Humberto de Campos' heirs, widow Catarina Vergolina de Campos and her sons, Humberto Filho, Henrique and Maria de Lourdes, sued Chico and FEB for their appropriation of the name of late brazilian writer.

The tendencious justice innocented Chico Xavier, despite the evidences that the style of the alleged spirit of Humberto is very different to his original style.

Chico was also involved by another scandals, including the materialization frauds leaded by trickster Otilia Diogo, in the mid-60s.

But Chico Xavier was always armoured by FEB and mainstrema media, which made a rhetoric campaign to make the alleged medium as a pretense "spirit of light" and "symbol of human love and dedication to the poor and the sick".

Chico Xavier's previous scandals will rise again, despite his 16 years of death.

That's the fear inside the Brazilian Spiritistm backstage, the scandals going to reach the sacred idols of this religion.

There's an effort to isolate Joao de Deus from the Brazilian Spiritism movement, if he would to be really condemned for sex harassment (although he's also a charlatan and investigated for illegal medicine exercises).

But new scandals would denunciate other alleged mediums, associated to fake literature, extremely conservative values and pretense philanthropy.

The major fear is a scandal reaching, although posthumously, Chico Xavier. But it is sure, unfortunately to his followers and supporters.

Heads will roll and tears will flood.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Forgiveness is not permissiveness

The worst problem of Brazilian Spiritism is that even the authentic followers of Allan Kardec are hostages of the deviators like Francisco Candido Xavier and Divaldo Pereira Franco.

The both, popularly known as Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco, always were the worst and worrisome deviators of the original spiritist teachings.

Their books, most of them allegedly attributed to dead authors' spirits, brought concepts and thoughts which antagonize severely the original lessons by kardecian literature.

Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco's books has content that is too next to medieval Catholicism's faith, including old-fashioned moralism.

They made serious damage for breaking the real comprehension to original spiritist ideas, using as the pretext the "salutary appreciation of the religious values of Christianism".

Ridiculous and stupid apologies like "let's listen the voice of our hearts", "the reason ignores the real vision of the heart" are very diffused in its speech.

It was so bad, so injurious, so harmful, but brazilian people accept it so comfortably.

Moreover, it makes an appearance of "love messages", "fraternal advices" and "peace appeals".

But it's so harmful in a very cruel way.

The kardecian literature went ahead to the logical comprehension of the spiritual nature, never under the empire of the faithful and emotional sights.

We say it because the fight of the Spiritist deviation would always fail in Brazil.

The deviation is fought, but the deviators don't. And it's a big mistake and makes Spiritism to be downgrated as a mystical mess.

In the mid 1970s, former Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), Antonio Wantuil de Freitas, who was the Chico Xavier's discoverer and his manager-like guardian, died. It was 1974 and Wantuil was retired four years before.

It resulted to a bigger crisis inside the Brazilian Spiritism movement.

Wantuil's heirs and the star-made "mediums" like Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco were involved by a serious conflict.

The authentic Allan Kardec's follower, researcher and translator, journalist Jose Herculano Pires (nephew of legendary folk storyteller Cornelio Pires) denunciated the plans to radicalize the deviation of original french Spiritism.

Between the several plans, it included a new deviator translation of Kardec's books, to the level next to Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's The Four Gospels book.

It made a scandal in a backstage of Brazilian Spiritism movement.

In 1969, when Wantuil announced his retirement from FEB, he was denunciated for gaining money by Chico Xavier's books, including the FEB's own translation to english language.

Chico Xavier always known about that and he accepted secretly this agreement, but he smartly reacted declaring to be "so much sad" with it.

The astute Chico Xavier made us to believe that his books rent is focused to "charity" and to "dedication to the poor".

But it doesn't. Brazilian Spiritism has so much darkful aspects that would be so shocking, behind the varnish of "simplicity", "humility" and "love feelings".

The scandal, however, resulted to nothing, when the tendentious agreement made the alleged mediums to be circumstantially by the authentic spiritists side.

The pretext is that the alleged mediums were "overly catholic" and they promised to help to rescue the original postulates of the french Spiritism.

Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco's promisses to "comprehend Allan Kardec so better" is in vain.

They became so overly catholic as before, sometimes more intensively.

The authentic spiritists accepted Chico and Divaldo, based on the worst idea of forgiving mistakes.

They believed about the pretext that the alleged mediums would only unite the original kardecian lessons with the brazilian concepts of divine faith, christian fraternity and charity works.

It was a biggest hoax and the original Spiritism was never recovered after de deviation.

By the other side, the deviation by Brazilian Spiritism, which reduced the kardecian legacy to a repaginated version of medieval Catholicism that reigned the Brazil's colonial times by jesuit works (including priest Manuel da Nobrega, laterly renamed Emmanuel), got to be so intensive.

Brazilian Spiritism is currently a confuse combo of old-fashioned moralism, esoteric beliefs and catholic-made concepts and rituals, being more mystical than logical.

It includes a lot of dishonest positions, made to forge the false impressions that Kardec's lessons were so "rigorously respected".

Brazilian Spiritism, in this way, became so dishonest, so mystical and so conservative.

Almost nobody in Brazil knows about the nature of seriousness about this deviation. It's horrible.

The major mistake made by authentic followers to Allan Kardec's original legacy is to confuse forgiveness to permissiveness.

To forgive is not the same to say "you made wrong, but you can go ahead with it".

Depending about the case, the forgiveness should result to ban someone to continue to work in an activity that he made disasters.

Forgiveness is a question of not having hate or rage about someone that made something so wrong.

But there's questions about responsibility and to forgive someone doesn't mean that his errors necessarily allowed him to go ahead.

The bad employee can be fired and it's not a question of hate, rage, revenge or lack of mercy.

If someone made something disastrous and wrong, that's right to ban him to continue working it.

It missed to the authentic spiritists to ban Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco for any appreciation and consideration, however too minimal.

Chico and Divaldo are the "internal enemies" of the original Spiritism, and this confirmation is not a question of hate, rage and lack of mercy.

Their books confirm it, with concepts and beilefs seriously opposites from kardecian's original lessons.

Brazilians must to stop their addicts to religious passions and other fantasies about faith and the apparatus of "beautiful vibrations" and "wonderful words".

Erastus wrote that we must to be severe to fight the Spiritism deviation, including banning the deviators to any kind of appreciation.

We can forgive the alleged mediums, but it doesn't mean to relativize their faults.

If the alleged mediums made serious errors, and they really made it, they must to be banned and rejected by the authentic spiritists, despite the "mediums" apparent appeals to "beauty", "love", "peace" and "fraternity".

We must to be patient. We don't think with heart, we have the brain to make this job. Stop the fantasy, let's face the reality.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Nonpartisan School and the conservative lessons of Emmanuel


Brazilian Spiritism is a very conservative religion.

Unfortunately, few people are not afraid to recognize it.

But the practice of the brazilian religion popularized by Francisco Candido Xavier reportedly distanced too long from the original Spiritism's instructions.

The main principles from Chico Xavier's legacy, based to Theology of Suffering and expressed by quotes like "suffer in silence, without complaining", are confirmedly conservative.

No relativism can prove the opposite. "Suffer in silence and not complain" is not a progressive concept.

The Brazil that made Chico Xavier the pretense saint, through the status of "spirit of light", is the same country that made Jair Bolsonaro a political leader.

The inclination of lost of brazilians to glorify arrivists is so worrisome and that's the heat of the moment increased by social media's addicted uses and the fake news wave in those digital spots.

Chico Xavier made fake literature, writing, under assistance of other writers from FEB staff, and he's glorified in the fake news strongholds in WhatsApp, Facebook, Youtube and other social media servers.

Chico Xavier's conservative ideas had clearly expressed by his own words in his books and on a famous interview at Pinga Fogo show aired by Tupi Television, in 1971.

Chico Xavier's mentor, jesuit priest Manuel da Nobrega, very known by the Brazil's colonial history and renamed Emmanuel, was also a very conservative educator.

Brazilian spiritists believe that Emmanuel is reincarnated in a younger boy probably born in the late 1990s, in the Sao Paulo's interior zones and became an aspiring educator.

The alleged Chico Xavier's prophecies mentioned that a great educator will rise to take brazilian people to develop fraternity and high religious values, being the reincarnated Emmanuel.

But it's a myth, and Emmanuel was a very conservative spirit, expressing sexist conceptions in the book O Consolador (The Comforter), published in 1941:

"The feminist ideology from the modern times, however, with several political and social flags, can be a poison to the woman unadvised about her great spiritual duties in the face of Earth. If there's an authentic feminism, it can be for the reeducation of woman to home, never for an counter-producted action out there. That's because the female problems can't be solved by the male codes, but only under the tender and divine light of the Gospel".

There's a concept appropriate to the machism, and it is enough to prove how conservative Emmanuel still means, centuries after his jesuit times in Brazil's colonial age.

But Emmanuel brought his homofobic sight, in other book, Vida e Sexo (Life and Sex), published in 1970, at the peak of the hippie movement and after Counterculture years:

"The man that abused from his genetical abilities, ruining other people's existances with the destruction of constructive marriages and several homes, is, in the various cases, inducted to take new position, at the physical rebirth, in a female shape body, learning, in a prison regiment, to readjust his own feelings, similarly happening to the woman who acted in the same way".

That's other homofobic way, and so very conservative because the idea of "prison regiment" is very punitive, nearly to the Jean-Baptiste Roustaing's ideas from The Four Gospels, primary source to Chico Xavier's books.

Chico Xavier said that the gay community (currently LGBTQ community) "deserves so much respect by society", but he treated the gay choice as a "spiritual disease".

It's not a generous demonstration of tolerance gave by Chico Xavier to the gay society, but a subtle demonstration of homophobia, expressed by his soft comments.

Emmanuel and Chico Xavier were associated to phrases that claimed to people "never questionate" and "never complain against misfortunes in life".

They should be, surely, against the discuss of gender ideology in the schools. Chico and Emmanuel consider that the Education is only to teach and learn to reading, writing, working a job and having a religious faith.

It says so much to the pedagogical project defended by Jair Bolsonaro, a former Army's captain who had the same conservative roots of Chico Xavier.

This project, called Escola Sem Partido (Nonpartisan School), was originally created by attorney Miguel Najib and supported by politician and evangelican pastor Magno Malta, Jair Bolsonaro's friend and follower.

The Nonpartisan School is considered a brazilian form of Macarthism, a campaign to denunciate alleged communists in the USA, leaded by Republican Party's senator, Joseph McCarthy.

Nonpartisan School is a pedagogical pattern that reduces the Education to a simplist process to teach to read, to write and to work, but not to think and discuss the reality issues in life.

In the same way, Nonpartisan School can only teach the Family conservative values, the same ones that we can see easily on Chico Xavier's books and testimonies.

Emmanuel anticipated the job reforms from Michel Temer and Jair Bolsonaro's governments ("reforma trabalhista"), recommending: "Don't complain, keep working and pray".

The Chico Xavier's mentor condemned the discuss about reality. His only principle is to work, to serve anyone by any condition - even if such conditions were largest journey of work under low remuneration - and the only solution to the sufferance is to pray in silence in a lonely place.

Jair Bolsonaro named the colombian-born teacher Ricardo Velez Rodriguez to be the minister of Education. Velez Rodriguez is committed to the Nonpartisan School's principles.

Velez Rodriguez worked in the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.

Juiz de Fora is the city that Bolsonaro was stabbed by a misterious opposite, during a walk campaign during the presidential run.

The Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) is known to have a Nucleus of Health and Spirituality, a spot of Chico Xavier's followers and pretense researchers about his activities.

In the approach to the "limit-date" of 2019, the pedagogical project predicted by Chico Xavier about Emmanuel's reincarnated mission is, surely, the Nonpartisan School.

The joint of conservative ideas of Bolsonaro and Xavier proves that the Brazilian Spiritism is very tuned to the far-right brazilian project, despite the ingenuous sights of left-wing activists about the alleged medium from Pedro Leopoldo and Uberaba cities.

Behind the comfortable myth of pretense pacifist and philanthropist, Chico Xavier always were the very conservative person, at a level of calm-minded verson to conservative thinker Olavo de Carvalho, who indicated Velez Rodriguez to be Bolsonaro's minister.

Chico Xavier was conservative by his social roots, his catholical (medieval) education, his family tradiction and other reasons. There's no reason to consider him a progressist personality.

Progressist people must to learn too much about Chico Xavier's conservative profile. It's shocking and not pleasant, but it's realistic and logical.